
社会科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 ???? 年出品,是 DC Globe Trekker 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:勇闖天涯
  • 英文片名 :Globe Trekker Season 11
  • 英文系列名:DC Globe Trekker
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 52 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :VHS / DVD
  • 发行时间 :????

Globe Trekker transports viewers to unforgettable destinations through its stunning photography and spirit of adventure. In each episode, we send our charismatic hosts Ian Wright, Justine Shapiro, Zay Harding, Megan McCormick, Brianna Barnes, Holly Morris, Judith Jones and more off the beaten path to soak up the local culture, sample the cuisine and revel in breathtaking vistas. Globe Trekker’s motto? “living as the locals do!”

Explore your favourite Globe Trekker episodes by using the drop down menu below to find out more about your favourite series or show.

Traveller Ian Wright takes us on a journey through England - the country where he was born – to neighbouring Wales. Ian learns much about the rich cultural heritage of this part of Great image: Ian Wright on the white cliffs of DoverBritain, visits some of the countries’ most beautiful spots and gets a good taste of British eccentricity along the way. Ian begins his trip atop the white cliffs of Dover - this stunning cliff face is the first glimpse of England for many visitors arriving from mainland Europe. It is also home to historic Dover Castle.

From Dover, Ian heads to Canterbury, world famous for its cathedral and still home today to the Head of the Church of England. Ian gets caught up in a re- enactment of one of England’s most brutal murders that took place there back in 1170; the assassination of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Ian then hitches a ride to Glastonbury, for the music festival that is one of the highlights of the English summer. Thousands of revellers come for the music, the dancing, the hippy vibes…and the mud! image: Hail St. Ian - Wrighty at Canterbury Cathedral, KentNext stop is Cornwall, the county that occupies the south western tip of England and is known for its stunning coastal walks, beaches and seafood. In the tiny fishing village of Port Isaac, Ian meets some Cornish singers who are fiercely proud of their heritage and, with the help of a couple of Cornish ladies, cooks up a giant version of the county’s most famous dish, the humble Cornish pasty. Ian finds himself transported to a tropical rainforest when he visits the Eden Project, the world’s largest greenhouse that houses over 5,000 different species of plant and is one of England’s most popular tourist attractions.

Taking the train along the south coast from Plymouth, Ian arrives in the great naval town of Portsmouth. He tours one of England’s most famous battleships, HMS Victory. It was from onboard this ship that Admiral Nelson led England to victory against the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. In the evening, Ian catches a spectacular celebration of the battle with flotillas and fireworks in the harbour.

image: HMS Victory battleship in PortsmouthIan travels onwards to Windsor and to one of the three official residences of the Queen, Windsor Castle. Over the bridge from Windsor is the town of Eton, famous for the poshest private school in the country, Eton College. The college was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI. Former pupils include 19 English Prime Ministers and, most recently, Princes William and Harry. Ian is introduced to the strange traditions of the school (a top hat and tails uniform, obscure slang and a kind of grand graffiti) by a former pupil.

Ian thinks he has stumbled across the perfect picture-postcard village when he arrives in Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds. He takes part in one of the oldest and strangest sporting events in the English calendar, the Cotswolds Olympics, and discovers that he’s never going to be a champion Ian dresses up in 15th century garb when he attends a jousting festival at Berkeley Castle. Donning chain mail, helmet, lance and shield, he gingerly mounts his horse to pitch battle against the Black Knight.

The Severn Bridge takes Ian from England to Wales, a country with just three million inhabitants but more castles per square mile than any other country. Ian hops aboard the picturesque Ffestiniog Railway and at the other end retires to a cosy pub for a quiet pint. He is surprised to discover everyone taking part in the pub quiz in a completely different language – Welsh! It doesn’t take Ian long, however, to learn to how to order another pint in the language! Ian also meets some of the finest male voice singers in the world. image: Snowdonia National Park, Wales Ian ends his journey in Snowdonia. He spends the night in the hotel where the Everest team stayed during their training in the Welsh mountains for their successful ascent of Everest in 1953. The next morning Ian heads off with a local guide to tackle the southern peak of the Snowdon Horseshoe. It’s a hard scramble to the top but the breathtaking and far-reaching views of the Welsh countryside to the coast are well worth the effort and are a fitting end to Ian’s adventure.

