纪录片《野性北极Wildest Arctic》


Four years. Four programmes. One amazing series. Wildest Arctic explores four extraordinary areas of the arctic giving a unique insight into what life is like for animals trying to survive in these incredible habitats. The cameras capture life over the course of 12 months in the frozen forests of the Taiga, which contain one third of the world's trees. They also explore the arctic tundra, one of the coldest, driest places on the planet and home to hundreds of thousands of caribou. In later episodes, footage shows what life is like in the Arctic circle for the 'Ice Bears' and 'Ice Whales' and explores the country of Iceland; following the seasons and discovering the natural beauty of this country's rugged landscapes and hardy wildlife. 标题:最狂放的北极 发行时间:2012年 类型:纪录片 导演:艾伦Windemuth,维多利亚贵族 四年。四个方案。一个惊人的系列。最疯狂的北极探索北极到生命原来是这样的尝试在这些令人难以置信的栖息地生存的动物提供一个独特的见解非凡领域。超过12个月的过程中相机捕捉生活在大河冰冻森林,其中包含世界上的树木的三分之一。他们还探索北极苔原地区,最冷,最干旱的地方在这个星球上,成千上万的驯鹿之一。在以后的情节,画面显示,生活就像是在北极圈“雪熊”和“冰鲸”,并探讨了冰岛的国家;季节后,发现这个国家的崎岖的风景和顽强的野生动物的自然美景。 第一集:北冰洋 第二集:大雅 第三集:苔原 第四集:冰岛


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