
社会科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 ???? 年出品,是 DC Globe Trekker 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:勇闖天涯
  • 英文片名 :Globe Trekker Season 7
  • 英文系列名:DC Globe Trekker
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 52 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :VHS / DVD
  • 发行时间 :????

Globe Trekker transports viewers to unforgettable destinations through its stunning photography and spirit of adventure. In each episode, we send our charismatic hosts Ian Wright, Justine Shapiro, Zay Harding, Megan McCormick, Brianna Barnes, Holly Morris, Judith Jones and more off the beaten path to soak up the local culture, sample the cuisine and revel in breathtaking vistas. Globe Trekker’s motto? “living as the locals do!”

Explore your favourite Globe Trekker episodes by using the drop down menu below to find out more about your favourite series or show.

Megan McCormick travels to Queensland, Australia’s second largest state whose 3000 mile coastline borders the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest living organism. She begins her Megan McCormickjourney at Surfers’ Paradise on the Gold Coast. Surfers were originally attracted by the beautiful deserted beaches and gigantic waves, but unfortunately they were followed by the big developers eager to exploit 70 kilometres of idyllic coastline.

From here, Megan heads north by bus to Noosa – another surfers’ mecca but one which has avoided the scourge of the developers. It’s also renowned for it’s fabulous cuisine, and Megan meets a local chef called Gary Flynn, who combines produce form Queensland with Thai food to make innovative dishes unique to Noosa. She then continues her journey along the Bruce Highway to Harvey Bay, from where she catches the ferry to Fraser Island.

Fraser Island is the world’s largest sandbar. There are about 70 fresh water lakes on the island, which are the only place you can go swimming, as the sea has strong currents and is infested with tiger sharks. Fraser is also home to a great deal of wildlife. Megan takes a 4WD tour of the island with a ranger, and catches sight of a group of dingoes, which roam free on the island.

It’s a 10 hour drive from Fraser Island to Airlie Beach and the Whitsunday Islands, known as ‘the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef’. Megan spends 2 days on board the Matador, an 80 ft long yacht which holds up to 20 passengers and 4 crew. She then goes diving in Blue Pearl Bay on Hayman Island, where the coral is beautiful and varied. It isn’t deeper than 30ft and there are hundreds of very friendly Sergeant Major Fish. One of the hidden dangers of north Queensland are the crocodiles which lurk in rivers and creeks. Megan meets the Barefooted Bushman, a local man who has lived with the crocodiles for 26 years, and he teaches her how to ensure you don’t loose a limb if you should encounter one.

Mimage; Bikini Meter Maids at Surfer’s Paradise on Queensland’s Gold Coast egan heads north to the Magnetic Islands. The islands are so called because when Captain Cook sailed by his compass went crazy and he blamed it on magnetic fields that he believed were in the granite rocks. Here, she goes diving on the wreck of the Yongola, a passenger and general cargo ship that was hit by a cyclone in 1911, sending all 121 passengers and crew to a watery grave. Over the years the coral has grown and totally covered the ship. It has become home to an array of flora and fauna.

After arriving in Cairns, Megan hooks up with a marine biologist who teaches her all about coral. The Great Barrier reef is actually a huge living organism, and each piece of colourful coral is in fact a tiny animal also known as a polyp. The reef is now a marine park and activities are strictly controlled to protect it from pollution or damage. Nonetheless, many people come to Cairns for the fantastic diving on the outer reef, and Megan’s no exception.

From Cairns Megan flies to the northern most tip of Australia to Thursday Island, the capital of the Torres Strait islands. For nearly a hundred years Thursday Island was the centre of the Japanese pearl trade, and a great many divers lost their lives seeking pearls here. Megan meets the last surviving diver, and learns a little about how oysters produce these precious gems.

Megan travels back onto the mainland of the Cape York Peninsula, where she joins a hunt for wild boar. Over 200 years ago, Captain Cook let pigs loose on the mainland and islands so that shipwrecked sailors would not starve. Generations later, the pigs have become wild boar that roam the land killing and eating the indigenous creatures & nowadays they are hunted to keep their numbers down.

The final leg of her journey takes Megan back out to the Great Barrier Reef. She flies to Lizard Island, a luxury resort close to one of the reef’s most amazing dive sites, the Cod Hole. It’s a fantastic dive experience with which to end her trip to Queensland, on the very top tip of the continent of Australia.