Traveller Justine Shapiro takes an exhilarating journey around the heartland of the United States, from skyscrapers, hip hop and gangsters in the city to breathtaking scenery, old traditions and adventure in the countryside.

Justine begins in Chicago, the home of the very first skyscraper. She finds an inventive mode of transport to take her to some of the city’s most impressive architecture – the zippy Segue scooter!

After a hearty Chicago speciality – a towering Italian beef sandwich – Justine hooks up with the ‘Untouchables’ tour to learn more about one of Chicago’s shady characters from the past, gangster Al Capone, and visits the site of the Valentine’s Day Massacre.

Justine heads out of town on one of America’s most iconic freeways - Route 66

  • in a stylish convertible. She stops off at Springfield, Illinois, for a meeting with another American icon from history, Abraham Lincoln!

Next stop for Justine is Berlin - a town in the Ohio countryside, home to members of the Amish community. These religious people aim to keep their lives devout and simple and so Justine at the tramcar cafe on Route 66shun modern conveniences, such as cars and electricity. Justine spends time with a family to learn more about their beliefs.

Justine takes a short flight to Detroit, where Motown music originated. Justine gets down to a different beat with some of the city’s youth, however - hip hop. The city also contains theHenry Ford Museum and Justine takes a look at the history of the automobile and takes a ride in an early Ford model.

Justine draws her journey to a close by enjoying the great outdoors – she heads for the shores of Lake Superior in Wisconsin. The world’s largest lake, it contains ten percent of the earth’s freshwater. After a rigorous swim, kayak and trek, Justine enjoys the day’s catch around the campfire. In her final destination, Deer River, Justine meets up with some living historians to experience what it would have been like for the first travellers from Europe settling by the Great Lakes, and takes time to reflect on her diverse adventures in the Midwest.

Traveller Justine Shapiro explores what is arguably the world’s most stunning city, Venice. Situated in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea off mainland Italy, this city built on water is a maze ofimage: Venice, Italy at dusk over 100 tiny islands linked together by a network of bridges.

The way to explore Venice is either by boat or on foot – there are no cars in the city. Justine hops aboard a public waterbus, or vaporetto, that takes her along the Grand Canal to her evening’s accommodation, an elegant palazzo with amazing views over the city. Justine begins her sight-seeing at the epicentre of Venice, St. Mark’s Square. Napoleon described it as the ‘the finest drawing room in Europe’ but Justine finds it full of tourists and pigeons today. She marvels at the basilica, and its ornate mosaics that tell of how daring Venetians stole St. Mark’s body from the Orient and brought it to the city for prestige and honour. As Justine leaves the main sights behind and explores Venice’s backstreets she finds that it’s all too easy to become lost in the labyrinthine alleyways, although she also discovers this is a perfect way to stumble upon hidden treasures.

image: The Venice Regatta, Grand CanalNo visit to Venice would be complete without a ride in a gondola; Justine gets a romantic ride and a cheeky insider’s view on the city from pin-up gondolier Gianbattista. Justine takes a ten-minute boat ride from Venice across the lagoon to the island of The Lido for some glamour. It is the setting for the annual Venice Film Festival and she lines up with other tourists along the red carpet hoping for a glimpse and a chat with some of Hollywood’s hottest stars. Next stop is Burano, a complete contrast to The Lido. This sleepy fishing village is famous for its brightly coloured houses and lace-making. Justine tries her hand at the intricate needlework with the help of an octogenarian islander.

Back in Venice, Justine mingles with young Venetians at a popular bar and tries the local seafood tapas before taking an unusual night tour with the romantic city’s most infamous loverimage: Row, row, row your boat: Justine Shapiro with Gianbattista the gondolierand libertine, Casanova. The following day, Justine heads to Doge’s Palace. This palace, resplendent in gold and sumptuous oil paintings, was the political heart of the Republic of Venice. It was home to the city’s elected leader, the Doge, and its Bridge of Sighs leads to the city’s incarcerated.

