BBC纪录片《生命足迹David Attenborough's First Life》全2集


在一连两集的《生命足迹》中,爱登堡会以最尖端的计算机效果及拍摄手法,探索及纪录万物生命之起源。他更远赴加拿大、摩洛哥及澳洲,搜集最古老及近年发掘的化石等,再追溯海洋生物的源头及重组当时的生态模式。 戴维爱登堡爵士在加拿大落矶山脉的化石中,找到一些前所未见的动物品种,从中有生命之源的线索。其后,戴维游访北非、澳大利亚热带雨林区及苏格兰的东岸,发现不少史前动物会随着土地和空气转变而进化。 节目内利用了尖端科学技术和逼真的视觉效果,重组各式各样生物的原貌,把这些远古时代的生物重现镜头前,让观众一睹真貌。 From the fog bound coastline of Newfoundland to the deserts of North Africa and the rainforests of Queensland, in First Life David Attenborough finds evidence in fossils and living animals of an extraordinary period in Earth’s history, half a billion years ago, when animals first appeared in the oceans. From the first eyes that saw, to the first predators that killed and the first legs that walked on land, these were creatures that evolved the traits and tools that allow all animals, including us, to survive to this day. This is a story that can only be told now because in the last few years, stunning fossil finds at sites across the world have transformed our understanding of the first life forms, and the latest technology allows us to recreate the first animals and their environments with photorealistic computer generated imagery (CGI). 每集介绍 Arrival Attenborough’s journey begins close to his childhood home in Leicestershire, where the discovery of a 560 million year old fossil transformed our understanding of the origins of life. From here he travels back to a period when the Earth was dominated by single celled bacteria, and investigates clues of a global event that was to change the history of life on Earth: Snowball Earth. In a very different setting, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, a 600 million year old animal demonstrates how the atmospheric changes triggered by this global glaciation allowed cells to stick together and eventually form the first complex multi-cellular organisms. Attenborough travels to remote fossil sites in Newfoundland’s Mistaken Point and Australia’s Ediacara Hills to explore how some animals faded away as evolutionary experiments but others developed crucial features which laid the foundations for animal life today. 550 million years ago, animals developed the first bilateral (mirror-image) body plan, evolved sexual reproduction and began to move for the first time. Within time, another great leap in evolution would trigger an explosion in animal diversity. Tiny fossilized embryos show evidence of the first guts and mouths. In the mouth there are teeth, indicating that some animals had developed a new diet: other animals. For the first time there were predators in the oceans. Conquest The foundations for animal life had now been laid down, and following the appearance of mouths and mobility, evolution took off. Attenborough explores the Burgess Shale in Canada’s Rocky Mountains, where there is fossil evidence of an event 542 million years ago which saw animals increase in number, diversity and size as never before. These ancient rocks reveal the world’s first large predator, the first defences and the emergence of an animal group that would conquer the oceans: the hard-shelled arthropods. With bodies completely covered in a hard skeleton, arthropods resisted predation and diversified beyond comparison. Attenborough examines fossils from the deserts of Morocco and beaches of Scotland which document how this group would proliferate to conquer the oceans and make the pioneering first steps onto land. Some grew large and ponderous, and others developed wings and took to the air for the first time. It wasn’t just the arthropods that made the move onto land. A tiny, almost insignificant fossil reveals a worm-like animal which could be the ancestor of us all. From such creatures evolved the first fish, some of which would evolve lungs and slither onto land, giving rise to the amphibians. From these terrestrial beginnings the reptiles would evolve, and eventually, much later, the birds and mammals. During the course of the history of life, not all groups were successful. Many of the earliest animals died out, leaving no living descendents. But from the earliest life, a few groups of animals endured and evolved into the wondrous diversity of life we see on Earth today. As Attenborough concludes, the first animals may seem to us very remote and strange, but all of us alive today owe our very existence to them.



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纪录片介绍 三位雪上滑板的先锋人物-肖恩·法莫、尼克·佩拉塔和特杰·哈肯森,以及两位雪上滑板界的新星夏恩·怀特和哈娜·泰特,虽然他们在这项运动中已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但他们还有一个共同的终极目标没有实现,那就是征服阿拉斯加雪山最陡峭,最具挑战性的超级坡度。于是五人组成了一个小团队,踏上了征服阿拉斯加雪山之旅。 虽然目标统一,但出发点却各不相同。佩拉塔和法莫只是想看看自己是否还能重振当年的雄风,哈肯森则是为了在自己挑战高山坡度的履历表中锦上添花,而年轻的怀特和泰特仅仅是为了在生平第一次的极限坡度挑战中体验刺激与激情。无论如何,对于五人来说,这次挑战的成功都能让他们登上雪上滑板运动的最高殿堂。并且,在一路同行的过程中,他们分享了各自在运动生涯中经历的故事,交流了彼此的人生价值观和生活方式,度过了一段令人难忘的美好时光。 中文名:过渡制片:绝妙降落 英文名:Transition Productions: First Descent 版本:全一集/TLF/英语中英字幕[MiniSD] 发行时间:2005年12月02日 制作发行:Transition Productions 地区:美国 语言:英语 幕后花絮: 本片是首部以雪上滑板为主题,浓缩了整个雪上滑板运动发展历史的电影。影片采取纪录片的形式,完全由真正的专业雪上滑板运动员出演。作为一项新兴的冬季运动,雪上滑板对于大多数人而言还是非常陌生的。在本片中,观众将随着五个主人公的交谈过程,回顾雪上滑板运动从最初的儿童娱乐项目逐步发展为国际运动的历史,体会该项运动充斥着反叛的激情,饱受大众争议的发展之路。 在本片的剪辑过程中,导演哈里森和克里加入了大量20世纪80和90年代,也就是雪上滑板运动蓬勃发展革新时期的纪录胶片,内容包括当时几位极富盛名或声名狼藉的滑板运动员们真实生活的片断,以及近年来各大冬季比赛赛场上,雪上滑板的精彩场景节选。这些画面将伴随着阿拉斯加壮丽的雪景,在观众面前的一一铺陈开来。 主演简介: 该片五个主人公均以真名出演,在片中也着力于展示真实的自己,片中所有高难度的雪上滑板镜头都是真材实料而非特技效果。 其中两个年轻人-18岁的夏恩·怀特和17岁的哈娜·泰特,是当今雪上滑板界冉冉升起的新星。夏恩已经是多项赛事的金牌得主,而哈娜则入选了在世界范围内极富盛誉的美国雪上滑板国家队。…