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纪录片介绍一共包括这些系列:歼击机、轰炸机、侦察机和强击机、客机和运输机、水上飞机、教练机和运动机、海军航空兵、飞翼船、气垫船以及直升机 系列
纪录片介绍‘Su-27. The Best Fighter in the World’ The Su-27 is one of the most famous combat aircraft in the world. The Su-27 is the masterpiece of the Russian aircraft engineering. What makes this aircraft such a unique fighter? You will find out when you watch this popular-science 4-part documentary series presenting the most
纪录片介绍影片将展现全世界天主教的中心梵蒂冈的内部运作,参与梵蒂冈珍宝与文物保护管理的人员也将在片中露面。 To mark the Papal visit to the UK, camera crew have spent a year filming a world
纪录片介绍这出电视剧叙述了亚特兰提斯悲壮的命运,既有强烈的视觉震撼,也有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》式的爱情故事。 消失的大陆 BBC重构亚特兰提斯毁灭之
纪录片介绍Stephen Hawking’s: Grand Design Science Documentary hosted by Benedict Cumberbatch, published by Discovery Channel in 2012 - English narration Information -—————————– Stephen Hawking’s: Grand Design In this remarkable new series ‘Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design’ the world’s most famous physicist attempts to unravel the truths behind humanity’s most enduring questions: Did God Create the universe? What is the meaning of