

自然科学类纪录片,CBC 频道 2009 年出品,是 CBC The Nature of Things 系列其中之一。






  •  中文片名 :
  •  中文系列名:
  •  英文片名 :One Ocean
  •  英文系列名:CBC The Nature of Things
  •  电视台  :CBC
  •  地区   :加拿大
  •  语言   :英语
  •  时长   :44 min / EP
  •  版本   :TV
  •  发行时间 :2009



One Ocean is an ambitious, provocative and stunning four-part documentary series that portrays the ocean more completely than ever before, revealing its awesome beauty and extraordinary power. The series explores how it is that the ocean holds the very key to all life within its silent and shadowy depths. In each breathtaking episode we bring to life a vast, interconnected ecosystem: from the diversity and significance of microscopic plankton, to the sleek power of the Ocean’s top predators.

One Ocean joins expeditions of discovery that take us to tropical coasts, to the deep, churning sea, and to meet strange and mysterious marine life that most of us will never get to see. We reveal a secret world beneath the water’s surface: energized with purpose, order, and the drama of survival. Complex environments inhabited by an astounding array of life forms, alternately splendid and graceful, are revealed like never before. Disarming, bizarre and plainly profound – One Ocean bears witness a world that is at once intricately beautiful and achingly vulnerable.


 The Birth of an Ocean

In The Birth of an Ocean we travel back to ancient time, telling the story of the ocean’s turbulent beginnings, and its successive incarnations. It’s a journey that introduces the enormity of the ocean over space and time – at four billion years old the ocean is nearly as old as the planet itself. In a remote part of Western Australia, we venture to the stunning, crystal blue waters that harbour the descendants of the first life on earth. These formations once covered the ancient seabed, and today they give scientists a remarkable window back in time. Traveling forward, we discover that almost 99.9% of species that ever lived on this planet are now extinct. On the lush and diverse Osprey Reef, we swim alongside scientists to learn why one remarkable creature – the nautilus – has survived, for millions of years, what countless other species could not. In The Birth of an Ocean we trace our own profound connections to the ocean with Tiktaalik , the “fish-a-pod” that scientists believe is the missing link between the ocean and all limbed creatures, including us.

 Footprints in the Sand

In our second episode, Footprints in the Sand, we take measure of humanity’s impact on the sea since we first settled along its coasts over 150,000 years ago. We travel to the Mediterranean Sea with local Spanish fishermen in search of the magnificent bluefin tuna, the most prized fish in the ocean. It’s also one of the most overfished. As fishermen try to maintain their centuries-old method of fishing, conservation scientists are desperate to find hard evidence to support their side in the heated debate over quotas. Human activity through history – first overfishing, then over-development of the world’s coastlines, and the continuing pollution that we pour into the sea – have had unexpected consequences. But as Footprints in the Sand reveals, marine protected areas can have a huge impact on an ecosystem’s ability to recover. Zanzibar is a place where the people have always depended on fish for their survival. There, locals are finding ways to live in balance with the ocean by using more sustainable approaches to their harvests, and also by creating a sense of communal ownership and stewardship. In New Zealand, we discover that ocean areas which are now protected have experienced an extraordinary turn-around – where once sea urchins had taken over and destroyed the reefs and kelp forests, top predators have returned and the stunning reef has been restored to its full glory.

 Mysteries of the Deep

Episode Three of our series reveals the Mysteries of the Deep and takes us to the most beguiling parts of the sea, the very depths that we know so little about. As we improve our technological prowess, we are venturing deeper and deeper into the planet’s last frontier. What scientists are discovering is beyond our wildest imaginings. We join a team of scientists, ranging from biologists to vulcanologists, on an international expedition as they return to the Mariana Arc, on the Pacific Rim of Fire. As their submersible ROV plumbs the depths of the ocean, the thrill and excitement of peering into these extreme environments is palpable. Each day they make new discoveries about the outlandish deep-sea dwellers they find here. But at the same time that we begin to unravel their mysteries we’re also mining the sea of many species. Finally Mysteries of the Deep asks the question: can cutting-edge technologies allow us to truly experience, for the first time, the three-dimensional world of the deep ocean?

