
社会科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 ???? 年出品,是 DC Globe Trekker 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:勇闖天涯
  • 英文片名 :Globe Trekker Season 14
  • 英文系列名:DC Globe Trekker
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 52 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :VHS / DVD
  • 发行时间 :????

Globe Trekker transports viewers to unforgettable destinations through its stunning photography and spirit of adventure. In each episode, we send our charismatic hosts Ian Wright, Justine Shapiro, Zay Harding, Megan McCormick, Brianna Barnes, Holly Morris, Judith Jones and more off the beaten path to soak up the local culture, sample the cuisine and revel in breathtaking vistas. Globe Trekker’s motto? “living as the locals do!”

Explore your favourite Globe Trekker episodes by using the drop down menu below to find out more about your favourite series or show.

Brianna Barnes and Jonathan Atherton travel to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. They start by exploring the compact city centre, built around a network of beautiful Jonathan Athertoncanals overlooked by the gabled mansions of 17th century merchants. Whilst Jonathan looks around using the locals’ favourite means of transport, the bicycle, Brianna takes a tour of the waterways with the free-spirited Saint Nicolaas Boat Club. Amsterdam is renowned as one of the world’s most liberal cities, and en route they check out the city’s famously tolerant attitude to soft drugs like marijuana, and the nefarious goings-on in the city’s infamous Red Light District.

As befits one of Europe’s major cultural centres, Amsterdam is also home to numerous excellent museums. Jonathan visits the Rijksmuseum, which has a magnificent collection of paintings by the great Dutch Masters, whilst Brianna marvels at the artistic genius of Vincent Van Gogh at the Van Gogh Museum.

On the rougher fringes of the city, beyond the lovely 17th century Golden Age mansions and canals of central Amsterdam, lie the city docks. Brianna visits a replica of an East Indiaman cargo ship moored here, discovering how the great wealth of the city during its Golden Age depended predominantly on the riches that its merchants were able to extract from the Dutch colonies in Asia. Jonathan, meanwhile, visits a dockland squat — Amsterdam, it seems, has a severe housing shortage, in part because of the difficulty of building new apartment blocks in the historic city centre preservation zone.

On their final day in the city, whilst Jonathan does what he does best – having fun – Brianna by contrast follows the trail of the city’s darkest days during World War II. In particular, she visitsBrianna Barnes, Amsterdamthe Anne Frank House, once home to the young Jewish girl whose famous diary recorded her family’s last days as they hid from the Nazis in an attic, before their hiding place was betrayed to the Gestapo by a collaborator, and they were murdered in the Holocaust.

Alongside the Jews, the Nazis persecuted numerous other minority groups, including homosexuals, but happily today, in liberal Amsterdam, gays and lesbians can celebrate their love freely. Jonathan ends his trip partying along with them at one of the city’s biggest events of the year – the Gay Parade - as a procession of boats and floats make their joyous way along the city centre canals.

Part two of the Holy Lands is an exciting adventure through the heartland of Israel. Host Zay Harding walks in the footsteps of Jesus, traces the mysteries of Kabbalah, explores the Crusader tunnels of Akko, lives it up in the secular city of Tel Aviv and treks the Negev Desert.

nazareth-area-view—’s journey starts in Nazareth, the home town of Jesus, where he embarks on a two day hike along the Jesus trail to the Sea of Galilee.

On his trek he visits many of the places where Jesus is said to have performed miracles and even has a go at walking on water himself.

Zay then journeys north to the tiny hilltop town of Tsfat, famous as the birthplace of Kabbalah. After experiencing the traditions of Jewish mysticism through food and dance, Zay heads to the coast, stopping at the beautifully preserved medieval town of Akko to explore the ruins of an underground Crusader city.Dan-Zelazo—Knights-Walk-in-Akko-Israel

Travelling down the coast, Zay stops for a few days R&R in Israel’s gleaming metropolis, Tel Aviv.

