
社会科学类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2001 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :The World History of Organized Crime
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :History Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 50 分钟/集
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2001

THE WORLD HISTORY OF ORGANIZED CRIME travels the globe to get an insider’s view of some of the most active, dangerous and diabolical criminal syndicates in existence. The five episodes in this DVD set each focus on a different region, examining the conditions that helped create these groups, talking to law enforcement specialists about how they are being fought, and relating true stories of famous cases:

On January 2, 2000, a freighter from Hong Kong docked in Seattle. When INS officials opened one of the cargo containers, they found 12 disoriented Chinese stowaways, who had paid exorbitant fees to Snake Heads, smuggling agents from a vast criminal syndicate that spans cultures, countries, and history. Featuring gang leaders from 1920s’ Shanghai to 1970s’ New York Chinatown, we investigate the history of the Chinese underworld from its mythical origins in a long-ago Shaolin monastery.

Although the Mafia had its beginnings in Sicily, it eventually spread its tentacles all over the world. Organized crime originally owed its success to providing services that appeal to human weakness. Gambling, illegal drugs and alcohol, and trafficking in humans were among its pursuits. To enforce its hold over prized territory, the mob resorted to extortion and violence. Law enforcement has responded with harsh measures, but organized crime, now engaged in a number of respectable activities, still thrives. This episode, which is part of a five-volume series, returns to the roots of organized crime in Sicily, with an informative chronicle of the country’s so-called Five Families. Archival film footage, photographs, journals, personal accounts, and commentary by historians tell the story.

The Russian Mob or Mafia, Russkaya Mafiya, Red Mafia, Krasnaya Mafiya or Bratva (brotherhood), is a name given to a broad group of organized criminals of various ethnicity which appeared in the former Soviet Union territories after its disintegration in 1991.

Apart from ethnic Russians, the term comprises disproportionately large numbers of Jews, Chechens and Georgians. Other notable ethnic groups within the Russian Mafia include the Ukrainians, Armenians, and Azeris. The term “Russian Mafia” may also include organized crime groups from other former Soviet Republics.

Is the war on drugs in Colombia winnable? One of South America’s most beautiful countries, it’s also one of the most dangerous. Since the 1970s, Colombian drug cartels have shipped thousands of tons of cocaine to the US. We investigate two of the most successful–the Medellin and Cali Cartels–and the smaller organizations that arose in their demise, whose cocaine and heroin crops and trafficking airstrips are protected by leftist guerrilla groups for a share of the profit.

Although the Mafia had its beginnings in Sicily, it eventually spread its tentacles all over the world. Organized crime originally owed its success to providing services that appeal to human weakness. Gambling, illegal drugs and alcohol, and trafficking in humans were among its pursuits. To enforce its hold over prized territory, the mob resorted to extortion and violence. Law enforcement has responded with harsh measures, but organized crime, now engaged in a number of respectable activities, still thrives. This episode on the Mafia in India is part of a five-volume series that chronicles the history of organized crime, using archival film footage, photographs, journals, personal accounts, and commentary by historians. The subversion of the country’s spiritual beliefs led to the rise of a special brand of mob activity in India.


黑手党 相關影片

内容 社会科学类 社会 法律
史地类 地理 亚洲
组织 西西里岛
  • 维基百科:黑手党

Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:2001 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.4 法律 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.221 东亚 Category:6.2211 中国 Category:6.223 南亚 Category:6.2231 印度 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.233 东欧 Category:6.2331 俄罗斯 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2353 意大利 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.242 南美洲 Category:6.2422 哥伦比亚 Category:8.0007 组织 Category:8.0043 西西里岛 Category:缺翻译