
1: 算法,程序设计,语言等 http://mov.bn.netease.com/movie/2011/4/G/4/S703JFLG4.flv 2: 算法,数据存储,磁盘,程序设计等 http://mov.bn.netease.com/movie/2011/5/Q/D/S72M8TFQD.flv 3: C语言,源代码,编译器(1) http://mov.bn.netease.com/movie/2011/5/D/C/S72M8VMDC.flv 4: C语言,源代码,编译器(2) http://mov.bn.netease.com/movie/2011/5/P/T/S72M8UUPT.flv 5: 函数,全局变

BBC纪录片《冰冻星球 S01E09》圣诞特辑下载

纪录片介绍:This Frozen Planet Christmas Special episode 8 “The Epic Journey” brings together the very best highlights of the series, taking viewers on a spectacular journey through the entire polar year - from the depths of winter to the melting world of the polar summer. In the south, spring starts with the comical stone-stealing Adelie penguin males. In summer the females return