Just south of the Caucasus mountains are two countries where many cultures have clashed for thousands and thousands of years. Formally part of the Soviet Union but independent since 1991, Georgia and Armenia are situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

Ian Wright begins his journey in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. It’s one of the oldest cities in the world dating back over 2300 years but hardly any architecture survives from before the 20th century. Most of the buildings were erected during Soviet times. Ian explores the flea markets in town, and catches his first clear view of Mount Ararat, the mountain where Noah’s Ark is said to have come to rest.En route to Lake Sevan Ian stops off at Gerhard Church. Gerhad means ‘spear’, and it is believed that the spear from Christ’s crucifixion was brought here. The church dates form the first century AD, and the dome, arches, alters and ornaments are all cut from solid rock in order to deter invaders. Finally Ian reaches Lake Sivan, which was once a favourite destination with tourists from the Soviet Union, but he discovers that these days most of the hotels close down for the summer.

Before leaving Armenia, Ian visits the country’s important monument – the genocide memorial. Armenians flock from far and wide to this place on the hill overlooking Yerevan, in the shadow of Mount Ararat. The monument commemorates the massacre of more than a million Armenians by the Turks in 1915.Ian continues his journey by bus into Georgia. He arrives in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, and hooks up with an arts teacher who guides him around the many poignant reminders of Georgia’s turbulent past. The old part of the city dates from the 4th century, and It is because it has been invaded so many times there’s many different religious ethnic groups living side by side.The name tbilisi means ‘warm water’, and in the middle of the city there’s a number of sulphur pools where locals and visitors alike can relax and enjoy a massage. Finally it’s time to leave town, and Ian travels by train up into the Caucasus Mountains, via the seaside resort of Batumi.Ushguli is the highest constantly occupied village in Europe. It is fortified by 20 defence towers reputed to be so strong that they have withstood all kinds of disasters, including avalanches. It is said that the reason for this is that eggs were used as part of the cement in the building of the towers. Ian is invited to join a local family for a meal, an important ritual that binds together life in the mountains. The Georgian roots of song and dance are deeply imbedded in the culture of Svaneti, and the evening proves to be a lively affair.

On his way down the mountain, Ian stops off in Mestia, and the carved city of Vardzia. Vardzia was build at the end of the 12th century by Kind George III, who was concerned about the threat of Turkish invasion. Whole communities inhabited the vast network of caves, which were decorated by giant frescoes, until the end of the 13th century, when the complex was destroyed by a massive earthquake.Ian also pays a visit to Gori, a town which still worships a person whose memory the rest of the country has tried to eradicate: Joseph Stalin. Remembered by some as the most influential leader of the 20th century, but my others as a bloodthirsty mass-murdering tyrant, Stalin was born in Gori in 1879.

The last leg of his journey takes Ian to Mount Kazbek, a long extinct volcano which, at 16,500 ft, is the highest peak in the eastern Caucasus. He flies by helicopter to base camp at 12,000 feet, where he hooks up with his guides and starts his trek. After two days steady climbing the group prepares for an early morning assault on the summit, but because of extreme weather conditions it’s too dangerous to continue, and the group settle for a smaller peak instead. Nonetheless, it’s an unbelievable end to Ian’s extraordinary journey through Georgia and Armenia.

Scattered around the blue waters of the Ionian and the Aegean Seas, the Greek Islands are one of Europe’s favourite holiday destinations.

Megan McCormick in the Greek IslandsMegan McCormick begins her journey with a boat trip to the island of Hydra, where the annual Miaoulia Festival is taking place. The festival, which takes place in June, celebrates the fight for Greek independence from Turkey around 1800. The islanders dress up in period costume and they re-enact the events of a glorious sea-battle, when they wreaked havoc by sending small rowing boats packed with explosives amongst the Turkish battle ships. After the explosions have died down, the dancing continues throughout the night.

From Hydra Megan journeys to Patmos, one of the Dodecanese Islands close to Turkey. Patmos is seen as a sacred place to many Christians, and is the only place in Europe where God was said to have appeared on earth. St John was exiled here in 95AD and heard the voice which prompted him to write the Book of Revelations. The cave that was his home is now the focal point for pilgrims, and there has been a monastery on Patmos since 1088. The monks have always been influential in the running of the island and consequently it has remained very peaceful and laid back. Octopus is a favourite dish on Patmos, and Megan joins a local fisherman who sells his catch to local restaurants. That evening she samples the different ways in which the dishes are prepared.

Megan retraces her steps back to Athens, then boards a boat for Mykonos from the port at Piraeus. Mykonos has a reputation for being glamorous and expensive, and people come here Mykonos sunsetfor the wild night life and the beaches. Nonetheless, Megan hires a motorbike and discovers an isolated spot on the north coast of the island. She heads back into town for the evening, and samples the relentless nightlife.

Next morning, Megan takes a 20 minute boat trip to nearby Delos. The birthplace of the god Apollo, the tiny island was a sacred site but soon became a wealthy, independent free port. The site at Delos dates back 5000 years, and although only a third of the island has been excavated, it’s one of the most important archaeological areas in the whole of Greece.

