纪录片《同志闺房.In Their Room: San Francisco/Berlin/London.2009/2011/2013》

In Their Room: San Francisco

In Their Room: San Francisco

USA, 2009, 20 Minute Running Time Genre/Subjects: Documentary, GLBT, Short Language: English Screens as part of the entire IN THEIR ROOM series on Saturday, July 20 at 2:15pm Digital presentation - In Their Room is about gay men, bedrooms, sex and intimacy. The film veers into the bedrooms of eight different men where you see them doing everything from the most banal to the most erotic. Complimenting the revealing nature of their everyday activities are confessional interviews about fantasies, turn ons and vulnerabilities. You never leave their bedrooms, but this is unmistakably San Francisco of the present.   In Their Room: Berlin

In Their Room: Berlin

USA, 2011, 61 Minute Running Time Genre/Subjects: Documentary, GLBT, Short Language: English, German English Sub-Titles Screens as part of the entire IN THEIR ROOM series on Saturday, July 20 at 2:15pm Digital presentation - Shot over the course of one day, Travis Mathews documents the sex lives of several gay men in Berlin, “some coupled, some single, some hooking up.” Through conversations with friends, lovers and tricks, Mathews documents various faces of gay intimacy through his sexy Berlin subjects.   In Their Room: London

In Their Room: London

USA, 2013, 32 Minute Running Time Genre/Subjects: Documentary, GLBT, Short Language: English, Italian Screens with INTERIOR. LEATHER BAR on Friday, July 19 at 7:30pm and as part of the whole IN THEIR ROOM series on Saturday, July 20 at 2:15pm Digital presentation - After the San Francisco and Berlin episodes of his In Their Room series about gay men and their bedrooms, in the third instalment Travis Mathews introduces a handful of gay men living in the UK capital. As they are getting ready for a casual hook-up, they open up about their expectations and share their innermost desires and thoughts on sex, romance and relationships. Mathews’s work benefits from his ability to strike a unique connection with his characters, who get comfortable with their physical as well as emotional nudity in front of the camera. With a tender insight and a striking eye for seemingly small but significant details, he sensitively compiles a mosaic of male sexuality, intimacy and vulnerability.
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