
自然科学类纪录片,Animal PlanetNHNZ 频道 2005 ,2006 年出品,是 AP The Most Extreme ,也是 NHNZ The Most Extreme 系列之一。

  • 暂无
  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:NHNZ 动物趣闻之最/AP 动物趣闻之最
  • 英文片名 :The Most Extreme Season 4
  • 英文系列名:NHNZ The Most Extreme/AP The Most Extreme
  • 电视台 :NHNZ/Animal Planet
  • 地区 :新西兰/美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :60 min/EP
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2005, 2006


  1. Male Elephant –No other animal causes more carnage when angry, and no force can stop it when angry. Bull elephants take more than 300 lives annually while in musth.
  2. Bee –Mess with one, you mess with them all. There can be 30,000 bees in one hive.
  3. Bear –Takes three lives a year from anger.
  4. Rhinoceros –Destroys property when angry.
  5. Tasmanian Devil –They are constantly fighting.
  6. Honey Badger –Reputed to be the meanest animal in all of Africa.
  7. Shrew –Temperamental women were called shrews for a reason.
  8. Llama –Truly spitting rage. There are three different types of spit a llama can spit, each progressively more potent.
  9. Male Ring-tailed Lemur –Throws stink bombs when angry.
  10. Chameleon –Turns different colors to represent mood.
  1. Water bear –It can stay in suspended animation for as long as 120 years.
  2. Burrowing frog –It can stay in suspended animation for as long as seven years.
  3. Lungfish –It can stay in suspended animation for as long as four years.
  4. Weta –It can stay frozen for the winter.
  5. Bear –It spends the winter in suspended animation.
  6. Ant –One of the most complicated cycles in the animal kingdom happens to this animal sometimes. It can stay in suspended animation for as much as eight weeks. A liver fluke causes an ant to climb on a leaf, rabbits eat the ant, the fluke lays eggs that the rabbit drops, a snail eats eggs, coughs it up in the form of slime and ants eat it. The liver fluke is then back in the ant.
  7. Earthworm –They are paralyzed by one of the venomous mammals, the shrew. They can stay in suspended animation for three weeks.
  8. Tarantula –They are paralyzed by a tarantula hawk and used as storage for its young. It can stay in suspended animation for as much as two weeks.
  9. Opossum –If there is any threat, it acts like a hog-nosed snake, but it can play dead for a lot longer, up to six hours.
  10. Hognose Snake –It isn’t as tough as its larger cousins, so if all else fails, it goes into a state of suspended animation for a few minutes and sets off a rancid stench as if it were dead.
  1. Whale –It has been found in depths of 2,200 meters (7,200 ft) and can hold its breath for almost two hours. Whales dive deeper than any other marine mammal.
  2. Weddell Seal –It can hold its breath for 90 minutes.
  3. Marine Iguana –It can hold its breath for 1 hour.
  4. Emperor Penguin –It can hold its breath for 25 minutes.
  5. Hippopotamus –It can hold its breath for 20 minutes.
  6. Diving bell spider –Spends whole life underwater but breathes through an air hole.
  7. Sirenia –Can dive for eight minutes.
  8. Sea Otter –Dives for six minutes.
  9. Galapagos Cormorant –Dives for 4 1/2 minutes,
  10. Elephant –It can dive for a few seconds, as its trunk is used as a snorkel.
  1. Tick –It can survive up to eighteen years without eating!!!!
  2. Pacific Salmon –While going upstream to their spawning grounds, it has no choice but to go nine months without eating.
  3. Bear –Since it hibernates, it can survive seven months without eating.
  4. Honeypot ant –It can survive six months without eating.
  5. Female Right Whale –Since the whale pup would die in the cold Antarctic waters, the mother must travel 4000 mi north without any food at all. It can survive four months without eating.
  6. Male Emperor Penguin –While the females are thriving on fish and krill, the dads are raising their young in the harsh Antarctic landscape, where it must go 90 days without eating.
  7. Female Weddell Seal –When it has a newborn pup, the mother must go without eating for three weeks.
  8. Bactrian Camel –If it has a full hump, it can survive for two weeks without eating.
  9. Shrew –It has to eat three times its own weight or starve.
  10. Hummingbird –It can eat 60 meals a day without getting fat due to fast metabolism.
  1. Pistol Shrimp –It has a specialized claw that generates noise over 200 decibels. To put that in perspective, the loudest human was 129 decibels, and a jet engine at takeoff is 170 decibels!