From here, Megan continues her voyage to the island of Santorini, another archaeological gem. Around 1650 BC one of the largest volcanic eruptions ever took place on this island. Magma shot up 22 miles into the sky and it created a tidal wave that went all the way to Israel. The ancient Minoan city of Akrotiri was buried under 120 feet of ash and archaeologists are continually making new discoveries.

Next stop is Crete, the largest of the Greek Islands which even in antiquity developed an independent culture of its own. Megan canoes up the coast to the former leper colony at Spinalonga, then continues to the former Venetian enclaves of Souda Bay and Hania, where she visits the war cemetery, final resting place of many of the victims who fell during the 1931 invasion by the Turks.

One of the high-lights of a trip to Crete is hiking the Samaria Gorge. It’s the largest gorge in Europe and during the summer months several thousand people make the hike each day. The Windmills, Mykonosgorge gets its name from the Church of St. Maria or Samaria which was at the centre of the village which was abandoned when the gorge became a National Park in 1962.

The last place Megan visits is the tiny island ofGavdos. Located about 50 miles south of Crete, Gavdos is the most southerly landmass in Europe and only 250 miles from Libya. Legend has it that this is where Odysseus was shipwrecked and spent 7 years under the spell of the beautiful Calypso, who fed him on aphrodisiac berries that you can still find all over the island. Megan ends her Greek island-hopping experience on the stunning beach at Agios Yannis.

California is the richest and most populated state in the US and is situated on the West Coast. Justine begins her journey in the Joshua Tree National Park – 800,000 acres of desert, Justine in Californiawhich receives just 3 to 5 inches of rainwater a year. It’s a surreal experience, and Justine’s guide introduces her to several colourful local characters.

Next stop is Palm Springs, an artificial oasis in the middle of the desert and playground to the stars and idols of Hollywood’s golden era. She stays in a hotel which has been frequented by stars throughout the years, and meets the manager of The Raquet Club, where Marilyn Monroe was discovered. Just outside Palm Springs is a natural wind tunnel where 2 long mountain ranges on each side of the valley floor concentrate the breeze from the coast. Wind power is big business in California, and 3500 wind turbines generate enough energy for 2000 homes.

A 3 hour bus journey from Palm Springs takes Justine to the notorious City of Angels, Los Angeles. LA is a massive city which sprawls over 1000 square miles. Justine hires a car and cruises Hollywood, home of the movie industry, in search of the stars. Fame and fortune proves elusive, however, and she decides to explore the seedier East Side in the company of a couple of LAPD officers.

One of the great attractions of Los Angeles is the spectacular Pacific coastline. Year round good weather means that Santa Monica sees up to 3 million Angelinos annually, just enjoying the sun, working out, or showing off their bodies. Here Justine meets a skating champion and in-line teacher to the stars.

Leaving LA behind, Justine heads up the coast to Hearst Castle. In the 1920′s William Randolf Hearst built this sumptuous castle that is part art gallery, part historic home and part national monument. It’s claimed that Orson Wells based his film ‘Citizen Kane’ on Hearst’s extraordinary life. From here, Justine journeys to Big Sur, an area that has inspired artists, writers and poets, like Jack Kerouac and Henry Miller and is still an attraction for those who seek to find themselves. Artists have called this place of outstanding natural beauty ‘the greatest meeting of land and water in the world.’

Megan McCormick explores Scotland, the land of untamed highlands, windswept islands, spectacular locks, glens and intriguing cities which has struggled for self-determination for Megan learns to play the bagpipesmore than a millennium. During the course of her journey she meets a cast of hardy inhabitants and experiences the vibrant culture of a land which is completely distinct from the rest of the British Isles.

She begins her journey in Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, where she visits some of the city’s cultural attractions, including the Macintosh Museum which is dedicated to Scotland’s most celebrated architect and designer Charles Renny Macintosh. She also takes a lesson in playing the bagpipes, the traditional Scottish instrument which was invented by young shepherd boys in the highlands.

Scotland had always had a stormy relationship with England, known as ‘The Old Enemy’. Scotland’s national hero is William Wallace, who led successful guerrilla campaigns against the English in the late 13th century. The story of his victories and eventual betrayal became famous the world over when the ‘Braveheart’ movie starring Mel Gibson was made. Megan travels to Stirling, the sight of one of William Wallace’s most famous victories, where a re- enactment of the battle and a Braveheart Banquet is taking place.

From Stirling Megan heads to the Hebrides to explore the island of Islay. Islay’s main industry is the distillation of whiskey and she takes a tour of the Ardberg distillery, one of the best in all Sunset over the coast of Scotlandof Scotland. Megan also meets musician Fiona Middleton who first came to Islay in 1976 and is known all over the island for playing her violin to the seal population.