Venice’s unique status of being built on water also means that it faces a precarious future, as the city is regularly prone to flooding. Justine takes a boat ride with a local scientist who explains how heavy water traffic and industry are threatening the equilibrium of the lagoon, and what counter-steps are being taken. Back on a boat on the Grand Canal, Justine completes her Venetian adventure – by taking part in one of the city’s most colourful and joyful festivals – the annual Rowing Regatta. A flotilla of historic boats is followed by fast and furious racing to determine the city’s speediest gondoliers.

Traveller Megan McCormick takes a trip to the South East States of America. It’s a place where tobacco farms and cotton fields dot the countryside, and breathtaking views of Megan admires the view from McAfee’s Knobthe Appalachian Mountains provide a backdrop for the colonial houses of the cities.

Megan begins in historic Charleston, South Carolina. She stays in a typical colonial home before setting off to discover a local cotton plantation. After a hard day in the field, Megan can’t think of anything better than a spot of shagging. The Shag is the state dance, proudly performed at JB Pivots Beach Club.

After visiting a third generation tobacco farm in Staunton, Virginia, it’s off to the Virginia State Fair for some pig racing, fast food eating and a demolition derby.

Slowing down the pace, Megan heads off into the peace and solitude of the Appalachian Trail - a 2,160-mile trail that runs from Georgia, through fourteen states, ending in Maine. The Appalachian TrailShe hikes to McAfee’s Knob to enjoy an unforgettable view of the Virginia countryside. Switching gears, Megan rents a classic car and heads along Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park.

To experience the history of the area, Megan visits Stanardsville to see a Civil War battle re-enactment. On March 1st, 1864 General George Armstrong Custer and his men were burning and looting their way through Virginia. The Southern Confederate Cavalry caught up with them and waged the Battle of Stanardsville, ultimately forcing Custer and his men back to the North.

Fayetteville, West Virginia is home to the second highest bridge in America. Since 1980 Base jumpers have come from all over the USA to hurl themselves from its heights. Strange, but nothing compared to what’s awaiting Megan at Thistle Dew Farms. Here Megan sits back and enjoys the honey while others cover themselves in bee beard.

Megan interviews a base jumper in FayettevilleMegan makes the journey to Moundsville, home of the West Virginia State Penitentiary. She meets up with an ex-prison warden and contemplates spending a night behind bars, in the most original hotel in town.

From here, it’s on to Georgia. The town of Plain is home to ex-President Jimmy Carter and the Peanut Festival. After some baseball with President Carter, born-to-be-a-belle, Megan sets off to Savannah to test her etiquette as a debutante.

She ends her trip on the beaches of Tybee Island, where the locals come to wash away their sins.

Megan takes part in a Civil War re-enactmentMegan McCormick travels back in time to the heart of the American Civil War. Lasting 4 years, covering 27 states and costing the lives of 600,000 Americans, the war of 1861-1865 defined the course of American history.

First, Megan travels to South Carolina to explore the slavery plantations, before heading to Harpers Ferry in West Virginia, to find out more about the legendary John Brown.

She learns about Confederate Leader Jefferson Davis in Richmond before taking a tour of Abraham Lincoln’s house in Springfield, Illinois. Then it’s on to Fort Sumter and Charleston, where the Civil War began in earnest. Megan tries her hand at being a soldier for the day at a battle site in Manassas, Virginia.

In Gettysburg, there were 50,000 casualties after 3 days of battle. Megan visits the confederate base Farnsworth House, one of the most haunted properties in America – reportedly home to 14 different spirits!

A Civil War re-enactmentAt the Battle of Stanardsville, 35,000 Union and 90,000 Confederate soldiers died. Megan witnesses the re-enactment before joining the Civil War Ball.

The prison at Andersonville was a prisoner of war camp for Union Soldiers and is now infamous for its terrible conditions. At any given time there would have been upwards of 33,000 prisoners inside the walls. Megan sees first hand the kind of conditions that these POW’s had to endure.

Megan then heads to Cedar Creek to see the re-enactment of a crucial Union victory before travelling to Appomattox, where General Lee surrendered the war. She finishes her historical tour of the American Civil War by returning to Gettysburg for Remembrance Day.