  2. Sperm Whale –So loud that it can kill even a giant squid. Could rival a rocket engine!
  3. Herring –The herring talks by blowing bubbles out of its bottom. As loud as a jet engine at takeoff!
  4. Bat –It actually is an extremely loud animal. Their calls are just too high-pitched for us to hear.
  5. Cicada –Cicadas are the loudest insects in the world. Have built in earmuffs so they don’t go deaf. As loud as a chainsaw at full throttle!
  6. Elephant –Could drown out a jackhammer.
  7. Howler Monkey –Howler monkeys are the loudest monkeys in the world. Their calls can be heard from over 10 mi away. As loud as a blender at full throttle!
  8. Wolf –Their howl can be heard ten miles away on a clear night.
  9. Male Kakapo –Low pitched love call. Can be heard three miles away.
  10. Alligator –Calls are too low-pitched for humans to hear.
  1. Anglerfish –The male bites on the female.
  2. Mussel –Has a fish looking appendage that lures other fish to it.
  3. Nudibranch –Stores sea anemone poison inside their own appendages after eating the anemone.
  4. Lizard –It can let go of its tail in order to escape a predator.
  5. Spider Monkey –Its tail acts like an extra hand.
  6. Star-nosed Mole –The nose has many tentacle-like appendages and the nose’s sense of touch can be six times that of a normal mole.
  7. Elephant –Long, strong, flexible, useful nose that can grab tools.
  8. Dragonfly (larva) –Bottom jaw shoots forward and hooks prey.
  9. Snail –It has strange teeth called a radula.
  10. Chameleon –Long tongue that can extend 11 feet long, and move at 13 mph.
  1. Macaque –Uses cities for getting water and stealing food, and can regularly adapt to city life.
  2. Crow –It uses the sidewalk as a nutcracker. Thrives in Tokyo.
  3. Raccoon –Can be 100 Raccoons per sq. mile of city. Love to eat out of our trash cans.
  4. Moose –Likes to live in Anchorage. One Moose has walked into an Anchorage Hospital, checked it out, and walked out!
  5. Fox –It is the most widespread carnivore in the world.
  6. Red-tailed Hawk –Lives in New York City, eats mice and pigeons.
  7. Turkey Vulture –Eats human’s garbage, only takes minor adjustments to survive among humans.
  8. Mexican Free-tailed Bat –Approximately 1.5 million bats live in Austin, Texas.
  9. Little Blue Penguin –Builds nests under houses.
  10. Saltwater Crocodile –It has changed its behavior little to adapt into a new environment.
  1. Ribeiroia –Starts in a heron which poops out the Ribeiroia eggs which go in and out of a Snail, goes into a tadpole, the tadpole turns into a frog, and it makes the frog grow extra limbs, which is a sitting duck for herons, where the flatworm lays eggs and the cycle starts all over again.
  2. Giant Prickly Stick Insect –It undergoes three transformations into ants, scorpions and leaves.
  3. Caterpillar –Transforms into a butterfly.
  4. Sea Squirt –Starts as a tadpole-like creature, then, by losing its brain and Limb limbs, it becomes a vegetable on the sea floor.
  5. Tiger Salamander –Tadpoles can be plankton-eaters or carnivores from the weather and after it does this the tadpoles transform into adult salamanders.
  6. Wrasse –Female can change sex to become a male.
  7. Flatfish –Eyes change from one side of the body to the other side to become flat.
  8. Female Naked Mole Rat –Can stretch its stomach by choice when pregnant.
  9. Mimic Octopus –Can change shape, color and skin texture in one second.
  10. Arctic Fox –Can disguise itself in two different coats, one for the summer and one for the winter.
  1. Honey bee –Some bees work their whole life and never have a break. They can fly 55000 mi, the equivalent of flying around the world twice.
  2. Leafcutter Ant –Gets leaves, adds poop and saliva, puts fungus on leaves, then distributes it among the colony.
  3. Cleaner fish –Rests at night, is on 12 hr. patrol.
  4. Megapode –Spends 11 months a year digging a compost heap.
  5. Beaver –Chomp down trees all fall. #5 because it spends the winter break underwater.
  6. Lioness –Hunts, and takes care of the cubs, so the girls work in groups.
  7. African Wild Dog –Does lots of hunting. One of the most efficient predators, having an 80% strike rate!
  8. Male Bowerbird –Works day and night for a long time to create love shacks. in the tropical rainforests of Australia.
  9. Male Emperor Penguin –Spends the long cold winter working.
  10. Spraying Characin –Lay eggs on land, sprays water at eggs every minute for four days.
  1. Banana Slug –It uses slime for defense, motion, and a bungee cord to get down.
  2. Limpet –Uses glowing slime to distract predators.
  3. Glowworm –Uses slime to lure cave animals into its clutches.
  4. Froghopper –Slime is a protection from the sun’s rays and most predators.
  5. Larvacean –Lives in and fishes with slime, and builds a slime home every 24 hours.
  6. Snail –Slime for motion and defense.
  7. Hedgehog –Licks wood, and spreads it all over its body to smell like the wood. However, scientists are still debating over the reasons.
