纪录片介绍 “Nature porn” in the high-def world is the equivalent of what the first Nickelodeons to motion pictures in the early part of the 20th century – endless loops of beautiful waterfalls, leaves blowing gently in the wind and hummingbirds pollinating flowers, all solely for the benefit of dazzling the eye and exciting the senses. No, it’s not “about” anything, but who needs plot when all
纪录片介绍 A disaster waiting to happen in Earth Under Water. Imagine sea levels rising to over 70 metres… Eminent climatologists think another Great Flood is inevitable if current CO2 emissions continue. Based on research by NASA astro-biologist and paleontologist Professor Peter Ward and a group of respected American climatologists, Earth Under Water is an eye-opening documentary uses scientific evidence past and present, archive footage, location photography
课程介绍这个名字来源于当下的流行短语--THINKS BIG,DO SMALL.立大志,做小事。Harvard Think Big借鉴了TED的模式,汇集了
课程介绍最新更新课程,适用于iOS 5。本课程介绍了使用iPhone SDK(软件开发包)建造iPhone平台上的应用程序所需的工具和应用程序接
纪录片介绍BBC制作的中国美食系列节目,个人比较喜欢。比较生动的节目,而不是“厨房里的故事”,推荐大家一看。看一看外国人眼中的中国菜! 该系列
纪录片介绍当我们的日常生活因琳琅满目的各类产品而变得更加丰富多彩的同时,你有没有想过,这些产品是如何制造出来的呢? Discovery 频道的王牌节目《How it’s