
军事类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2006 年出品,是 HC Shootout! 系列之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Shootout! Season 2
  • 英文系列名:HC Shootout!
  • 电视台 :History Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时长 :45 min / EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2006

Sometimes they took minutes; others, several hours. Each engagement was a battle of wits, strategies, technology and luck.

SHOOTOUT! chronicles famous shootouts in history from the perspective of both sides of the fight. This series examines the personalities, the weapons, the firepower and the leadership needed to defeat the enemy. Using 3-D animation sequences, audiences will experience the thick of battle from the points of view of the players themselves.

Shot-by-shot reenactments of battles from World War II, Vietnam and the Siege of Baghdad form the foundation of this survey of some of history’s most gripping gunfights. Combining computer animation with eyewitness accounts and commentary from military experts, “Shootout!” takes viewers into the heart of battle, showing the wars’ most daring rescues, sniper attacks, ambushes and hand-to-hand combat from both sides of the fight.

It is supposed to be easy. And the city is supposed to be friendly. On March 23, 2003, a 1200-man battalion of U.S. Marines from Camp Lejeune, NC closes in on the Iraqi city of An Nasiriyah. Its mission: seize two bridges – one on each end of town – and hold them open so another convoy of Marines can roll through on its way to Baghdad. Word from intelligence analysts is that Nasiriyah might actually welcome the Marines. Saddam has oppressed the city’s inhabitants for years, so they’re no fans of the Hussein regime. But in recent weeks, Saddam loyalists have quietly infiltrated Nasiriyah – some 3,000 of them. They’ve intimidated the citizens, stockpiled weapons and prepared fighting positions. It might not be enough to hold off the Marine onslaught, but the Americans won’t capture the town without paying a price. And as the fog of war settles over the city, the men of 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines will begin to bleed. Tragically, some of the most devastating blows will not come at the hands of the enemy…They’ll be the work of friendly forces.

“Today we are going to kill Americans.” That was the warning to shopkeepers in Ramadi’s local marketplace on April 6, 2004. Insurgents meant what they said. They intended to harm any and all members of Echo Company – part of the Second Battalion of the Fourth Marine Regiment. Ramadi, a Sunni stronghold in the Anbar province, is one of the most dangerous places in Iraq. Saddam used it as a power base. Resistance there is fierce. “The Magnificent Bastards” as the 2-4 is called, bore the brunt of hatred and rage as they were ambushed in a well-planned attack. This hour chronicles the 2-4’s desperate struggle for survival. They were under fire everywhere and all at once from an enemy that could not be seen. AK-47s, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades exploded all around. About 50 insurgents positioned themselves on the roofs of one- story buildings and in-between market stalls. They went to work as the Marines rumbled through. The next week-and-a-half would be bloody and deadly – the worst since the fall of Baghdad

It was the last battle before the bombs. The final stepping stone on the warpath to Japan. Equal parts bloodbath and chess match, these are the strategies and tragedies that made Okinawa the Pacific’s bloodiest battlefield, seen through the eyes of the men who lived to tell the tale. Rifleman Leonard “Laz” Lazarick and mortarman Donald Dencker relive the massive Japanese assault on Nishibaru Ridge that nearly cost them their lives, Sgt. Jack Mullikin and machine-gunner Mel Heckt take us moment-by-moment through a death-defying shootout inside a ruined shack, and Private Jack Houston recalls the terrifying moments as his company of Marines is cut down on the slopes of infamous Sugar Loaf Hill.

December 8th, 1942. With the American fleet still smoldering in Pearl Harbor, the Japanese unleash their war machine on the Philippines. Thousands of American GIs and their Filipino allies beat a fighting retreat onto the jungle-infested Bataan Peninsula with the Imperial Army in hot pursuit. Surrounded, and cut off from reinforcements, the American-led force finally surrenders, only to be subjected to the horrors of the Bataan Death March. Many of the survivors of the march are imprisoned at the Cabanatuan death camp. Fast forward. January 30th, 1945. After three hellish years, the American military makes a triumphant return to the shores of the Philippines. The elite Army Rangers are sent on a secret mission to liberate 500 Allied prisoners still languishing behind the barbed wire of Cabanatuan. Captain Bob Prince and Lt. Robert Andersen were there, and they take us shot-by-shot through one of the most daring lightning raids in history.

The First Infantry Division, a.k.a. Big Red One, is the oldest and best division in the U.S. Army. These warriors fought more campaigns than any other U.S. division in World War Two. Elements of the division experienced action during the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil War and fired the first American shots in World War I. Decorated veterans of World War II will take the viewer back to the tense battlefields of El Guettar, North Africa, Troina, Sicily, Normandy (Omaha beach) France and their final shootout at the Falkenau concentration camp in Czechoslovakia.

It’s the most desperate shootout of the Vietnam War. During the early morning hours of January 31, 1968, North Vietnamese communist troops launch a surprise attack on dozens of towns and villages across South Vietnam. They hope the bold offensive will spur a nation-wide uprising in the south and push U.S. forces from Vietnam. U.S. troops beat back the assault and hundreds of the communist fighters are killed. From remote jungle crossroads to the streets of Saigon, average Americans, under attack, display incredible courage and make sacrifices to save their buddies. The impact will be felt in the consciousness of the American public itself. We use unique visual graphics and interviews with survivors to complete the story.

U.S. troops return to squelch the insurgency in Fallujah while dodging road bombs and improvised explosive devices (IED’s) planted everywhere – and retaliating with a firestorm of high-tech weaponry during the mother of all urban battles.

U.S. Special Forces surround Uday and Qusay Hussein, and more of Iraq’s most wanted, in this rapid-fire episode that dissects military blueprints for capturing high-level targets.

The Battle of Iwo Jima is best known for the famous flag-raising photograph taken on Mt. Suribachi, but there’s an untold story behind the picture. Just before the photo was snapped, there was a bloody shootout on the mountain crest. This is just one of the true stories of true grit told by the veterans of one of the Pacific’s bloodiest battlefields, where 70,000 US Marines fought 21,000 entrenched Japanese over eight square miles of death. Follow along day- by-day and moment-by-moment as Corporal Tony Stein takes out an entire Japanese bunker complex with a modified aircraft machine gun, Lt. John Keith Wells leads his men against a mountain stronghold, gutsy Sergeant William Harrell loses both hands while defending his company command post, and the men of the 5th Pioneer Battalion fight off a savage, last-ditch suicide attack in the waning days of the battle.

It was Hitler’s boldest move. The Axis of Evil creates an 85-mile “bulge” along the Western front that extends from the North Sea down to Switzerland. Hitler’s mission is to drive a wedge between the Allied armies in the north and south, retake the seaport city of Antwerp and claim victory. The Americans not only fight the Germans but the weather – minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. In some places, the snow is knee deep. Foxholes become frozen tombs and frostbite takes 15,000 men off the line. After six weeks of hellish combat, the battle pulverizes Hitler’s forces on the Western Front and aids the Allies in winning the war.

Trail U.S. Marines as they hone in on a Jihadist training camp at the Iraqi- Syrian border. This stealth mission packs the latest assault technology designed to eradicate terrorist kingpin Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.



内容 社会科学类 军事 现代战争 第二次世界大战 海湾战争及伊拉克战争 团体和部队
史地类 地理 美洲 北美洲 美国
  • History Channel Shootout!- Wikipedia !

Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Shootout! Category:2006 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.6 军事 Category:5.614 现代战争 Category:5.6142 第二次世界大战 Category:5.6146 海湾战争及伊拉克战争 Category:5.63 团体和部队 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译