Having earned UNESCO World Heritage status for its Bauhaus architecture, Tel Aviv has become a designer city. Zay wastes no time touring the sights on a bike before taking part in the colourful Gay Pride march, one of the biggest in the Mediterranean.

To conclude his journey, Zay travels by mountain bike deep into the Negev Desert, the route of the ancient Spice Trade, to explore its magnificent landscapes, history and futuristic science projects.

Anyone who has experienced the Taj Mahal, taken in the natural beauty of the Victoria Falls, or braved the wilds of Antarctica cannot fail to be moved by our planet earth. Whether man made or a natural phenomenon, our heritage is irreplaceable. But it is also under threat as never before. And the biggest threat comes from us – human beings. Tourism, wars, pollution, development, mining, decay and neglect daily threaten some of the most precious places on earth.

Our presenters take us on a trip round the world to explore some of our most endangered places and ask what we can all do to help the world we live in.

Justine Shapiro shows us the beautiful city of Venice, which has slowly been sinking for 1,000 years. Zay Harding witnesses chunks of a glacier melting into the sea in Antarctica as global warming continues to heat up the earth. Ian Wright travels to the Nevada desert outside Las Vegas where A bombs were tested in the 1950s and finds out just how destructive they really were. Adela Ucar visits an ancient Turkish town, Hasankeyf, before it is sunk under the River Tigris as part of plans for a new dam. Megan McCormick has to fight for a place on the beach in Algarve as she looks at the invasion of tourism that takes place there every year.

The fight for the future of our world starts right here, right now…

Zay HardingJoin traveller Zay Harding on an epic adventure to the ends of the earth, from the southernmost tip of Argentina to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, the South Shetland Islands, and on to Antarctica. He sails along the Antarctic Peninsula before returning all the way to Cape Horn in Chile.

Following in the footsteps of explorers, adventurers, and conservationists from Scott toShackleton, Zay ice climbs, kayaks, camps and even plunges into the ice cold Antarctic waters. Along the way, he meets today’s pre-eminent scientists working in the field – like the British Antarctic Survey’s Jonathan Shanklin, the man who in 1984 discovered the hole in the earth’s ozone layer, and American biologist and global warming expert Jim McClintock.

Zay marvels at a stunning array of wildlife including killer whales, king penguins and weddell seals, albatrosses and giant petrels. It’s an unforgettable and humbling experience – it’s the trip of a lifetime.

We find Zay already in Antarctica at Cuverville Island. He is boarding 60 foot yacht The Spirit of Sydney, embarking on a journey like he has never before experienced. As well as hisWeddell Seal usual duties as presenter and traveller, Zay will be expected to work as the yacht’s crew!

After a peaceful first night in Paradise Harbour Zay wakes up to clear blue skies, the perfect day for sea kayaking. The only thing he hasn’t banked on is the first hand effects of global warming. Glacier’s calve, – or break off – in front of him every few minutes creating dangerous ocean swells. Next, he gets up close and personal with penguins, discovering that all you have to do is sit still and watch and their amazing daily ritual unfolds… An adult gentoo penguin chases off a hungry skua, chinstrap penguins routinely make a perilous trek up and down a steep and icy slope to find food.

Getting back onboard the yacht Zay sails on to the UK historic site Port Lockroy. It is here that Life on the scientific basehe delves into the iconic story of Scott and Amundsen’s race to be the first to reach the South Pole.

Next up we visit Ukrainian science base Akademic Vernadsky and get a first hand glimpse into what life is like for scientists working in the Antarctic. In driving snow, Zay follows biologist Igor Dyky on field work studying the Weddell Seal.

Ice climbing is something you don’t want to get wrong in Antarctica but Zay attempts that next, with an assault on Mount Scott. Deep crevasses make the journey too hazardous to complete. Half way up the mountain, the weather closes in and Australian mountain guide Chris Jones falls waist high into a bottomless crevasse.

Zay’s last stop on the peninsula is at American science base Palmer Station where he meets leading biologist Jim McClintock. Jim reinforces our worst fears about global warming andCape Horn celebrationexplains the plight of the Adélie Penguin, a species now under threat.