  8. Toad –Covers itself in mucus for a short time. The mucus is a highly pharmaceutical concoction, anti-fungal, anti-viral.
  9. Cave Swiftlet –Nest of slime for their chicks, built in the roofs of caves
  10. Hagfish –Slime for defense.
  1. Lemming –Lemmings commit suicide. False … absolutely.
  2. Earwig –Earwigs live in your ears. False … completely.
  3. Camel –Camels store water in their humps. False.
  4. Chicken –Hen’s teeth are rare. False … when young.
  5. Dog –You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. False … if you work at it.
  6. Bat –Bats are blind. False.
  7. Groundhog –Groundhogs can predict the weather. True … kind of.
  8. European Hare –European hares are mad. True … partially. In march This hare changes from shy and quiet and they go a little nuts.
  9. Crocodile –Crocodiles are crybabies. True … partly.
  10. Elephant –An elephant has an amazing memory. True.
  1. Honey bee –It makes honey. It’s an animal that puts the most effort in producing its food for the coming winter, covering millions of miles and collecting pollen from thousands of flowers.
  2. Arctic Fox –Buries leftovers in the snow, which acts as a giant freezer.
  3. Leafcutter Ant –Gets leaves, adds feces and saliva, grows fungus on the mixture, then distributes it among the colony to produce an edible fungi.
  4. Burying Beetle –Can transform an animal carcass, such as a small mammal, and turn it into a preserved meatball, and turns it into a home in 12 hours. If there is a shortage of food, the parents eat their offspring.