Megan continues her journey to the mountainous region of Oben on the west coast of the mainland. She sets out on a mission to climb Ben Truerton, the biggest hill in the Campbellarea and one of the 284 mountains in Scotland over 3,000 feet. Known as ‘munroes’, the feat of conquering these admirable peaks is known as ‘munroe-bagging’, and her companion Charlie has bagged ‘em all – twice over!

The West Highland railway runs from Glasgow via Fort William to Mallaig and is one of the most scenic train journeys in the world. From Mallaig Megan takes a ferry to the Isle of Skye, a rugged island known for its castles, mountains and changeable weather. She takes a boat trip with a local fisherman who pulls mussels off the pillars of Skye bridge and cooks up a lunch time sea-food feast for tourists on his boat.

After hitching a ride with the local postman to Loch Dunvegan, the oldest inhabited castle in Britain where the McCloud clan have lived for 700 years, it’s time for Megan to bid farewell toMegan on the roadSkye. She teams up with a tour company that takes travellers all over the highlands in a converted bus – the very vehicle in which Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath used to tour. First stop is the Battlefield of Culloden, where the last battle ever to be fought on British soil took place in 1746. In just 45 minutes 1,500 highlanders, led by Bonnie Prince Charlie, were slaughtered by the troops of the Duke of Cumberland. The English leader earned the nickname ‘Butcher Cumberland’ for his brutal treatment of the defeated Scottish forces.

Britain’s biggest lake and legendary home of ‘Nessie’ lies just 6 miles west of Culloden. The first sightings of a gigantic monster living in Loch Ness occurred in the 6th century AD. Since then tourists have travelled here in the hope of sighting the beast. Megan meets some local characters who have given up comfortable jobs and home lives to pursue the myth of the Loch Ness Monster.

Megan travels to Strathdon for the Clanloddoch Highland games. The games are an ancient tradition held all over the highlands, and were originally used as a test of skill and strength when recruiting clan warriors. She witnesses a range of events, from putting the stones, to throwing the hammers and tossing the caber, then tests her strength in the tug of war.

Next port of call is the Orkneys, 70 or so islands off the north tip of mainland Scotland. The ancient landscape richly strewn with stone circles and burial chambers and Megan visits Skara Brae, Northern Europe’s best preserved prehistoric village. She also witnesses an Orkadian wedding tradition, where the bride and groom are pelted with a mixture of yoghurt, eggs, ironbrew, molasses and sand, known as blackening. Blackenings have been happening inScotland for centuries, but the origins of the practise are steeped in mystery.

Megan at the Clanloddoch Highland GamesSt. Andrews is the home of golf, one of the world’s most popular sports which was actually invented in Scotland over 500 years ago. The club has 6 courses, the most famous being the old course. To play on it you have to enter a ballot and just hope that your name is drawn – and fortunately for Megan, hers is!

After a few rounds is time to embark on the last leg of her journey: to Edinburgh, the Capital of Scotland. She times her visit to co-incide with the Edinburgh Festival, an annual cultural extravaganza of dance, theatre, art and music. The population of the city doubles for the festival during the months of August to September and events take place all over the city. Megan spends her final evening in Scotland at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, a display of military musical prowess from the finest bands of the British Commonwealth.

Germany only became a country in 1871, yet no nation has had a greater impact on the face of Europe. Justine Shapiro sets out on a journey to look beyond the stereotypes and seek out the Justine at The East Side Gallery - one of the last remaining sections of the Berlin Wall real Germany.

She begins her journey in Berlin. After World War II Germany was divided into two countries: the Communist DDR in the East and the Federal Republic in the West. The most potent symbol of that division was the Berlin Wall which, until re-unification in 1989, ran right through the city. Justine sees one of the last remaining sections of wall known as the East Side Gallery. The paintings daubed onto the wall are the work of artists from all over the world.

The centre of Berlin is dotted with 19th century architecture easily toured on foot. What’s more since the capital of Germany was moved from Berlin to Bonn in the 1990s, Berlin has embarked on an expensive building programme which is slowly but surely transforming the city into a European capital fit for the 21st century. That evening Justine witnesses a bizarre event when a convoy of old Trabi cars pitches up in front of a statue of Lenin to ask his permission to party – it’s a symptom of a kind of nostalgia for the times before reunification, known as ‘ostalgie‘.

Justine hitches a ride in a hydrogen driven car Niebull, from where she continues to the island of Sylt, a vast sandbar that juts out into the North Sea. Incredible beaches and spas have made it a popular retreat for Germany’s rich and famous but it’s main claim to fame is as the German birthplace of modern nudism in the 1920s. Justine strips off and joins the naturists hanging out on the beach.

From Sylt Justine heads south to Hamburg, into the fertile farmland around the village ofLangeloh. She spends the night in a ‘hay hotel’, farm accommodation where you literally sleep on a bed of hay Next morning she catches the Intercity express to the city of Nuremberg.

