《归途列车》 以在中国广州打工的农民工家庭为主题,范立欣的长篇纪录片《归途列车》跟随张昌华一家三年来春节期间返家探亲的历程,呈现农民工的悲苦、
纪录片介绍: Ocean Giants Ground-breaking documentary granting a unique and privileged access into the magical world of whales and dolphins, uncovering the secrets of their intimate lives as never before. Doug Allan has been swimming with marine mammals for over 35 years. He spent seven years in Antarctica as a research diver, scientist and photographer for the British Antarctic Survey, before changing direction to full time
纪录片介绍:Top Gear是英国BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation- 英国广播公司)电视台出品的一档汽车节目。始创于上个世纪80年代,历经风雨后,于20
纪录片介绍:Ocean Giants Ground-breaking documentary granting a unique and privileged access into the magical world of whales and dolphins, uncovering the secrets of their intimate lives as never before. Doug Allan has been swimming with marine mammals for over 35 years. He spent seven years in Antarctica as a research diver, scientist and photographer for the British Antarctic Survey, before changing
纪录片介绍:Ocean Giants Ground-breaking documentary granting a unique and privileged access into the magical world of whales and dolphins, uncovering the secrets of their intimate lives as never before. Doug Allan has been swimming with marine mammals for over 35 years. He spent seven years in Antarctica as a research diver, scientist and photographer for the British Antarctic Survey, before changing
内容介绍:北京卫视__档案是一款揭秘性的讲述栏目,利用人类与生俱来的天性– 好奇心,而引起观众的追看与共鸣。栏目选题广泛而深刻,包
讲师介绍 姓名:袁涤非 职位:湖南大学新闻传播与影视艺术学院播音系副主任,副教授,硕士生导师 学校:湖南大学 课程介绍了解和掌握现代礼仪,既是衡量大
课程介绍本课程教授与绘画、绘图及视觉概念体验相关的线条、形式、色彩、构成和空间的现代表现手法。 随着学生水平的提高,课程重心将转移到指导实验绘
主要内容介绍:百家讲坛.大话西游(十三集全)[MKV][350MB×13]115 首播时间:2012年1月26日12:45 首播频道:CCTV-