Traveller Ian Wright sets off on a journey of contrasts, taking in Malacca, Penang, and the wilds of Borneo. Steeped in history and home to ancient tribes, flamboyant temples, manic street markets, and superb cuisine, Ian discovers the rich and colourful diversity of cosmopolitan Malaysia.


Ian contemplates Malacca on a trishawIan’s adventures begin at the ancient port of Malacca (known locally as “Melaka”), birthplace of Malaysia and one of the region’s top cultural heritage sites. Its rich and varied architecture bears witness to its former rulers – from crumbling old colonial mansions, beautiful Chinese shophouses, and the windmill on Dutch Square, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese and English colonists have all left their mark here. Ian decides to soak up the local culture with a trip around town in a trishaw, with its garish décor and cowboy driver, it’s loud, cheap and extremely cheerful!Malacca also happens to be the arm wrestling capital of Malaysia and Ian simply can’t resist signing himself up for the annual Arm Wrestling Championship. Naturally, he can’t say no when asked to challenge the reigning champion, a former Mr. Asia! Watch the show to find out who wins…


Next stop is the island of Penang, 4 miles off the west coast of Malaysia and home to one of the largest Chinese populations outside China. In Penang, Ian visits an old Baba Nonya house and marvels at the intricate design and amazing detail of the furnishings. The Babas were wealthy Chinese-Malays who prospered when the region began to flourish as a trading hub of the British Empire.

Penang is also the food capital of Malaysia – as Ian discovers on a tasty trip to one of the many night markets. The choice is incredible, with everything on offer from sumptuous satay sticks to flavoursome frogs legs porridge.

Ian’s journey continues north, across the Andaman Sea, to the unspoilt island paradise of Langkawi, where he goes in search of Mother Nature, accompanied by seasoned eco warrior, Irshad who takes him on a trip through the mangroves, explaining their importance to the environment along the way. They stop off to take a dip a a local waterhole and bump into Osthma the snake charmer, who just happens to have caught a King Cobra. Ian watches on in amazement as Osthma wrestles with the deadly reptile, which could either kill him outright or put him in serious coma for a couple of days.


From the beauty of Langkawi Ian heads across the South China Sea to the provinces of Sarawak and Saba on the Island of Borneo, a land of mystery and intrigue. Here he ventures deep into the rainforest to meet his hosts: an ancient head-hunting tribe, named the Ibans. Thankfully, the tribes people have long since given up head hunting but they still keep skulls to ward off evil spirits. The Ibans are a deeply spiritual people who live simple lives in communal houses that rest on stilts beside the river. During his stay, Ian gets to sample some tasty beetle maggots: “That’s disgusting, yeah, but it’s full of protein and that’s the main thing, hey!”. He also witnesses a Sandau Ari Festival which takes place when tribe members feel a pressing need for spiritual guidance. Help is at hand and the local Shaman is called in – a pig is selected and swiftly sacrificed. Ian looks on as the Shaman interpret’s the tribesman’s future fortunes by reading the dead pig’s liver. A rice wine drinking session ensues and Ian gets to party the night away.

Next day, Ian flies across to the east coast of Borneo to visit Nehru, the orangutan he has adopted at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, which helps rehabilitate orphans andOrangutan orphans in Sepilok return them to the wild. Orangutans are an endangered species so visiting them is a once in a life time opportunity. Ian meets up with the centre’s founder, Sue Sheward, a headstrong Brit dedicated to saving orangutans from extinction.

As Ian’s journey draws to an end, his biggest challenge yet lies ahead – a 2-day hike up Mount Kinabul, the tallest peak in south east Asia, known to the local population as the Revered Place of the Dead. The mountain is believed to be the sacred resting place of ancestral spirits and some locals still refuse to climb to the top, afraid of angering the spirits who dwell within. Ian braves the climb, and triumphantly reaches the summit, just as the sun begins to rise.

The Indian Ocean Islands, off the east coast of Africa, are a paradise on earth. With superb resorts, sun-kissed beaches, and sparkling turquoise seas – countless Africans, Indians,Ian Wright and Faizal Yakub on a big game fishing tripEuropeans, and even pirates, have all settled in this timeless, tropical location.

