

应用科学类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2007 年出品,是 HC Cities Of The Underworld 系列之一。







  •  中文片名 :地下城市
  •  中文系列名:
  •  英文片名 :Cities Of The Underworld Season 1
  •  英文系列名:HC Cities Of The Underworld
  •  电视台  :History Channel
  •  地区   :美国
  •  语言   :英語
  •  时长   :Approx. 42 mins. / ep
  •  版本   :DVD
  •  发行时间 :2007



In every major metropolis, skyscrapers loom above, taxis and vendors clamor at street level, and subways rumble below. But deeper beneath the hectic surface lie other, silent worlds, each with its own mysterious and fascinating history.

CITIES OF THE UNDERWORLD peels away the layers of time--often literally hundreds of feet thick--to expose the incredible pasts lurking beneath some of the most populous cities on earth. Throughout the world, cities such as Paris, New York, Rome and Shanghai all harbor long-submerged networks that once served crucial functions, from eerie catacombs to clandestine hideouts and ancient aqueducts to underground societies. Now, THE HISTORY CHANNEL examines these mysterious realms, from the technological feats of their construction and the myths and lore that have cloaked these subterranean marvels for centuries.

On DVD for the first time, experience all 13 episodes from the debut season of this top-rated series. Featuring rare location hi-definition footage, THE HISTORY CHANNEL shows a world filled with mysteries and secrets just below the ground we walk on.


 Scotland's Sin City

Edinburgh, Scotland is a thriving metropolis in the heart of the United Kingdom. But take a look into its past, and you'll find it has led a double life - the sophisticated and educated surface city blossomed above while a darker, seedy world expanded below. From plague victims getting buried alive under the streets to body snatchers, illegal distilleries and castle dungeons, Edinburgh's underground has many stories to tell. Host Eric Geller investigates these stories, deciphering fact from fiction, while uncovering the engineering marvel of Edinburgh's underground - created when the city actually changed its street level. We're peeling back the layers of time on Cities of the Underworld: Scotland's Sin City.

 Hitler's Underground Lair

Go beneath the streets of Berlin and unearth the remains of the Nazi bunkers.

 Rome's Hidden Empire

See what lies beneath the city that was the heart of the Roman Empire.

 Catacombs of Death

Discover the secrets that lie beneath Paris.

 City of Caves

Explore the caves beneath the city of Budapest, Hungary.

 New York

Explore beneath New York City, a living, breathing complex of engineering, history and secrets that could only exist in America's largest city.

 London's Lost Cities

For thousands of years London has been among the most powerful cities in the world, below the busy streets and marketplaces another city hides--a city of Roman baths, secret crypts, lost rivers and indestructible bunkers that could hold up to 8,000 people.

 Beneath Vesuvius

Naples, Italy narrowly escaped meeting the same fate as its neighboring city, Pompeii in 79 AD when Mount Vesuvius wiped out everything around it. The wind saved Naples that day, but life in the shadow of this massive volcano is unlike any other--and so is its underground.

 Freemason Underground

Discover the fascinating and unknown history that lies below major cities around the world today. Explore these layers, which are often hundreds of feet deep. Discover everything form dank dungeons to underground shipwrecks that have been lost for centuries.

 Dracula's Underground

Visit the city of Bucharest, Romania and learn about its most famous citizen, Vlad the Impaler, more commonly known as Dracula. Travel underground as secret prisons, caves and dungeons are revealed. Only through the bleak subterranean stretches can one come face-to-face with the truth about this infamous Romanian ruler.

 Secret Pagan Underground

4000 years ago, a mysterious pagan society called the Hittites dug deep into the soft volcanic rock to carve out an intricate underworld. But after almost 800 years of rule, the Hittite Empire vanished without a trace. Where did their people go and what clues have they left behind in their complex subterranean world?

 Underground Bootleggers

100 years ago Portland, Oregon was a city full of vice, considered the most dangerous port in the world. It was a place where you could get drugs or booze or wake up trapped in a cell beneath the earth.

 Rome: The Rise

What was the secret to the success of ancient Rome? Aqueducts, underground neighborhoods and one of the oldest sewer systems reveal many secrets. The largest and most influential empire in history leaves clues to her greatness under nearly every street.






























  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Cities Of The Underworld Category:2007 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.4 土木工程 Category:4.41 土木建筑 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.224 西亚 Category:6.2244 土耳其 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:6.2317 法国 Category:6.232 中欧 Category:6.2321 德国 Category:6.2328 匈牙利 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2353 意大利 Category:6.2355 罗马尼亚 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译

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