Most people associate Nuremberg with the massive rallies that took place here during the Nazi era and, after the war, the Nuremberg Trials when senior Nazi officials were tried and Serving Wench: Justine finds work as a barmaid at Oktoberfest in Munich convicted. Hitler chose this city as the site of his rallies because he wanted to be associated with the city’s grand history – as long ago as the 15th century the city was a powerful symbol of German national identity, a magnificent city where emperors and princes met to administer their empire.

Justine continues south to the beautiful medieval town of Ingolstadt. It was here that the German beer purity laws were issued in 1516, stating all beer had to have certain ingredients. It was the setting of Mary Shelley’s Gothic fiction ‘Frankenstein’. Justine joins a horror tour show on which she learns a little about the history of the town and the story of Doctor Frankenstein, performed by a convincing troupe of actors.

Oktoberfest takes place every year in the Bavarian state capital of Munich. Justine finds work as a barmaid at the festival, helping hand out the 6 million litres of beer are poured down the throats of revellers at world’s most famous beer festival – along with 600,000 chickens, 90,000 pork legs, 80 oxen and 150,000.

Justine travels by train to Berchtesgaden, close to the border with Austria. This was Hitler’s mountain retreat, and although many wartime buildings have been torn down in an effort to erase the memory of Nazism, Justine meets up with a historian who shows her around what’s left of the site, including the Nazi museum which aims to educate people about the horrors of the regime.

Just west of Berchtesgaden is Oberammergau, one of the most beautiful towns in the German Alps. When the plague struck in 1633, the inhabitants of Oberammergau vowed that if God spared their town, they would perform a Passion play about the death and resurrection ofLetting it all hang out in Sylt Christ every ten years. The inhabitants have remained true to their word, and more than half of the town’s 5,000 population are involved in this once in a decade event. Justine meets with Jesus during his lunch break and learns what it’s like to take part in the extraordinary event which is witnessed by half a million people.

Justine ends her trip to Germany with a mountain climbing expedition in the Bavarian Alps. She hires an expert guide and together they tackle Mount Yenna, which is more than 6,000 feet high. She discovers that you need to be pretty fit to tackle these rocks, but it’s worth the effort as the views are spectacular.

Megan McCormick travels through the heart of third largest country in the world. China is home to 20% of the world’s population. It’s one of the oldest civilisations, and its future willimage: Shanghai undoubtedly be shaped in the 21st century. Though it’s been closed to tourism throughout much of the communist era, it’s now beginning to open it’s doors to travellers.

She begins her journey in Shanghai, which has been China’s trade centre for centuries. Megan takes advantage of her time in Shanghai to do a little shopping, visiting the bustling Nanjing Roadand Yu Yuan Bazaar, where gangsters from the opium trade used to hang out. These days the opium dens have been replaced by quaint little stalls, and the gangsters have been replaced by tourists. In the heart of the bazaar is one of the oldest Daoist temples in Shanghai. Daoism is a religion which is based around the power of the gods, magic and sorcery. It originated in China, where it has been years. It even survived the Cultural Revolution of 1966, when all forms of religion were banned by the communist state and hundreds of temples were destroyed.

Before leaving Shanghai, Megan wants to see some famous Chinese acrobats in action. She visits a school were young acrobats begin their training at the age of six or seven, learning to perform incredible feats by the time they reach adulthood.

image: Young girls training as acrobats in ShanghaiFrom Shanghai Megan heads inland by bus to Suzhou. Suzhou has been the silk capital of China for over 1500 years and is also famous for its Chinese classical gardens, built as private retreats for very wealthy merchants. Megan takes a tour of one of the silk factories and learns a little about the production process.

Megan embarks on a ten hour train journey to the Huangshan region, known as the Yellow Mountains. She passes the time playing cards with the locals, before finally arriving in Tunxi. As well as being the gateway to the mountains, the town is also famous renowned for the medicinal shops that have evolved because of the herbs that grow on the outskirts of the town. Chinese medicine uses over 6,000 herbs and nearly a thousand animal and mineral products, all of which are to balance the Ying and Yang to bring harmony, health and happiness. Megan is prescribed a remedy of fermented bean with chicken stomach lining to combat a common cold.

The Yellow Mountains are one of the most beautiful sights in all of China, where poets and painters have come for centuries in search of inspiration. It takes Megan five hours to hike to image: Slow boat to China: a trip on the Yangzi Riverthe vantage point, but on arrival she’s disappointed to discover the view is enshrouded in mist.

From Huangshan, Megan continues west to Wuhanwhere she starts her 600 mile journey up theYangzi River to Fengdu. The Chinese call the Yangzi the ‘Long River’, and at 4,000 miles it’s the third longest in the world. Megan has the chance to watch work in progress on the largest and most powerful dam in the world, called the Three Gorges Dam. When it’s finished it will prevent massive loss of life sustained when the Yangzi periodically bursts its banks, yet it is also a highly controversial engineering projects as though no-one really knows what the consequences will be it will undoubtedly change life on the Yangzi forever.

