PBS纪录片《Nova 探索宇宙的边缘Hunting the Edge of Space》全2集


Nova S37E16 Hunting the Edge of Space: The Mystery of the Milky Way (2010.4.6) IMDB: tt1631618 Nova examines the physics of telescope design. Following the development of the telescope over several centuries the program explains the challenges that the major design innovations solved and the inevitable major discoveries they produced. 央视译名:探索宇宙的边缘:银河之谜 Nova S37E17 Hunting the Edge of Space: The Ever-Expanding Universe (2010.4.13) IMDB: tt1631619 This program describes the most remarkable, perspective changing discoveries in the field of cosmology in the last 100 years. Each discovery was made by scientists working with a radically new telescope. 央视译名:探索宇宙的边缘:膨胀的宇宙



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