
社會科学类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2013 年出品,是HC Serial Killer Earth 系列其中之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Serial Killer Earth Series 1
  • 英文系列名:Serial Killer Earth
  • 电视台 :History Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2013

Natural disasters can be more powerful and destructive than all other forces on the planet. Throughout human history, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other devastating catastrophes have threatened to wipe out civilizations around the world. Serial Killer Earth brings together a leading team of experts to analyze gripping video footage and eyewitness testimony. Their goal is to determine what caused today’s natural disasters and how they stack up against the worst of all time.

In this episode, a massive tornado rips through a Midwestern town, destroying everything in its path. Mother Nature unleashes a giant wall of snow in Canada and sends a monster tsunami into Southeast Asia, killing two hundred and eighty three thousand people.

A massive landslide chases a group of construction workers. A tornado tears through an airport; and an earthquake threatens a 700-year-old church. Mother Nature continues her killing spree.

Mother Nature unleashes a swarm of tornados on a group of storm chasers. A delivery driver in Japan gets swallowed by the deadliest tsunami in Japan’s history. And finally, a massive avalanche barrels into a small town in Norway.

Mother Nature unleashes a barrage of attacks around the globe. In San Francisco, a powerful earthquake levels bridges, crushing commuters underneath. A rolling avalanche devours climbers in the Himalayas. And in Nebraska, lightning strikes an unlucky storm chaser.

Mother Nature attacks Gulf Coast residents with the worst hurricane in US history. A tornado rips through a hardware store, turning merchandise into lethal weapons. And in Haiti, a monstrous earthquake claims countless victims.

Mother Nature unleashes a tornado across busy Texas interstate, battering drivers in its path. A violent earthquake rips through a city in Turkey and puts thousands of lives on the line. And a Chinese river sends a surge of water over its banks, sweeping onlookers to certain death.

A wildfire threatens to swallow a group of Russian fire-fighters. A hurricane takes dead aim at a Florida weatherman. And in Korea, a massive landslide wipes out traffic on a busy road.

In Southern California, raging wildfires set the stage for a massive mudslide killing 14 people at a campsite. A tornado targets an Oklahoma truck driver. And an Indonesian volcano erupts, smothering nearby citizens with a blanket of ash.

Apocalyptic dust storms suffocate cities around the globe. A tornado chases a family, nearly crushing them with their truck. A volcano blows its stack almost annihilating the population of the Pacific Northwest. Mother Nature continues to wreak havoc.

In this episode, a flaming tornado terrorizes a team of fire-fighters. A Hawaiian volcano wipes an island paradise off the map. And an avalanche of rocks and debris obliterate a village in Honduras.



内容 社会科学类 社会 灾难 天灾


Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Serial Killer Earth Category:2013 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.16 灾难 Category:5.161 天灾 Category:缺翻译