From the dam Megan heads up Shennong Stream by longboat. This is one of the Yangzi’s 700 tributaries, which will be most affected by the flooding. She is invited to visit a local village which has been inhabited for the last 1000 years but 80% of the villagers have already upped sticks before their homes are destroyed. The project will also destroy some breathtaking gorges, some of the river species will become extinct and many archaeological sites will be lost forever.

Fengdu is known by the locals as ‘the city of the ghosts’, and legend has it that this is the home of the devil. It seems fitting that she should end my river trip here, as when the flooding image: teracotta warriors of Xi’anstarts, the legend of Fengdu will become a reality – it is one of the 140 towns, 13 cities and over 1,000 villages that will be given to the river.

Next, Megan makes her way to Chongging, the third largest city in China which is famed for its haze that obscured the city from the scourge of Japanese bombers during World War II. The old is where you can find Chongqing’s famous Sichuan Opera. Unlike in the west, opera has always been for ordinary folks and is performed on the streets and in the local tea houses. In the past opera was the main source of communicating Chinese history. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao used it to spread political propaganda.

Megan’s final stop is the ancient city of Xi’an. Xi’an was the Capital of China for 1,100 years and in the 8th century ithad a population of over 1 million people, making it the largest city in the world. It is here that the Silk Road began, connecting China to Asia and then on to Europe. The city is home to many muslims who are said to be the descendants of the Silk Road traders from the Arab world. Megan visits the courtyard of a Chinese style mosque which dates back to the 8th century, however she’s not allowed to enter the prayer hall as access is restricted to Muslims only.

For centuries, peasants in this area told stories of ghosts who lived underground. And in 1974 there were two farmers out digging a well when they came face to face with a 2,200 year old warrior. They had uncovered the Terracotta Army, one of the greatest archaeological sites of the 20th century. Over 8,000 warriors were built to guard the tomb of China’s first emperor, Emperor Chin, but only a fraction of the site has been excavated to date. He created a replica of his own army, which is why every single face is unique. It’s a breathtaking site, and an incredible end of Megan’s journey through Central China – past, present and future.

Ian Wright in The AndesIan Wright travels to Venezuela, the country where Columbus first set foot on South American soil. Venezuelans have been voted the world’s happiest people – and who could blame them for being chipper, living as they do in a country that has mountains, rainforests and savannas, and where petrol is cheaper than water.

Ian starts his journey in the Andes. Home to the country’s five highest peaks which souring to heights exceeding 15,000 feet, the state of Meridas is known as the roof of Venezuela. Ian takes a cable car to the top of a mountain – it’s the unashamedly easy option, but he finds an even faster way down again, paragliding! He then sets out to explore Meridas. It’s a university town, and the lively student nightlife also attracts the backpackers.

From Meridas Ian heads south by bus to Hato Pinero, a vast 500 square mile ranch situated in the flat grasslands that cover almost a third of the country. This is Venezuela’s answer to the Wild West, and it’s inhabited by the Yanieros, some of the toughest cowboys on the planet. Ian thinks he could learn a thing or two from these guys, whose ancestors fought the Spanish in the wars of independence and who are famed for their strength and bravery. He helps out Ian helps out with the cattle round-upwith the cattle round-up, then rides off around the ranch hoping to encounter some of the wildlife that thrives there. He’s not disappointed – crocodiles and piranhas are just some of the creatures who call Hato Pinero home. But it’s not until the following day that he teams up with a local biologist and goes in search of the most fearsome inhabitant of all: the anaconda. Growing up to ten metres long weighing more than a grisly bear, anacondas have been known to eat humans, crush a man to death before swallowing him head first. He also joins in a water buffalo race, as he comes in last he realises this isn’t one of his strong points!

From Hato Pinero Ian heads to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela where a quarter of the country’s population lives. He stops off en route in the small town of Chivacoa, the centre of a religious cult sacred to Maria Lionsa, the nature goddess. Cult members make a pilgrimage to a nearby river where they perform a fire-dancing ceremony to invoke the spirits, to the accompaniment of beating drums, candles and cigar smoke.

Caracas is nestled between two beautiful mountain ranges. After oil was discovered in Venezuela in the 1920s the capital city became a boom town and a thriving metropolis. Ian is lucky enough to hook up with the reigning Miss Venezuela, who shows him around town. Venezuela has won more Miss World competitions than any other country, and it’s probably because they start them so young. Ian visits a beauty school which teaches girls to be beauty queens from the ago of eight, and picks some modelling tips for himself.