The final part of the programme is also the most challenging for Zay (and the crew!), as they sail over 1000kms from Antarctica and back to the South American mainland. Crossing the most perilous stretch of water in the world – Drake Passage – Zay learns what it is like to sail through a force 8 gale and be seasick for three days straight. It is little wonder that he is compelled to kiss the ground when he finally reaches dry land: Cape Horn.

Zay HardingGlobe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. With its sunkissed beaches, and Gothic palaces it’s an Olympian city worthy of the gods and the modernist capital of the world where some of the greatest artists on earth found their fame.

First off, Megan travels back in time to the city’s “grey years” - between the end of the civil war and General Franco’s death – when there was a huge zest for change, to move on to a new era. It stoked the desire to transform the city itself, while the Olympic Games bid and then the Games themselves provided extra incentive, not to mention cash. The finest architects and urban planners were persuaded to take part in this vision. The axis upon which the project spun was the idea to “turn Barcelona around“‘ to face the sea, creating whole swathes of beach from virtual wasteland.

Before the Civil War gripped Barcelona, one architect shaped it more than any other – and he was Antonio Gaudi. Although categorized with the Art Nouveau movement, Gaudi created anMegan McCormick, Barcelonaentirely original style and she takes in numberous examples of his work all over Barcelona, taking in Park Guell, and Casa Batlló and the spectacular Sagrada Familia, a large Roman Catholic basilica which is still under construction 120 years after the first brick was laid. In the Maritime Museum she learns all about Barcelona’s fascinating seafaring history. Meanwhile, at the Miró Foundation art gallery she marvels at one of the artist’s “wild paintings”entitled “Man and Woman in front of a Pile of Excrement”.Next off, she hits the Museu Picasso - the most visited art gallery in Barcelona which caters to approximately 1 million visitors annually and houses the largest collection of Picasso’s work in the world.

Next off, Megan indulges in some retail therapy taking in the iconic Las Ramblas - “rambla” means “torrent” in Arabic and it seems this boulevard was once a dried watercourse, paved over for public use in the Middle Ages. Her La Boqueria, Barcelonashopping trip ends at they city harbour where she takes in the colourful atmosphere of street performers, artists, and street vendors. She explores the Barrí Gotic - orGothic Area - which combines the best of both worlds: shopping and culture. This the original Roman centre of Barcelona is home to bizarre antique shops, old bookshops, and thriving young fashion designers. She window-shops culinary delights like Casa del Bacau -The House of Cod - which sells only cod. Along the way she is intrigued by a shop window draped in black curtains – the Rey de La Magia was founded by famous magician Joachim Partagas 125 years ago and has been supplying great magicians ever since.

Next, she takes a road trip out of town to Cap De Creus- a haven for migratory birds and exotic fauna, it was pronounced a natural park in 1998. She journeys on to Port Lligat near where she visits the home of the surrealist painter: Salvador Dali. Along the way she takes in the picture postcard fishing town of Cadaqueswhere Dali used to spend his summer holidays as a child and where he produced his first paintings. Opting for a sun sea and send session, she Megan McCormick, Cadaquestakes a train to Sitges which is a Mecca for the gay community. This whitewashed town clustered around a 16th century church on a promontory called La Punta. It became a resort thanks to the annual Modernista Festival organised here in the 1890s by Catalan artist Santiago Rusinyol.

She rounds off her trip and last day in Barcelona with a cable car trip up Mount Montjuic- a lush natural paradise filled with history and art – where and vistits Montjuic Castle at the very summit of the Olympic mountain. Last off, she returns to the metropolis and the El Ravalbarrio where she has a final fling with a spot of Rumba Catalana.

Brianna Barnes, Globe Trrekker HollandThe Netherlands consists of 12 connected provinces and is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It’s also one of the most accessible. Its rich cultural heritage, laid back spirit and outdoor life make it a great destination. In this episode Brianna Barnes visits 4 provinces. Starting her journey in South Holland, our traveller explores the art and architecture of De Stijl, one of the 20th century’s most influential art moments. She takes to the seas, recounting one of the country’s most prolific maritime battles and visits a very contemporary surf compound on Scheveningen Beach.