 The Changing Sea

In our final episode, The Changing Sea , we discover that the ocean is sending us clear signals. Off the rugged and beautiful coast of British Columbia we meet scientists and fishermen who are shocked at the recent arrival of a voracious new creature – the Humboldt squid. This monster-sized squid native to the equatorial waters of Mexico has moved north and ushered in a cascade of changes to the ecosystem. Their arrival is part of a disturbing pattern that is emerging with species movement being tracked around the world. In The Changing Sea we illustrate how the ocean’s chemistry and systems are being compromised by increased acidity, less oxygen and warming temperatures. The changes to the timeless rhythms of birth and renewal are being felt everywhere – even on coral reefs. In the idyllic waters of the Bay of Naples, we get a glimpse of our future ocean, thanks to the mythic Mount Vesuvius. As scientists swim through lush green seagrass beds, they collect creatures whose shells are dissolving, and we discover that this amazing place has a terrible secret. It has been naturally acidified for millennia – could this be our ocean’s future?

Our guides to the hidden depths of the sea are some of the planet’s most innovative and charismatic marine scientists, and the people who live and die by the sea. Fast-paced and engaging, the series is visually stunning, and gives viewers a deeper understanding of the Ocean’s unbelievable complexity. Our telling of the journey mixes powerful animation, special effects and striking pictures shot in HD. The visual beauty and style of this series gives audiences an emotional connection to the past, present, and future of the ocean. Compelling experiences shared with dedicated and passionate scientists connect audiences intellectually to the beautiful symmetry that exists within its depths.













  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:CBC Category:CBC The Nature of Things Category:2009 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.55 水域地形 Category:3.551 海洋 Category:缺翻译

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简述 自然科学类纪录片,National Geographic 频道 2010 年出品。 这是一系列精彩绝伦的纪录片,一共分为四集;前所未有地对海洋的深刻描绘,揭露海洋的壮观美景及超凡力量。本系列节目会带领我们游遍覆盖地球达70%的海洋世界,在它沉默而幽暗的深邃内涵里,其实掌握着所有生命的关键。每一集节目都教人目瞪口呆,让人见识一个幅员浩瀚,却又彼此紧密连系的生态系统。 本系列足迹踏遍热带海滩到最险峻的深海,让人见识大部分人毕生难得一见、最奇特、最神秘的海洋生物。水面下的秘密世界即将清楚展露于观众眼前:复杂的环境里,栖息着令人咋舌的繁多物种,其间充满求生的决心,井然有序的秩序,以及丰富的戏剧性。这个世界,可以在这一刻呈现错综复杂的美丽面貌,下一刻又瞬即转为令人心痛的脆弱情境,绝对值得一睹真相。 我们的行程将回溯到远古时代,娓娓道出海洋动荡混乱的初始面貌,以及其后绵延接续的形象。这场旅程会透过时间与空间两个层面,介绍海洋的深远影响--40亿岁的海洋,几乎和地球本身一样古老。在澳州西部偏远地区,有一片惊人的清澈碧蓝海域,栖息着地球上第一种生物的后裔。它们曾经包覆整片古代海床,现在它们则提供科学家一个非凡窗口,让人类得以窥见古老的时光。继续前行,我们将发现几乎99.9%曾经生活在这个星球上的物种,现在都已经灭绝。在生物种类繁茂多样化的鱼鹰礁,我们会和科学家一起下水游泳,了解这种繁衍数百万年的了不起生物--鹦鹉螺,为何可以存活至今,而其他无数物种早已消失无踪。在本集节目里,我们还会追溯到人类与海洋的关系连结者--提塔利克鱼;科学家相信它就是海中生物和所有具肢体生物之间,一直缺少的那个演变环节。 In the idyllic waters of the Bay of Naples,…