Not far from Caracas is Los Roques, an archipelago of 300 sun kissed islands, coral reefs and sand bars of the North coast. It’s a favorite sea-side haunt of stars such as Bruce Willis andSunset at Los RoquesLeonardo Di Caprio and since it was designated a national park in 1972 flights here have been restricted, which means it never gets too crowded.

From Los Roques Ian flies south to the rainforest region of Gran Sabana. The area is also known as the Lost World because of it’s strange pre-historic landscapes, where some people even claim to have seen dinosaurs. He embarks on a 3 day boat trip down river fromKamorata, through the rapids of Devil’s Canyon. For the final part of his trip he has to trek through the rainforest to reach Angel Falls, the world’ tallest waterfall. Sixteen times higher than Niagara Falls, three times the height of the Empire state building, measuring over 1,000 metres in length, it was named after an American pilot called Jimmy Angels, who was looking for gold in the area and got his plane stuck on the top of the mountain. He became part of local legend, and his ethereal sounding name became forever linked with this magical place at the end of Ian’s journey route through Venezuela.

Megan’s journey starts by air, in the Roman town of Aosta, an ideal location for observing the spectacular and historic valley of Val Da Oasta. In Ivrea she experiences the strangest andBattle of the Oranges, Ivrea most ancient carnival celebrations in Italy.

A three day battle using oranges for ammunition to commemorate the 12th century revolt against the tyrannical Count Rinari, who had his wicked way with all new brides, until a feisty miller’s daughter named Violetta beheaded him.

Up to 100,000 contestants bombard the nobility represented in the carts paraded in the square. Teams are selected from the neighbourhoods in which they live, so rivalry is fierce!

On to Alba to discover the secrets of one of the world’s rarest gourmet delicacies, truffles, the fungal equivalent of gold. Setting off with a pack off trained dogs, she joins the hunt. Next stop is cosmopolitan capital Milan, she takes in the Duomo, which is the world’s largest statue adorned Gothic cathedral, and see the magnificent view of the alps. The cathedral contains one of Italy’s most prized holy relics, the Santo Quioto, a nail from the crucifix of Christ which is shown to the public just one day each year.

Milan is one of the fashion capitals of the world and it seems like people here are impossibly stylish, in Quatrolatero Duoro - the Golden Square even the police uniform is made by Armani. Failing to get a ticket for the world famous opera house La Scala, Megan visits the burial ground of opera comopser Giuseppi Verdi where you can actually hear his music still filtering down.

It’s a short train journey to the magnificent Medieval towns of Parma, Modena, Mantua andVerona. She samples the local Parma ham and Parmesan cheese, a staple part of the local diet for 700 years and learns how to make Parmesan traditional in copper vats. In Modenello, home to the Ferrari dynasty she visits a Ferrari museum. In the lakeside city of Monteva she visits the Gonzagas palace of its most famed historic family and she experiences some of Italy’s greatest art works.

From Monteva it’s a half hour train journey to Verona, the city of love nested on the banks of the curling Audeje river. She visits the balcony of Shakespeare’s Juliet and meets the woman who responds to the fictious Juliet’s many letters with advice on love for women. From Verona, Megan takes the train up to the Tyrolean mountain of Bolanzo, and catches a bus to the swanky ski resort of Portina del Fetso, where she feels out of place without the regulation fur coat! She visits the Dolomites, some of the most spectacular mountains in the world whose 60 million year old corals reate their worn view and razor sharp peaks.

It’s a 3-hour train journey to Megan’s final destination, Venice the city of lust,which is the only city with rivers for roads in which a township has sprung from its muddy islands. She party’s at its strange historic carnival which dates back to 1094 and is moulded for a traditional carnival mask

To conclude her journey’s in Northern Italy, she visits St Marks Square and the Basilica church which housed the body of St Mark 1,200 years ago.

Ian starts his journey in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, where he explores the markets and food. From there he heads out to the countryside, where he gets a lesson in falconry. His next stop isIan at the Star Wars Hotel, MatmataEl Djem, a huge Colosseum that is almost as big as its counterpart in Rome and better preserved.

Continuing south to Tamerza he finds an oasis pool in the middle of nowhere. His next stop is Nefta, the centre of Sufi mysticism. In Tozeur, at the gateway to the desert, Ian gets on a quad bike and goes in search of the Star Wars set in the middle of the desert. Heading across the Chott Djerid, a huge salt plain, Ian reaches Douzwhere he goes hunting with desert greyhounds.

In Matmata he stays in the same hotel that Luke Skywalker stayed in and visits a traditional Ian dons a head veil in the head of the Sahara desert cave dwelling. On his way to the island of Djerba, he stops off at the WWII German General Rommel’s last stand. He finally reaches the island and meets a local Jewish guitar player who talks of the Jewish communities’ longstanding good relationship with Muslims on the island.