From horse racing to hedgehog hunting and swimming with whale sharks, to the sheer indulgence of 6-star luxury hotels, traveller Ian Wright samples slow- paced island life at its best with a whole lot of action thrown in!

Ian starts his trip in the Republic of Mauritius and the capital city Port- Louis, where he samples some delicious local fare at a street market and learns all about the Dodo in the place where these now extinct, flightless birds once made their home. Then it’s off to the Champ de Mars, the second oldest racecourse in the world, for ‘a flutter’ on the horses.

Ian and a giant tortoise on Moyenne Island, SeychellesNext stop is the Flacq region, where Ian stops off at the 6-star Touessrok Hotel to enjoy his racecourse winnings and indulge in a spot of pampering at one of the most luxurious hotels in the whole of the Indian Ocean.

Never one to miss a trend, Ian discovers a lot of couples get married in Mauritius, and… just happens to bump into a couple who not only plan to hold their wedding ceremony 20 feet under the sea, but also invite Ian to be their best man!

Leaving the underwater world behind, and the newly-weds to enjoy their honeymoon, Ian decides to get back to nature and go in for a spot of hedgehog hunting. He gets to tuck into his first tasty mouthful of a local delicacy called ‘tang’, otherwise known as hedgehog meat.

He also makes the acquaintance of a 90-year old giant tortoise, not to mention a whole bunch of hungry crocodiles. And, as if that wasn’t adventurous enough, he heads to Reunion, known as the ‘Island of Adventure’.

Ian takes to the hills to try his hand at canyoneering – an extreme adventure sport which involves abseiling, sliding, jumping, swimming and climbing down waterfalls and steep canyons. Then it’s time for a visit to one of the most active volcanoes on earth, Piton de la Fournaise.

The beach at La DigueThe next island Ian visits is Mahe in the Seychelles where big game fishing is big business. He sets off into the ocean with a group of locals in search of the perfect catch – they return to dry land, triumphant. After all the exuberance of the trip thus far, Ian makes off for for the tranquillity of idyllic La Digue, the most photographed beach in the world.

What could be better than sitting on a beautiful beach, we ask ourselves? Owning one? Or maybe owning a whole tropical island, just like Yorkshire man, Brendon Grimshaw, who gives us a guided tour of the one he bought over 30 years ago for only US$14,000. A bargain!

Last stop on the trip is another underwater adventure when Ian helps the local Marine Conservation Society seek out and tag whale sharks. Now under the watchful eye of a team of volunteers and marine biologists, these enormous animals are an endangered species. Ian spends a contented few hours splashing around with his new best friend, a seven metre long whale shark.

Whatever you’re looking for, whether it’s amazing marine life, spouting volcanoes, extreme adventure sports, luxurious relaxation, or picture postcard beaches – it’s all to be found in the Indian Ocean Islands. A real paradise on Earth.

Travellers Ian Wright and Zay Harding head out on individual expeditions to explore New Zealand and discover why its Maori name of “Aotearoa” - meaning “land of the long whiteA member of the Maori communitycloud” – describes these romantic islands so well.

New Zealand is a land of unspoilt landscapes and immense natural beauty, with amazing extremes of climate and terrain. From rainforest to reef, and glacier to volcano, Ian and Zay explore the four corners of the country, taking in its Maori cultural heritage, empty wilderness, and bustling cities where even the skyscrapers are home to some of the world’s most extreme sports.

Starting in Wellington on the North Island, Zay enters the mysterious world of Lord of The Rings and visits the film locations where this box office blockbuster was made. In this thinly populated region some 23,000 locals took part in the film and Zay gets to meet a couple of characters involved its making along the way. Meanwhile, Ian hitches a ride in a 1950s house truck and makes his way down to the hot springs and thermal wonderland of Rotorua.

New Zealand’s economy was built on the sheep’s back, and with ten times more sheep than people in this country, shearing is an important skill here. Not surprisingly, a sheep-shearing Zay on the Milford Trackcontest is on the agenda for Zay where he meets the Masterton reigning champion, as well as a veteran of the competition, who now owns a truly individual bed & breakfast nearby.

