
应用科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 ???? 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :An MG is Born
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :Discovery
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :????

Auto fanatic Mark Evans is heading to his workshop once more as the eighth ‘…Is Born’ series gets under way.

Mark and his sidekick Pete reunite to restore the ultimate English sports car, the MGB, as an MG is born.

First unveiled at the 1962 London Motor Show, the MGB fast became an icon, proving that a sports car could be both economical and fun and it remains the most successful sports car MG ever made.

It became a classic in its own right, also becoming the most popular British car ever to be sold in America.

Across just 10 episodes Mark completely strips and repairs or replaces every single component on the car.

He fully restores and up-rates the original B Series 1800cc engine, cuts out and replaces the sills, the boot, the floor, all four wings and both doors, finally painting the car in ‘James Bond Silver’ and refurbishing the interior in sumptuous red leather.

Mark Evans embarks on a brand new project, aiming to transform a 1973 Chrome- bumpered MGB Roadster from an unloved rust-bucket into a pristine classic car.

In the first programme Mark tracks down a suitable car for restoration in an old chicken shed in Surrey. The deal done, it’s back to his workshop to start the strip down.

In the second episode of An MG is Born, Mark strips the engine down step by step, starts work on the body-work and takes a trip to the Heritage factory where, 20 years after production stopped, new body shells are still being made.

Programme 3 sees Mark continuing to restore his 1973 MGB. While the body is away being bead blasted, it’s the turn of the sills and rear axle as Mark replaces the 3-part sill structure, strips and refurbishes the rear axle and dismantles the differential.

With the body of Mark’s MGB back from the bead blasters, it’s easy to see how much restoration work is now needed. New wings are fitted and a new steering rack fitted to the body. Mark also visits a specialist engineering company who are refurbishing the over-drive unit to find out just how it works.

More metalwork as Mark repairs the shell and fits new panels. It’s a long hard slog. Meanwhile the engine is being overhauled with a rebore. By the end of the programme the engine is rebuilt and the shell has had its first coat of paint. Phew!

The MGB rebuild starts in earnest. The rear axle is fitted to the shell withe new parabolic front springs. The front cross member is fitted and the car is finally back on its wheels. The engine, gearbox and overdrive units are fitted.

Mark fits a new heater, but it’s not without its problems. The pedal box is fitted and the clutch master cylinder is overhauled.

Whilst Pete prepares the wheels for spraying Mark and Les continue to fit the braking system. The handbrake causes a few head scratching moments and Les gets to use the new lathe to skim the brake drums.

Finally some paint is applied to the wheels.

Mark strips down his seats, door panels and centre console and takes their bare bones to the seat surgeons, Yvonne, Sandra and Ellen for re-covering in luxurious red leather.

Mark fits the quarter lights and winding windows to the doors - an easy job turns into a nightmare. It only gets worse when he tries to fit the new windscreen.

Then it’s on to the hood frame and the new mohair hood amazingly fitting uses the same principles as a face lift.

We find Mark glass bead blasting the engine inlet manifold - gorgeous. He goes on to fit it together with the new custom-made, ceramic coated,stainless steel, tubular exhaust headers. But there’s a problem with the rest of the exhaust. After some head scratching a solution is found. A quick tip on how to make your own gaskets is followed by the complete rebuild of the fuel pump. Mark converts it to electronic operation.

Three hours are wasted when Mark accidentally trashes the gleaming radiator that he has just finished refurbishing. But another is substituted and the race is on to get the engine plumbed, fuelled and wired for its first fire up before the end of the show.

Mark is behind schedule so it’s a frantic sprint for the finish - he has all the lights and shiny bits to fit as well as the boot, bonnet and badges.

Finally the MGB sees the light of day - and it’s a beauty!


XX Is Born 系列


内容 应用科学类 机械工程 车辆
史地类 地理 欧洲


Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:???? Category:Mark Evans Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.3 机械工程 Category:4.32 车辆 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国