Over the border Ian starts his Libyan trip in the capital Tripoli. After a brief visit to the souk, he goes to Leptis Magna, one of the finest examples of Roman ruins on the Mediterannean. From here, Ian embarks on a grueling journey south to the heart of the Libyan desert, 2,000 kms away. He arrives at Sabha where there is the biggest camel market in the Sahara region. He continues through the desert, past some surprising lakes, and ends his desert journey skiing: sand skiing on the dunes. His final trek takes him through the rugged Akakus mountains, where he meets the 90 year old Tuareg Godfather of the mountain region who discovered the 10,000 year old rock art in the mountains around him.

Globe Trekker Ian Wright’s journey starts in Tahiti, where he starts off by judging the Mr. Tahiti contest. From there he visits the Gaugain museum. He then heads out to theIan Wrightneighboring island of Moorea, where he witnesses a wedding special: Tahitian style weddings for westerners.

His island hopping continues on to Bora Bora, where he goes for an underwater reef walk, wearing a huge aqua helmet. On Bora Bora he meets with “the Shark Man”, who takes him out to meet some sharks and manta rays.

Continuing on, Ian flies to Western Samoa. While there he stays in a traditional village, where he goes fishing, meets the tattoo artist, and partakes of a huge feast and dance.

Globe Treker Tahiti and SamoaHis final island destination are the Marquesas, where Ian treks through some mountains to join villagers in a traditional wild boar hunt. The end of his journey culminates back in Tahiti for the Heiva festival, which includes canoe racing, fire walking, dancing…a perfect end to a trip in paradise.

Traveller Estelle Bingham begins her journey in the tiny town of Goolwa, where the first freeEstelle Binghamsettlers landed. While there, she builds and races a boat in the local boat festival.

From there she goes to Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, gorging herself at the food and wine festival. She has a Harley Davidson chauffered ride down to the wine region, the Barossa Valley, where she helps make some wine: picking and treading the grapes.

She then flies to the outback town of Coober Pedy, to try her hand at some opal mining. She encounters the yearly camel mustering, which she attends along with a traditional aboriginal ritual called a corroboree.

Her outback adventures take her to the wild west gold mining town of Kalgoorlie, where she has a wild night on the town, including gambling and a tour around a famous brothel.

Baby KoalaShe then makes her way to Perth, famous for its beaches, and site of the Naked Olympics. After viewing some of those events, she heads out of town to a wildlife sanctuary, where she gets to cuddle a baby koala and wombat. Before leaving the Perth area, she tries her hand at catapulting: a kind of reverse bungy-jumping which gets you up in the air.

Her adventure continues with a trek in the Karjini gorges, where she hikes and abseils her way through some of the most stunning scenery in South West Australia.

Our journey ends in Exmouth, the westernmost tip of the continent, where Estelle encounters one of the most awesome creatures of the sea: the whale shark.

Megan starts her journey in the beautiful Douro valley, whose vineyards create the world famous drink which gave Portugal its name: port. From there she journeys north to the wild andimage; Megan McCormick cools down in sunny Portugal spectacular Peneda Geres National Park for some trekking. She then heads south to Fatima, joining the thousands of pilgrims who have journeyed from around the world, hoping for a cure.

She continues south to Santarem, where she learns all about the art of bullfighting…but using horses, and these bulls don’t end up dead. She goes to the bullfight, and happily joins in the general celebrations around town afterwards. From there she makes a brief stop in the capital Lisbon, taking us on a tour of the famous Age of Discovery historic sites commemorating Portugal’s role in world exploration. She ends her stay in Lisbon joining in a local wedding, and has a great night out on the town. Before heading out, she visits the famous Church of Bones, whose walls are lined with hundreds of human skeletons.

image: Paper fame: the art of the bullfighterWe next find her on the world famous beaches of the Algarve, the Riviera of Portugal, where not only does she swim and sunbathe but she does a bit of oyster fishing,and joins a local archeological dig uncovering Portugal’s Moorish past. She ends her beach stay with some very relaxing and restorative seaweed therapy.

The last leg of her journey takes her out to the Azores, a former whaling port. She goes for a hike on the islands volcano before heading out to do some whale watching. The whale watchers (former whalers) of these islands can spot whales better than any plane spotters can. Her trip ends on the magical sight of whales breaching the sea.



内容 社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 旅游
史地类 地理 亚洲 东亚
  • 暫無

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC Globe Trekker Category:???? Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.221 东亚 Category:6.2211 中国 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:6.232 中欧 Category:6.2321 德国 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2351 葡萄牙 Category:6.2353 意大利 Category:6.2354 希腊 Category:6.2359 南欧其它国家 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:6.2423 委内瑞拉 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:6.253 非洲北部 Category:6.2533 利比亚 Category:6.2536 突尼斯 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.261 澳大利亚 Category:6.265 玻里尼西亚 Category:6.2654 萨摩亚 Category:缺翻译