On the first of many bike trips, Brianna finds out about the Oudewater’s unique place in the European witch trials of the 16th century and experiences first hand a gruelling interrogation on the towns weighing scales. In Leiden sheBrianna Barnes, Globe Trrekker Hollandmeets expert Carla Tuene who takes her back to the 17th century’s Tulipmania and recounts one of Europe’s first financial flower crisis.

In Amsterdam, Brianna visits the big museums and checks out Dutch Master Van Gogh’s most popular works and visits Anne Franks Annex. With her sights set on an insider’s view of the city she uses the Internet to find a bed for the night and crashes a local’s couch. Next she jumps on board with the boys from the St. Nicolaas Boat Club for an impromptu city tour, and tastes Dutch cuisine at its… fastest with a trip to the food automat: Feebo.

The final leg of the journey takes Brianna up through North Holland and over to Friesland. She sees some of the stalwarts of Dutch culture, getting in on the action at a traditional cheese market, meeting miller Tom Kreuning and getting a tour of his extreme home where she finds out about the nuances of clog design.

Brianna Barnes, Globe Trrekker HollandPutting the Netherlands reputation for high tech solutions to the test, she gets peddling again, trying out a wind powered bike and visiting one of the wind turbines that dot the countryside. The finale of the journey sees her enter an open Fierljeppen Competition where compete she gets the chance to take part in one the Netherlands home grown sports: canal jumping.

Globe Trekker Traveller Zay Harding explores the Holy Lands – a fascinating region with a unique religious, historical and political identity.Ge takes in the ancient city of Jerusalem,Zay Hardingventures into the Palestinian West Bank where he explores one of the world’s natural wonders, the Dead Sea.

In Jerusalem Zay visits the iconic Dome of The Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Western Wall. He gets a lesson in orthodox Jewish fashion and takes an historical walk along the old city ramparts before filling up on visions of the End of Days in one of the oldest cemeteries in the world.

You can’t travel in this part of the world without noticing the political tensions between Israel and Palestine. Zay takes a local bus to the Palestinian West Bank and the bustling city of Ramallah. Travel into the West Bank might seem scary at first as the journey passes kilometres of separation walls and military check points but – once inside – Zay enjoys the richness of the culture and food. He visits the father of the Palestinian Liberation Movement, Yasser Arafat’s Tomb and chats to some of the locals about life in the West Bank before checking out the extraordinary graffiti along its separation wall.

To end his journey Zay travels to the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea and takes a therapeutic dip in its incredibly buoyant water.

Ernest Hemingway once said it was “the most Spanish of all the cities” – and he would be surprised if he saw it today. Madrid, the capital of Spain is undergoing something of aAdela Ucar Innerarityrenaissance – new modern building works are going up all over the city, the arts are flourishing, it’s home to the biggest Gay Pride in Europe, and for travellers Madrid is becoming known as the all night party capital. It’s a great time to visit!

DAY 1: Spanish presenter Adela Ucar, lands at Madrid’s funky new airport building - Terminal 4 - designed by London’s Richard Rogers Partnership. From there she is off by taxi to the city centre, bedding down in Los Gatos hostel where she stays for the duration of her visit. The hostel is aptly named Los Gatos - aka “The Cats” - a popular nickname that young Madrileños have taken to calling themselves. Why? Because cats come out at night and play. Likewise, Adela wastes no time in heading out herself for the evening.

