BBC纪录片《中国经济:内部人士的观点China's Economy - The Insider's View》MP3

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让世界倾听中国人眼中的中国经济。西方主流媒体中,评论中国经济的主要是西方意见领袖,他们描述中国,存在思维定式。应英国广播公司BBC邀请,我刚主持并制作了一部向全球广播的BBC纪录片《中国经济:内部人士的观点》,中国人说中国事。(via 腾讯微博)

The world is increasingly looking to China for help with the economy. Europeans need support for their bailout fund, developing countries want further investment to develop their infrastructure, and the United States wants a free-floating currency to end what it says is a generation of unfair competition with US workers. But what are China’s priorities? In this two-part BBC series, China’s most prominent business journalist, Rui Chenggang, argues that for China to help the world, China must help itself. China’s government says its top priorities are reducing inflation and increasing domestic consumption. But what about Chinese business? It can be difficult to separate China’s political and business interests. How do these blurred lines help or hinder the government’s stated aim? And what do the Chinese people themselves want? Is the amazing economic growth of the last 30 years really providing social stability? Rui Chenggang is an influential TV presenter, blogger and author. In this first collaboration with a western broadcaster, he opens his contact book to introduce listeners to some of the most important names in the Chinese economic debate. (Image: Chinese banknotes and Shanghai skyscrapers. Credit: Reuters)

In the second of two special documentaries, a leading Chinese business journalist Rui Chenggang continues his exploration of the big narratives affecting his country’s economy. The Chinese market is still dominated by large state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Is it time for the country to turn towards a more Western style of capitalism, or will China continue to follow its own economic model? Rui Chenggang speaks to experts and business leaders, including Captain Wei Jiafu, Chairman of China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO). He also reflects on the nature of economic reform, both inside China and across the world. He finds inspiration in the words of a popular Chinese song: it’s “not that easy”. Rui Chenggang is an influential TV presenter, blogger and author. In this first collaboration with a western broadcaster, he opens his contact book to introduce listeners to some of the most important names in the Chinese economic debate. (Image: COSCO President Wei Jiafu speaks in front of the Chinese freighter Zhen He in 2002. Credit: Getty Images)

MP3: PART1 Download 11MB PART2 Download 11MB