BBC纪录片《旅行者号航天飞船:冲出太阳系Voyager: To the Final Frontier》

本片讲述了人类探索宇宙中,最为非同寻常的旅程,旅行者号太空计划。 1977年两艘无人驾驶宇宙飞船由NASA发射升空,飞向遥远的世界。这次是人造物体首次访问太阳系最远的行星: 木星,土星,海王星和天王星。旅程中旅行者号将遭遇太空垃圾,遭受太空辐射,同时发现太阳系最神奇的奇迹。 This is the story of the most extraordinary journey in human exploration, the Voyager space mission. In 1977 two unmanned spacecraft were launched by NASA, heading for distant worlds. It would be the first time any man-made object would ever visit the farthest planets of the solar system - Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. On the way the Voyagers would be bombarded by space dust, fried by radiation and discover many of the remarkable wonders of the solar system. 2012年,在旅行者号飞行了35年,110亿英里后,他们正在离开太阳的影响范围。 它们携带着来自地球的信息:每艘飞船一侧均安装了一张镀金唱片,在发现其它文明的同时,提供我们文明的信息。这必定是地球历史上最为大胆的一次探索飞行 Now, at the end of 2012, 35 years and 11 billion miles later, they are leaving the area of the sun’s influence. As they journey out into the galaxy beyond they carry a message from Earth, a golden record bolted to the side of each craft describing our civilisation in case of discovery by another. This is the definitive account of the most intrepid explorers in Earth’s history.

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