BBC纪录片《乐在其中统计学:The Joy of Stats》

看到“统计学”,你首先想到什么?是让人眼花缭乱的表格,还是各种晦涩难懂的术语?其实,统计学并不遥远,从日常生活到科学研究,到处都有它的踪影;统计学也并不枯燥,在本片中,明星教授 Hans Rosling 将用新奇的方式、先进的技术和幽默的语言,带我们走进妙趣横生的统计学世界。 Documentary which takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride through the wonderful world of statistics to explore the remarkable power thay have to change our understanding of the world, presented by superstar boffin Professor Hans Rosling, whose eye- opening, mind-expanding and funny online lectures have made him an international internet legend. Rosling is a man who revels in the glorious nerdiness of statistics, and here he entertainingly explores their history, how they work mathematically and how they can be used in today’s computer age to see the world as it really is, not just as we imagine it to be. (BBC 节目官网 ) 译 名: BBC 乐在其中统计学 片 名: The Joy of Stats 年 代: 2010 国 家: 英国 片 长: 60min 语 言: 英语 字 幕: 原版+双语外挂字幕/内嵌字幕版

原版: 够快: 迅雷快传: 外挂字幕 (SRT) 内嵌字幕版 够快: 迅雷快传: