电影《Funny Or Die: iSteve - Steve Jobs Biography》

电影《Funny Or Die: iSteve - Steve Jobs Biography》


这部电影由曾经的苹果Mac vs. PC广告 人Justin Long 主演,剧情上有一点滑稽和讽刺艺术,这也是Funny or Die制作的制作的最长的一部影片了。 Starring Justin Long (Dodgeball, Jeepers Creepers) in the title role, "iSteve" is the longest Funny or Die project to date, and with a run time of nearly 80 minutes, comes very close to being a full-fledged feature. Alongside Long is Jorge Garcia (Lost) as Steve Wozniak, James Urbaniak playing Bill Gates and Michaela Watkins filling the role of Melinda Gates. Ryan Perez directs. While a parody, "iSteve" is the first film to take on the Apple cofounder's life story since his death in October 2011. An independent biopic featuring Ashton Kutcher, titled "Jobs," was screened at this year's Sundance Festival in January, but has yet to see a theatrical release. 豆瓣:


http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/d2e0f617e3/isteve 国内可能链接被重置~


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