DAY 2: Adela commandeers a bicycle to visit Madrid’s old town. She starts her tour at the imposing Plaza Major, built in the 16th century and formerly used by the Spanish Inquisition to publicly humiliate “heretics”, i.e. anyone deemed to have strayed from Catholic rule. Today, Adela Ucar Innerarityit’s the epitome of a modern European capital – crammed with cafés, ice cream parlours, and teeming with buskers and tourists. Adela cycles on to the Royal Palace which was built in 1764 and is a fine example of Baroque architecture, its lavish interiors paid for by the wealth and riches which flowed into Spain from the New World colonies at that time. Next, determined to pack as much culture as she can into one day, Adela sets off for one of Madrid’s newest and hippest art spaces - The Matadero- built on the site of an old abattoir. Here she meets up with Mit Borass a local video artist who accompanies Adela to El Prado Museum. Here at Madrid’s most famous classical gallery, they check out two of Spain’s greatest artists:Velasquez and Goya.

DAY 3: Adela heads out of town to El Escorial, one of the most significant buildings in the history of Spain. Part monastery and part palace this grandiose edifice was built by the fanatically religious and wildly ambitious King Philip II. Next up, she visits Segovia - an ancient walled city and home to an incredibly well preserved Roman aqueduct which is thought to date back to 1 A.D. En route, Adela makes time for lunch and dines on freshly roasted suckling pig which is considered a great delicacy in these parts. To demonstrate just how tender and delicious the meat is, the restaurant owner slices the baby pig himself – using a porcelain plate as a knife. Last off, Adela checks out the fairytale-like palace fort on the hill: the Alcazar. She is lucky enough to get a tour from Professor Antonio Ruiz who is in charge of the palace’s restoration.

Adela Ucar InnerarityDAY 4: Meanwhile back in Madrid, it’s Sunday and the perfect day to visit El Rastro - the city’s famous flea market in – in La Latina which was once the barrio bajo, or working class neighbourhood. This is where meat was traditionally slaughtered, tanned, and prepared formarket. As Adela soon discovers, tapas houses serving traditional Madrileño food abound in this area. Their speciality? Offal. After sampling zarajo - lambs intestines wrapped around wooden stick – she moves on to flavoursome tripe, and tasty pig’s ear, before concluding she’s definitely more of a pizza girl. Next off, she visits the city’s cathedral of bullfighting: Las Ventas Stadium for a spot of traditional Spanish entertainment. Here she interviews a young novice bullfighter – or torero- who is so nervous before the fight he can barely speak. Just like the bull – he feels like he is at the mercy of the Las Ventas crowd. Aside from the bullfighter’s reputation, it seems there’s big money in this sport.

DAY 5: Adela journeys by train to Toledo – the erstwhile capital of Spain. Built on a hill, and surrounded on 3 sides by a bend in the Tagus River, this UNESCO World Heritage city is steeped in history. Adela takes in city’s magnificent 15th century Gothic cathedral where she meets up with local guide Mario Campos who takes her on a Spanish Inquisition Tour. Along the way, they take in the gory Museum of Torture which showcases a collection ofAdela Ucar Inneraritymacabre torture paraphernalia. Adela steps back into a bygone era when she visits a traditional blacksmith where a local craftsman demonstrates the ancient art of sword-making. In fact,Toledo has been renowned for its forged metal swords since the Middle Ages - and you don’t have to be a fan of Lord of the Rings to appreciate the artistry.

DAY 6: Back in Madrid, Adela continues her history trail into the 20th century and The Spanish Civil War which took place from 1936–1939, and ended when fascist dictator General Franco came to power. Franco ruled the country until his death in 1975 – a period which fascinates English expatriate historian Stephen Drake. Stephen takes Adela on a guided Civil War tour and explains how Franco didn’t manage to conquer Madrid city by land. Instead, he called upon Hitler to bomb the city from the sky – thus the Republican army had no choice but to surrender.Local Madrileños also give their take on Franco, and why this very recent period of history is so often ignored, or swept under the carpet.

