

在埃及古蹟最高委員會秘書長札西哈瓦斯博士的帶領下,展開了調查之旅,穿越埃及地下巨型地窟,深入開羅博物館。研究小組運用了埃及王室製作木乃伊的知識,以及兩座已知與哈特謝普蘇特有關的陸墓中尋得的線索,將搜尋哈特謝普蘇特的範圍,從數千具 身份不明的屍體,縮小到最後的四具木乃伊。科學家利用電腦斷層掃瞄,將四具木乃伊身體的明顯特徵,與哈特謝普蘇特的已知親屬相比較,搜尋範圍進一步縮小到兩具木乃伊,且這兩具木乃伊皆來自哈特謝普蘇特奶媽的幕室;但最後一條線索出自一隻禮葬盒盒上刻有哈特謝普蘇特的名子,掃瞄結果發現盒內有一顆牙齒,經過測量,這顆牙齒完全吻合其中一具木乃伊掉落的上臼齒。『哈特謝普蘇特木乃伊是埃及最重大的發現之哈瓦斯博士表示。『他在位期間正值古埃及第十八王朝的強盛時期,但他卻不知何 故從埃及歷史上消失無蹤,我們希望這具木乃伊能夠解開這個謎團,並釐清他的死因』OMore powerful than Cleopatra or Nefertiti, Hatshepsut was once Egypt's greatest female ruler. In one of the strangest stories of ancient history, Queen Hatshepsut stole the throne from her young stepson, dressed herself as a man with a beard, and called herself pharaoh. Her power was absolute across Egypt... and then she vanished. Not only did she die mysteriously, someone systematically erased every sign of her existence: her name was chiseled from records, and her monuments were pulled down. Even her corpse is gone. For years, Egypt's pre-eminent archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, has been on the trail of this mystery. In what is the most important find in Egypt's Valley of the Kings since the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb, Secrets of Egypt's Lost Queen exclusively reveals archaeological, forensic and scientific evidence identifying a 3,500-year-old mummy as Hatshepsut, the queen who would be king of ancient Egypt


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