Ian is welcomed into a Maori community, where he gets to experience tribal customs and ancient traditions at first-hand. The Maoris first came to New Zealand around thousand years ago, travelling hundreds of miles from the Polynesian islands of the South Pacific in large canoes. Zay meanwhile attends a Maori regatta in Ngaruawahia and finds out how the art of canoe paddling has been passed down through the generations.

Ian moves on to Christchurch and indulges in a nice relaxing punt down the river, which brings memories of England flooding back.

Zay, stays firmly on dry land where he joins in challenging game of rugby with New Zealand’s national womens team: the formidable Black Ferns. After a thoroughly good slamming, heIan Wright admires the Fox Glacierjumps on the Tranz Alpine Train and travels across the Southern Alps to the Hokitika Wild Foods Festival where it looks like his tastebuds are in for a real treat! Lucky Zay gets to sample sautéed sheep’s testicles, steamed fish eyes, delicious huhu grubs, and some tasty tongue. He decides to beat a hasty retreat and heads on out into the wilderness of Lake Te Anau and the Milford Track. After a two-day trek through beautiful forests, stopping off to admire secluded waterfalls, and fast-flowing rivers, Zay ends up beside the serene waters of Milford Sound – a tranquil paradise.

Ian, meanwhile, is finishing up an intrepid trek of his own, heading out to the Fox Glacier, where he gets to marvel at some of the most stunning scenery New Zealand has to offer.

In this special edition of Globe Trekker, we delve into the multiculturalism of Chinatowns around the globe. From Hong Kong to Peru, every major city in the world has one -Justine Shapiro in Chinatown, San FranciscoChinatowns chart the history of this vast migratory community spreading their culture, food and heritage across the world.

Around 34 million Chinese live overseas – travellers Lavinia Tan, Megan McCormick and Justine Shapiro travel to Penang, Singapore, Lima, San Francisco, New York City, London and Hong Kong to explore the magic and mystery of Chinatowns around the world.

Penang has one of the largest Chinatowns in the world, and one of the oldest, with the first Chinese settling in the 1400s. Here Lavinia Tan discovers exquisite Chinese and Malay cuisine, visits a clan house and the homes of Chinese descendants on clan jetties in the fishing port. She also gets to experience the spectacle of the Hungry Ghost Festival.

In Singapore, Lavinia also learns about the Briton who transformed Singapore into a trading centre: Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. She also gets shown around an original shophouse where migrant workers had to live in incredibly cramped conditions.

Megan McCormick explores Chinatown, New YorkNext we follow the trail of the “coolie workers”. The coolies were Chinese labourers forced onto ships bound for cities across the world experiencing a lack of workers after the abolition of slavery. We then head down to Chinatown in Lima, Peru where Chinese and Latin American cultures have truly become one.

Following the Gold Rush of the 1940s, and escaping the famine and political situation in their home country, Chinese people travelled across the world to settle in San Francisco, where many worked on the transcontinental railway. Justine Shapiro visits the small town of Locke, on the banks of the Californian River Delta, which is the only town in the entire USA built and solely inhabited by the Chinese. Back in the city, Justine is given a tour of Chinatown and visits a fortune cookie factory where she discovers the true origin of the Chinese fortune cookie is in fact San Francisco!

To escape racism in the east, many Chinese settlers headed along to New York City, and created the biggest Chinatown in the western world. Megan McCormick visits the Museum of the Chinese in the Americas, samples the culinary treats of the area and meets Chinese veterans of World War II who fought alongside the U.S. against Japan, a factor which helped the Chinese migrant community gain respect and acceptance in the USA.

Lavinia Tan in Hong KongNext, Lavinia Tan visits Hong Kong’s Soho district where she meets stars of the city’s thriving film industry and a native Chinese businessman returning to his homeland after many years of living in Canada.

Lavinia continues her journey to London, England where she discovers a melting pot of cultures. Here the Chinese opened businesses in the sleazy Soho area just after the Second World War when rents were cheap and returning servicemen were eager to find the more exotic foods they’d sampled whilst fighting abroad.

Chinatowns are an amazing testament to the courage and resilience of the Chinese – these pockets of China around the world bear witness to both the strength and of their culture and the sheer determination of their communities.

