CHC海底生活纪录片《现实生活Crucible Of Life》


The Celebes Sea – cradled by the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia – plunges over 5000 metres into a dark, cold, timeless abyss. Severed from contact with other oceans, life here in the deepest depths of the Celebes Sea comes alive with an explosion of strange, extraordinary creatures. Thriving far below the depth of sunlight, these bizarre-looking creatures have evolved under conditions unlike anything found on land. For scientists, it is an entirely unexplored hotspot - one of the richest and most diverse on the planet - and it just may hold the secrets of undiscovered life. To find out what lies in the abyss below, an expedition sets out with a state-of-the-art ROV and HD cameras. During this one-of-a-kind underwater expedition, Crucible of Life offers a rare window into the remarkable and most bizarre shapes of life in a place like no other on our planet.


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纪录片介绍 本片中观众将通过高速摄像机了解惊人的动物和昆虫世界,用慢放和第一视角的手法和技术呈现动物扑食瞬间的美,那高清摄影机下的画面给人以凝固时间的感觉,以及捕食者和猎物的生死斗争。 The Speed of Life Discovery Channel show is a brand new series, specializing in high speed photography to…


纪录片介绍 《生命》是由BBC制作的十集系列纪录片,从2009年10月12日开始在BBC电视台播出。本片制作共耗时四年,全部以高清方式摄制。每集50分钟,外加10分钟的拍摄花絮,总共60分钟。根据《泰晤士报》报道,本系列片耗资一千万英镑,不过BBC官方并未证实这一数字。2009年是达尔文诞辰二百周年,也是《物种起源》发表150周年。为了进行纪念,本片力图展现自然界缤纷物种的多样 ,和它们为适应环境而进化出的各种神奇生存本领。 下载地址 None None