
地平线这回将目光瞄准宇宙中最微小的物质。这趟旅程不仅会看到越来越小的物体,而且也能看到很多怪异的现象。科学家们希望能瞥见微型的黑洞和多维度,甚至平行的宇宙。当他们开始探索这个神奇的世界,一个表面上看起来平静, 但内部却是躁动不安的世界的时候, 他们可能要重写的时空的定律了。 英文资料: Horizon 2012 How Small is the Universe? Horizon plunges down the biggest rabbit-hole in history in search of the smallest thing in the Universe. It is a journey where things don’t just become smaller but also a whole lot weirder. Scientists hope to catch a glimpse of miniature black holes, multiple dimensions and even parallel Universes. As they start to explore this wonderland, where nothing is quite what it seems, they may have to rewrite the fundamental laws of time and space.