Filmed in June 2006, 2 weeks before the latest outbreak of conflict in the Middle East, Megan McCormick travels to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. It is a city with a long history of Megan in Lebanonpolitical and social unrest, but retains an atmosphere of optimism and hope for the future.

Megan finds a warm welcome at her traveller’s hostel, before heading out in search of a decent falafel. After lunch Megan gets a briefing on the current political landscape and history of Lebanon from the editor of a national Lebanese newspaper. They visit a few of the city’s key areas, where fighting during the civil war took place, but keep a safe distance from the volatile southern suburbs.

The future of Beirut rests with the young. After learning about the past and the present, Megan meets up with a group of young rap artists, eager to live in peace and move forward in the future.

Leaving the city, Megan takes a day trip to the fishing village of Byblos. She visits the souk, and finds an amazing collection of fossils. She decides to head inKhanito the belly dancerto the hills to uncover some of her own. In time, Megan travels back to Beirut via Jeita Grotto, a beautiful series of underground caves and lakes.

Again in Beirut, Megan tries to master the art of Belly Dancing with the legendary teacher Khanito. Megan finishes her trek with a trip to the beach, having discovered Beirut to be a welcoming city, providing her a fulfilling and fascinating journey.

To finish the episode, we take look back at Beirut 10 years ago, when Globe Trekker visited the city just after the civil war had ended. Merrilees Parker visits Tripoli, the Bekaa Valley and the ancient ruins at Baalbek, meanwhile Ian Wright takes a trip down to Damascus.

Globe Trekker travellers Ian Wright, Megan McCormick, Jonathan Atherton, and Justine Shapiro travel the length and breadth of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Irelandimage: Justine takes part in a 1066 Battle of Hastings re- enactment to experience the best of the countries’ heritage, history, nature, festivals, food and drink and eccentric traditions! Our team start off by looking at the monarchy in different periods of England’s history; Ian visits Windsor Castle whilst Jonathan learns about the bloody and gory past of the Tower of London. Next Ian learns about aristocratic schooling at Eton - England’s poshest school and Princes William and Harry’s alma mater – while Justine meets the eccentric Marquis of Bath at his grand residence, Longleat House.

Justine then travels to one of the oldest and most remarkable landmarks in England, Stonehenge. Dating back 5,000 years no-one knows how or why this giant stone formation was created. What is indisputable is that it is awe inspiring! She also visits a re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings in 1066, one of the most defining moments of English history when the French were victorious over the English. Meanwhile, Ian takes part in a re-enactment of a different sort -image: Stonehenge, Wiltshire, Englandmedieval jousting – before checking out Canterbury Cathedral, the site of the bloody murder of Thomas Beckett.

Megan and Justine catch one of England’s most celebrated festivals, Bonfire Night, when Guy Fawkes’ unsuccessful gunpowder plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament is remembered. Ian witnesses spectacular fireworks and a flotilla of ships in Portsmouth on England’s south coast as a celebration of Nelson’s victory over the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

England’s expansion of the Empire during the reign of Queen Victoria in the 19th century opened the way for a Multicultural Britain. Our travellers explore the diverse ethnicity of Britain today – Jonathan visits the East End of London known for its Bengali community and Brixton‘s image: HMS Victory battleship in Portsmouthbustling Caribbean-influenced streets whilst Megan checks out a Hindu temple in the North of the capital and joins in the fun at the world famous Notting Hill Carnival in London before heading up to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival. Meanwhile Ian parties in the mud at the biggest music festival in England - Glastonbury.

Ian thinks he has stumbled across the perfect picture-postcard village when he arrives in Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds. He takes part in one of the oldest and strangest sporting events in the English calendar, the Cotswolds Olympics, and discovers that he’s never going to be a champion ‘shin kicker’!

Ian dresses up in 15th century garb when he attends a jousting festival at Berkeley Castle. Donning chain mail, helmet, lance and shield, he gingerly mounts his horse to pitch battle against the Black Knight.

image: Snowdonia National Park, WalesOur travellers give tips on the best ways of getting around; from London’s black cabs and underground tube to cycling in Northern Ireland and riding aboard an historic steam train in Scotland. Although the United Kingdom doesn’t hold the best reputation for food, our travellers tuck in to all manner of delightful and doubtful food, from the cooked English breakfast to deep fried chocolate bars, jellied eels and Cornish pasties.

