
传记/人物类纪录片,BBC 频道 2012 年出品,是 BBC Arena 系列之一。


  • 中文片名 :温迪嬷嬷: 艺术的福音
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Sister Wendy and the Art of the Gospel
  • 英文系列名:BBC Arena
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :59 min
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2012

The arresting sight of Sister Wendy Beckett, all teeth and glasses, burst on to our screens in the 1990s. An instant star, she travelled the world in her habit telling us the story of Christian art and painting but revealing little of her own extraordinary story. Arena goes in search of the ‘real’ Wendy, who, at 82, talks frankly, humorously, and profoundly about her life and spirituality for the first time.Wendy’s story, inseparable from that of the Gospel, is told alongside her selection of paintings by the greatest old masters, revealing the emotional insights they have given her. In this film, we hear for the first time of Wendy’s personal journey to God, her insights on prayer and suffering, and her reflections on the contemporary world. Above all, she connects us to the art that has helped her to know herself and her faith.



内容 宗教类 ] 天主/基督教
社会科学类 社会
史地类 地理
文化艺术类 书/画/文学
  • 暫無

Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:BBC Arena Category:2012 Category:2. 宗教类 Category:2.3 天主/基督教 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.12 传记/人物 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:6.254 非洲南部 Category:6.2543 南非 Category:7. 文化艺术类 Category:7.1 书/画/文学 Category:7.12 绘画 Category:缺翻译