BBC纪录片《机会的科学.The Science of Chance》


David Spiegelhalter教授解释什么是机会,以及它在现实世界所扮演的角色。机会这门科学是数学的一个重要分支,它融合了机智和智慧,动画模型,图形演示,概率的奥秘等等,让我们处理未来可能要发生的事情。你怎么能最大限度地活到100岁?为什么我们很多人会遇到那么多怪异的巧合呢?我该带把伞吗?这些都只是日常生活中碰到问题而已。David Spiegelhalter利用一百万个随机数字,一本充满了隐藏的图案和造型的书,向我们介绍了一个概念,即micromort(百万分之一的死亡机会),并采用了最新的信息图表演示了如何增加寿命,以及影响寿命的生活方式,比如饮酒,肥胖,吸烟和锻炼等

Professor David Spiegelhalter tries to pin down what chance is and how it works in the real world. A blend of wit and wisdom, animation, graphics and gleeful nerdery is applied to the joys of chance and the mysteries of probability, the vital branch of mathematics that gives us a handle on what might happen in the future. How can you maximise your chances of living till you're 100? Why do many of us experience so many spooky coincidences? Should I take an umbrella? These are just some of the everyday questions the film tackles as it moves between Cambridge, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Reading. Spiegelhalter discovers One Million Random Digits, a book full of hidden patterns and shapes, introduces us to the unit called the micromort (a one-in-a-million chance of dying), and uses the latest infographics to demonstrate how life expectancy has increased in his lifetime and how it is affected by our lifestyle choices - drinking, obesity, smoking and exercise.



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