
主持人Andrew Graham-Dixon 跟随着现代美国的先驱的脚步从东至西展开了史诗般的旅程。他首先前往马萨诸塞州欣赏最早的描绘清教徒定居者的肖像,并且访问了宾夕法尼亚州,揭露黑暗背后的真相,包括佩恩与印第安人的条约和本杰明最有名的画。在费城,他有幸看到了是世界上最昂贵的鸟类书籍,还有伟大的风景画家托马斯的画作。安德鲁还揭露了美国的核心悖论:进步和创新所带来的浩劫,即欧洲移民对印第安人独特的文化遗产的破坏。安德鲁的这趟旅程带领我们达到19世纪的末期并宣告西扩时代的结束。 这个主持人主持的BBC高清艺术类纪录片还有德国艺术和俄罗斯艺术,都蛮不错,推荐欣赏! In the first episode of a series exploring the history of American art, Andrew Graham-Dixon embarks on an epic journey from east to west, following in the footsteps of the pioneers who built the foundations of modern America. He travels to Massachusetts to see the earliest portraits in America depicting the Puritan settlers and visits Pennsylvania to uncover the dark truth behind Benjamin West’s most famous painting, the Treaty of Penn with the Indians. In Philadelphia, he turns the pages of one of the world’s most expensive books - John James Audubon’s Birds of America, and explores the wilderness that inspired the great landscape painter, Thomas Cole. Andrew also uncovers the paradox at the heart of America: that progress and innovation have come at a tragic price - the destruction of the unique cultural heritage of Native Americans by European settlers. His journey takes us to the end of the 19th century and the announcement that the era of westward expansion was officially over.