Strange sports are sampled, from dog racing in East London to grand horse racing at Ascot, bizarre road bowling in Northern Ireland and the Highland Games in Scotland.

Our travellers complete their journeys by taking in some of the UK’s most stunning vistas, from atop the Scottish Highlands, Northern Ireland’s Giants Causeway and Wales’ Snowdonia.

When you’re travelling, there’s nothing like coming across a great festival. Walking the streets amongst one of the world’s greatest parties is a priceless part of seeing the world. In New Year Festival, Balithis third instalment of Globe Trekker’s Great Festivals we’ll take a look back at some of the best ones we’ve comes across, and count down the world’s finest.

Many of the world’s great festivals coincide with the changing of the season. Ancient cultures set their clocks to the calendar’s quarters. Chinese New Year falls on the first day of the lunar new year and Justine Shapiro is in Taiwan to catch the highlights of this 15-day celebration.

Zay Harding is in New Zealand where many of the major festivals fall on the first day of spring. In a place where sheep outnumber people, it’s only appropriate that the Sheep Shearing Contest held as part of the festivities is considered the world’s most prestigious. The Strange Foods festival in the New Zealand countryside celebrates the eccentric cuisine of the west coast.

The strange is celebrated throughout the world. In Finland the Wife-Carrying Competition is a calendar highlight, and Ian Wright discovers the annual Calcio Stone match in Florence. They say it’s a football match, but seems more an opportunity to pummel your neighbour.Zay meets sheep in New ZealandEngland is no stranger to the, well, to the strange, and the annual Shin-Kicking Competition is matched only by the Birdman Contest, held every year at the end of a pier.

In Northern Russia they celebrate the end of perpetual darkness, in Ghana they celebrate the coming of spring by catching a deer with their bare hands. Ian Wright is at Glastonbury looking for something a little more familiar, and Zay ends up in Calgary for the annual Stampede, the world’s biggest rodeo.

And the fun doesn’t stop there. Our presenters scour the globe and put together their top tips on the world’s best 5 festivals for you to choose from.

Take a culinary trip around the globe with 7 of your favourite Globe Trekker hosts toHedgehogs for supper, arghhh! sample the very best and very worst food on offer to the intrepid traveller.

Ian Wright and the rest of the Globe Trekker crew travel from the saké bars of Tokyo to the rainforests of Cameroonand the colourful conch-catching Isles of the Caribbean. Requiring a daring character and a strong stomach, they’ll show you the most diverse dishes on the planet.

Find out where to go in the world for the best breakfast, how to find a tasty roadside snack in Moscow, or where to find pizza with added kick in Cambodia. Meanwhile there’s always bat soup and bat’s bloodfor breakfast to get kick- start the day.

Yummy pasta from ItalyTry a low cholesterol camel burger in Morocco or catch a hedgehog in the Indian Ocean Islands. In Cameroon, travellers have to work for their meals, building shrimp dams before dinner.

Tasty termites in South Africa and surprisingly appetising jungle rats in Ghana, all washed down with a nutritious fruit smoothie in Venezuela, complete with the added protein of fish eggs and bull’s eyes.

In Nepal, tea is made with butter to give added sustenance, and Ian samples one of the oldest alcoholic drinks in the world -fermented date palm sap in Tunisia. Justine Shapiro makes pasta in Italy, while Megan McCormick gets a raw deal in Vietnam when she’s served pork uterus and genitalia.

Not so yummy frogs from China!To round off the programme we see the top 5 worst foods in the world, coming from as far a field as Indonesia and Glasgow. Would you eat a fried Mars bar or drink a shot of alcohol served with a human toe? Would we? Find out.



内容 社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 旅游
史地类 地理 亚洲 东南亚
  • 暫無

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC Globe Trekker Category:???? Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.222 东南亚 Category:6.2226 印度尼西亚 Category:6.2227 马来西亚 Category:6.224 西亚 Category:6.2249 西亚其它国家 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2353 意大利 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.262 新西兰 Category:缺图片 Category:缺翻译