探索频道纪录片《霍金的宏伟设计Stephen Hawking‘s Grand Design》


Stephen Hawking's: Grand Design Science Documentary hosted by Benedict Cumberbatch, published by Discovery Channel in 2012 - English narration Information ------------------------------ Stephen Hawking's: Grand Design In this remarkable new series 'Stephen Hawking's Grand Design' the world's most famous physicist attempts to unravel the truths behind humanity's most enduring questions: Did God Create the universe? What is the meaning of life? Why does the universe exist? Unfolding his personal, compelling vision of the universe, the eminent British cosmologist evaluates a variety of intricate ideas, from 'Intelligent Design' to the impact the search for the Higgs Boson particle at CERN could have on our understanding of the cosmos. Drawing on more than 40 years of his own research and a recent series of observations and theoretical breakthroughs, Hawking presents his original and controversial theories, applying current scientific understanding to these complex concepts. Combining cutting edge visuals with this witty and incisive world view discover how physics and cosmology are being used to tackle ideas that philosophers have struggled with for thousands of years 1) The Key to the Cosmos Hawking poses the ultimate of ultimate questions: Why does the universe exist and why does it follow rules and laws? What's the point of the enormous, endless cosmos, and why is it so perfectly tuned so as to allow life to exist? Get ready for a brain-expanding journey - from Newton's ground breaking discovery of gravity, through hidden extra dimensions to a muti-verse of billions more universes where anything and everything is possible. This is Hawking's legacy, a profound, beautiful and exciting story that will reveal the ultimate theory of physics, changing the way you think about the cosmos forever



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