  5. Male Nursery web spider –If male’s meal isn’t good, female eats male.
  6. Shrike –Uses thorns as a knife and fork.
  7. Egyptian Vulture –Uses a rock to break an Ostrich Egg .
  8. Red Squirrel –Loves maple sap. Believed to have introduced maple syrup idea to the Iroquois.
  9. Japanese Macaque –Washes food in ocean water before eating it.
  10. Crocodile –They use the “death roll” in order to rip their food, due to being unable to chew their food.
  1. Termite –Builds mounds taller than a Giraffe, using only dirt, dung, and saliva.
  2. Mole –Can shift ten lb of dirt in 20 minutes.
  3. Earthworm –Can dig 12 ft underground (one worm is 15 ft long).
  4. Meerkat –Can have 70 entrances to its underground home.
  5. Mole cricket –They make their own underground stereo system.
  6. Badger –First contender to connect underground tunnels that were dug.
  7. Woodpecker –Beak can peck 20 times a second and 12,000 times a day into a tree.
  8. Ant-Lion –Lures ants into its sand crater to paralyze, then it sucks the ant dry.
  9. Merops Carmine Bee-eater –Digs eight feet in mid-air.
  10. Scabies Mite –Digs into our skin 1/8 of an inch. That’s why its #10 in the countdown
  1. Electric Eel –Its weird weapon: electricity.
  2. Ant –They create a stronghold to catch prey.
  3. Humpback Whale –They use sonic wave sound to cage fish.
  4. Spitting spider –They use their web to throw at their prey.
  5. Tarantula –They can spray their hair to make a predator feel itchy and run away.
  6. Whip Scorpion –They can spray the acid from their tails.
  7. Horned Lizard –Squirts blood out of their eyes to scare away predators.
  8. Archerfish –They squirt water to knock down their prey.
  9. Tiger –They use their ultrasonic sound to stun their prey during a hunt.
  10. Fieldfare –It deficates all over its enemies.
  1. 日本猕猴 –除了人类以外,日本猕猴是唯一一种在就食前会清洗事物的动物。
  2. 清洁虾 –在鱼缸里会清洗几乎所有的东西。
  3. 蚂蚁 –几乎是所有动物里最注重清洁自己的。
  4. 海绵 –使用化学方法过滤海水。
  5. 黄腹海蛇 –通过将身体打结而起到驱除寄生虫的目的。
  6. 红嘴牛椋鸟 –清除长颈鹿身上的壁虱。
  7. 屎壳郎 –清除地面上的粪便。
  8. –在泥里清洁自己。
  9. 苍蝇 –每次进餐后都会用力擦洗自己。
  10. 树懒 –是最有效率的清洁者
  1. Amazon ant –They steal other species of ants as “slaves”.
  2. Assassin Bug –Uses disguises as part of termite mound to be a pirate. Gives no quarter.
  3. Sabre-toothed blenny –Disguises itself as a fish to get close to fish to attack.
  4. Baboon –Steals food from humans.
  5. Hyena –Steals food from lions.
  6. Kea –Rips up nests of other birds.
  7. Argyrodes Spider –Steals food from other spiders.
  8. Squirrel –Fakes digging acorns to fool thieving rivals.
  9. Dung beetle –Steals dung from other beetles.
  10. Frigate Bird –Mugs birds’ catches in mid-air.
  1. Lemon ant –Their “Devil’s gardens” can be 14000 sqft and 800 years old using Herbecine.
  2. Palau jellyfish –Garden grows inside them and takes care of garden their whole life.
  3. Termite –Grows Fungus inside castle from leaves to eat.
  4. Musky Rat-kangaroo –Buries fruit. If the hypsi forgets about it, it grows into plant.
  5. Gorilla –Trims trees.
  6. Giraffe –Changes trees by eating so the shape changes.
  7. Female Fig wasp –They pollinate figs by mating in the fuit.
  8. Male Thynnine Wasp –These wasps are in the family Tiphiidae and the male will go to many species of Australian Orchids and pollinate them because they look like a female.
  9. Earthworm –Creates compost by pooping, for roots to collect to reproduce.
  10. Mistletoe Bird –Creates mistletoe by eating seeds then pooping them out.
  1. Tapeworm –Lives in humans, unknowingly sometimes, stealing food.
  2. Batfly –Relies on bats to avoid falling down, where predatory bugs await.
  3. Remora –Hitches rides on larger marine animals, such as whale sharks.
  4. Ear mite –Tears a moth’s eardrum and lays eggs there.
  5. Pearlfish –Lives in the bottoms of sea cucumbers.
  6. Tuatara –Resides in Fairy Prion nests, and sometimes eats their eggs!
  7. Female Komodo Dragon –Lays her eggs in mounds made by Megapode|scrubfowls.
  8. Arctic Fox –Eats polar bear’s leftovers.
  9. Catfish –Steals and eats cichlid eggs and swaps them with their own so the cichlids end up hatching the catfishes’ eggs.
  10. Pseudoscorpion –Hitches rides on beetles.
  1. Megatherium –It was 750 times bigger than its modern cousin, the three-toed sloth. Stood 13 feet tall, weighed 8,000 pounds, and unlike its living relative, it was too big to climb trees.
  2. Phorusrhacus –It was 300 times bigger than the Serima.
  3. Tyrannosaurus –50 times bigger than the Komodo Dragon.
  4. Diprotodon –The size of a hippopotamus. A modern wombat is the size of a bulldog.
  5. Smilodon –ten times larger than its modern cousin, the leopard.
  6. Sarcosuchus –Sarcosuchus was more than twice the size of a saltwater crocodile.
  7. Megalodon –It was 50 feet long and weighed 100,000 pounds. It had 10 inch long teeth, and ate big fish and whales.
  8. Giant ant –Due to oxygen, it’s twice the size of its modern cousin, the South American army ant.
  9. Haast’s Eagle –It was 60 percent bigger than the Harpy Eagle. It hunted Moas for food.
  10. Mammoth –It was 50 percent bigger than its modern cousin, the Asian elephant. It stood 12 feet tall, weighed 16,000 pounds, and lived throughout western Europe, eastern Asia, and northern North America until around 6,000 years ago.
  1. Deer –Their antlers when interlocked, can bring targets to predators and/or death to each other.
  2. Male Babyrousa –Their upper tusks can go through their skull.
  3. Male Sage Grouse –The male’s air sacs attracted not only females, but also eagles.
  4. Male Guppy –Their bright colors and spots attracted females, but predators too.
  5. Lion –The darker the mane, the more females he attracts, but the higher the chance he can overheat.
  6. White Bengal tiger –White doesn’t go well with surviving in nature.
  7. Peacock –The larger the tail feathers, the worse they fly, and the easier the target for predators.
  8. Male Fiddler Crab –It’s hard to escape from danger when you have an arm five times bigger than the other.
  9. Porcupine –Their needles can stick themselves.
  10. Lake Titicaca Frog –Built-in swim suit is good for being in water but not out of water for too long in Lake Titicaca.


内容 自然科学类 生物学 演化 动物
  • The Most Extreme —From Wikipedia

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