BBC纪录片《震撼与敬畏:电的故事Shock and Awe The Story of Electricity》(全3集)

纪录片介绍Professor Jim Al-Khalili tells the electrifying story of our quest to master nature’s most mysterious force - electricity. Until fairly recently, electricity was seen as a magical power, but it is now the lifeblood of the modern world and underpins every aspect of our technological advancements. Without electricity, we would be lost. This series tells of dazzling


纪录片介绍Over the past half-century, renowned art critic Robert Hughes has watched a certain story unfold in culture — a story of how commerce changed our relationship to art and, in the process, what art stands for as cultural currency. In The Mona Lisa Curse, an ambitious documentary available on YouTube in 12 installments, Hughes — curmudgeonly and keenly insightful as ever —