纪录片介绍Amateur astronomers are scanning the night skies looking for asteroids, comets and supernovae, and making vital discoveries in our quest for knowledge. Meanwhile space missions produce millions of images, but who is to say which ones are truly unusual and interesting? It is a job that computers struggle with, but one in which humans excel. This, more than ever,
纪录片介绍海南农垦(兵团)知青在海南的学习、生活、屯垦、戍边,满怀豪情壮志,为海南农垦建设奉献自己的青春、汗水… ★相关背景 ☆知
纪录片介绍Swimming with Crocodiles Documentary series which aims to do the unthinkable - see if people can swim with crocodiles Part 1: Botswana Botswana Ben Fogle travels to Botswana to join a pilot research study which aims to do the unthinkable - swim with Nile crocodiles. These ancient reptiles spend roughly 80% of their lives underwater, yet relatively little
纪录片介绍吴明达 一个坚持用最真诚的 手法表现最美好台湾的影片导演,一路走来宛如影音真理的行者,一直是主张创作反对抄袭瞟窃的坚持者! 坚持原汁原味
纪录片介绍 我很难说我是什么时候开始喜欢起大自然 I cannot say when I first grew to love the wild, 但我心中的渴望又是如此强烈 but I know that a need for it will always be strong in me. 我是 Robert Macfarlane 我生命中的