Adela Ucar InnerarityDAY 7: As it’s her last day in Madrid, Adela heads downtown for a delicious feast prepared by one of Spain’s most famous chefs: Pasco Roncero. Pasco makes a “deconstructed” version of the Spanish Tortilla which he serves in a cocktail glass. Last off, she winds up her trip with a visit to another of Madrid’s successful young exports: cutting edge fashion designer -David Delfin - whose amazing boutique looks more like a contemporary art space than a clothes shop. David gets Adela kitted out for Madrid’s Gay Pride festival. Not only is this Pride the biggest of its kind in Europe, it’s also a symbol of just how far Spain has opened up since the Franco years. It looks like Los Gatos really do know how to party!

Globe Trekker Adela Ucar begins her journey in the capital of Lagos, an anarchic and electric city with a vital night life. Responsible for giving us Afro Bati, Juju, and Fuji music among Adela Ucar Innerarityother genres. We visit The Shrine, a world famous night club and get a lesson on the Nigerian drums.

Leaving Lagos we visit the south west of the country known as Yoruba Land, once home to one of the most powerful empires on the West African coast, and believed to be home to Queen Sheba’s tomb. In Oyo, we visit the Calabash Carvers in the local market and meet witch doctors who explain traditional charms.

In Oshobogo, the centre of Yoruban art we visit the massive sculptures and monumental shrine to the River goddess Osun. Northern Nigeria is the territory of theFulani people and is predominantly Islamic. We visit the walled old cities of Zaria, Katsina, and Kano which is the oldest city in West Africa. Fifty thousand worshippers attend Friday prayers here at the central mosque. We hunt for bargains in the ancient Kurmi Market, a maze of alleyways and lanes. The Fulanis are a tall, aristocratic tribe, who weave their hair into plaits and mark their bodies and faces. We visit a traditional Fulani village in Chafe.

We end our journey in the eastern highlands of the country, home to deep wooded valleys, waterfalls, the largest mountain in Nigeria, and where at least 4 separate gorilla populations have been discovered in recent years. Last off, we take to the hiking trails and spot a rare mountain gorilla.

Zay HardingJoin traveller Zay Harding on an epic adventure to the ends of the earth, from the southernmost tip of Argentina to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, the South Shetland Islands, and on to Antarctica. He sails along the Antarctic Peninsula before returning all the way to Cape Horn in Chile.

Following in the footsteps of explorers, adventurers, and conservationists from Scott to Shackleton, Zay ice climbs, kayaks, camps and even plunges into the ice cold Antarctic waters. Along the way, he meets today’s pre-eminent scientists working in the field – like the British Antarctic Survey’s Jonathan Shanklin, the man who in 1984 discovered the hole in the earth’s ozone layer, and American biologist and global warming expert Jim McClintock.

Zay will be marvelling at a stunning array of wildlife including killer whales, king penguins and weddell seals, albatrosses and giant petrels. It is an unforgettable and humbling – it’s the trip of a lifetime.

Albatross nesting colony, Falkland IslandsOur journey begins in Ushuaia, Argentina with Zay boarding Russian research vessel the Akademic Ioffe. 46,000 tourists made the voyage to Antarctica in 2008. It is one of the world’s fastest growing travel destinations.

At his first island stopover in the outer Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Zay befriends a party of avid birdwatchers and visits an albatross nesting colony. Next, it’s onto the capital Port Stanley to meet a fourth generation local, and learn all about the bloody 1982 conflict between Britain and Argentina.

Leaving the Falkland Islands we sail to sub Antarctic South Georgia. Here, fur andleopard seals jostle for space with king penguins, while giant skuas swoop overhead. The dramatic backdrop is mountains, glaciers, green grass, sand beaches and floating icebergs. Iceberg!Zay drops in at Gold Harbour to commune with the impressive king penguin. 50,000 of them crowd the beach in front of him.

Zay walks the final part of Ernest Shackleton’s famous trek and drinks a toast to the great explorer’s grave at Grytviken Whaling Station. Among the abandoned ruins, we learn about the bloody practises that were used to commercially kill whales and extract their oil up until 1964.

The final part of Zay’s journey south sees the ship’s course hijacked by floating pack ice. Forced to detour via the South Shetland Islands, he stops at King George Island, home to the Antarctic base stations of 7 countries.

Humpback WhaleMoving on, at long last Zay catches glimpse of the Antarctic Peninsula itself. Humpback whales greet the ship ‘s arrival before he steps foot for the first time on the world’s coldest, windiest, and also fifth largest continent: Antarctica.

Syria is home to one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world and offers the independent traveller a wide range of exciting and multi layered experiences. In Globe Trekker Syria Holly Morris, Palmyrawe follow Presenter Holly Morris as she explores some of the countries most famous sites and cities and delves beneath the surface to discover a culture of time honoured tradition and a people full of warmth and hospitality.

Holly begins her journey in Syria’s second largest city, the ancient trading centre of Aleppo. Once a key stop on the silk and spice routes between Asia and the West, Aleppo is steeped in history and oozes atmosphere and charm. Holly checks into the one of the cities most famous landmarks, the once grand Baron Hotel. With a guest list that includes many notables and dignitaries such as the mystery writer Agatha Christie and T.E Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia), the hotel provides plenty of inspiration and a perfect base for exploring the city.

After a visit to Aleppo’s ancient markets, some of the largest in the Arab world, and the impressive Citadel, which contains the remains of over 5000 years of history, Holly heads out of town on a day trip to see the awe inspiring Greco-Roman city of Apamea and some of the oldest Christian ruins in the world known as the Dead Cities.

Spices, Aleppo SoukHolly then boards a train into Syria’s lush coastal mountains to visit two of the most impressive Crusader castles ever built, Saladin’s Castle and Krak de Chevalier, before heading south to the country’s capitol city, Damascus.

Despite it’s ancient origins Damascus is fast paced, exciting and in many ways presents the modern face of Syria. After touring the legendary Old City and visiting the stunning Umyyad Mosque, one of the oldest mosques in the world, Holly is eager to get a taste of contemporary Syrian life and takes up an offer to attend one of the glitziest show biz events in the Middle East, the Adonia TV Drama Awards. Undergoing a full blown Syrian make-over complete with big hair and false eyelashes our normally down to earth Holly is transformed into a Arabian diva and has an unforgettable night of fun and glamour Middle Eastern style.

For the final leg of her journey Holly heads east into the Syrian desert to the legendary desert oasis of Camel, PalmyraPalmyra. Considered by many to contain some of the most impressive ancient Roman remains in the world, Palmyra’s antiquity, mystique and breath taking desert landscape provide the perfect backdrop for Holly to conclude her journey.

Beautiful, exotic, mind bogglingly ancient, and full of surprises, Holly’s experience in Syria is nothing short of awe inspiring. Her advice? Get there quick before the secret is out.

Globe Trekker Adela Ucar’s Turkish adventure begins in the historical town of Konya, home town of the Whirling Dervish orders. A bastion of Islamic faith and Seljuk culture, it’s a city where ancient history meets modernity, from ancient mosques and myriad markets, perfumedAdela Ucar Inneraritywith Eastern spices, where Muslim pilgrims mingle with secular citizens in tranquil tea gardens.

Her journey continues along the coastline of the Aegean Sea. She treks along the Lycian Way, exploring ancient rock-hewn tombs which dot the hills surrounding Myra, and relaxing on sun-kissed beaches. She travels on toAdana, Turkey’s 4th largest city and home to the Sabanc Mosque, the largest mosque between Istanbul and Saudi Arabia which can accommodate 20,000 worshippers and even has a small elevator tucked away in one of its minarets. The city is also renowned for its exquisite cuisine – notably the Adana Kebab – and famed for its Salgam, a salty fermented juice made from turnips.

Journeying onwards and off-the-beaten-track, Adela visits the historic south eastern region of Anatolia. With its jagged mountain peaks, sun-kissed plains, extinct volcanoes, immense lakes, and historic cities – it’s a region filled with exoticism and adventure. First, she stops off at Gaziantep, a city buzzing with café culture hedonism, it’s filled with Roman, Byzantine, Arab, and Ottoman architecture - clusters of old stone houses, a mighty citadel, ancient fortress – bustling bazaars and brimming with bakery shops, said to produce the best and most delicious pistachio baklava in the whole of Turkey.

Last off, she visits the city of Diyarbakr with its huge basalt city walls, studded by mighty gates, it’s the epicentre of Kurdish culture. Criss-crossed by narrow, winding alleyways, studded with mosques and stone-stencilled black basalt houses, this atmospheric city just oozes history.

Ukraine is an off-beat destination for most travellers, including Holly Morris, who nonetheless, dives right into her Globe Trekker journey to discover plenty of unexpected charms, cultural curiosities, and historical perspectives that range from fun to deeply haunting.

Holly Morris, UkraineHolly’s Ukraine itinerary cuts a wide circular swath through this vast country which is slightly bigger then France, and home to over 45 million people. Within Ukraine’s current borders lies a history of overlapping empires, conquering armies and a patchwork of ethnic populations that sets the scene for today’s visitor at every turn.

A uniquely condensed collection of Renaissance and Baroque churches and architecture is Holly’s first impression when she lands in the city of Lviv, Ukraine’s north western “cultural capital”, a reminder that Lviv was once a jewel of the Austrian-Hungarian empire, and an outpost of European culture on the frontier of the Russian border. Modern day Lviv also displays a penchant for extreme-themed cafes and restaurants, and Holly discovers two prime examples: a “secret” Beer hall devoted to the memory of World War 2-era Ukrainian resistance fighters and an S&M themed cafe devoted to Lviv-born writer Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch, who inspired the term “masochism”.

Next, comes living folklore, as Holly hits the road for the gorgeous scenery of the Carpathian Mountains. Here, authentic traditions of local mountain peoples, such as the “Hutsuls”remainintact, as Holly discovers when she shops a local outdoor market, visits a mountain shaman for a blessing, and dances the night away at a local wedding reception. Afterwards, we head south through the vast flat plains of central Ukraine, which is dotted with ancient farmHolly Morris, Ukrainevillages and towns such as Uman, where we witness a joyful annual pilgrimage celebration for Hassidic Jews from all over the world whose sect was founded in this region hundreds of years ago.

Continuing south, to Pervamaisk, Holly visits a once secret, cold war era missile base. Escorted by an ex-commander deep down inside a bomb-proofed control room, she puts her finger on “The Button”, but thankfully, the nuclear missiles that once pointed at the U.S. are long gone. In a stopover in Kherson, an industrial port on the edge of the Black Sea, Holly checks into her hotel only to find a party going on in the disco-ballroom where she gets to observe a Ukrainian Bride agency in action.

Holly moves on to the large, peninsula known as Crimea, a semi-autonomous republic and a long-time favourite vacation spot of Russians who still dominate cultural and political life here.

In Yalta, Holly visits the Livadia Palace, originally builtfor Czar Nicholas II as a summer home, but most famously used for the “Yalta Conference”, as a meeting point forChurchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the end of World War 2. After sampling the spa treatments at a soviet-era “sanatorium”, once the playground of communist party leaders, HollyHolly Morris, Ukrainetravels near the port of Sevastapol, and meets up with some passionate history buffs who are gathered to recreate the first battle of The Crimean War circa 1854.

Finally, heading back north to the top of the country, and the modern capital of Kiev, Holly takes a day trip to the nearby site of the Chernobyl disaster. Armed with a guide and a Geiger counter, she ventures into the 30 kilometre “exclusion” zone, into a surreal world of ghost cities, radioactive hot spots, and a few gritty natives who couldn’t be torn away from their homeland.



内容 社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 旅游
史地类 地理 亚洲 西亚
  • 暫無

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC Globe Trekker Category:???? Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.224 西亚 Category:6.2244 土耳其 Category:6.2246 以色列 Category:6.2249 西亚其它国家 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2313 荷兰 Category:6.233 东欧 Category:6.2333 乌克兰 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2352 西班牙 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:6.255 非洲西部 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.267 南极洲 Category:缺翻译 Category:缺图片