
自然科学类纪录片,Animal PlanetNHNZ 频道 2004 ,2005 年出品,是 AP The Most Extreme ,也是 NHNZ The Most Extreme 系列之一。

  • 暂无
  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:NHNZ 动物趣闻之最/AP 动物趣闻之最
  • 英文片名 :The Most Extreme Season 3
  • 英文系列名:NHNZ The Most Extreme/AP The Most Extreme
  • 电视台 :NHNZ/Animal Planet
  • 地区 :新西兰/美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :60 min/EP
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2004, 2005


  1. Fly –It lays its eggs in dead and rotting flesh. And it vomits all over our food!
  2. Vulture –It eats the diseased and dead and vomits on its feet to keep cool.
  3. Hagfish –Secretes slime constantly.
  4. Sea cucumber –Feeds on stuff that you would find on the bottom of your shoe.
  5. Koala –Its young feeds on the mother’s dung.
  6. Tahr –It drinks its own urine.
  7. Jackal –The dad vomits and feeds it to the kids.
  8. Hippopotamus –The male spreads his poop everywhere with his tail.
  9. Cow –They produce a lot of methane by burping.
  10. Giraffe –The giraffe picks its nose with its tongue and it drools.
  1. Termite –The mounds they live in can be even taller than a giraffe!
  2. Beaver –Builds huge dams that could support a family car.
  3. Prairie dog –Builds tunnels and rooms underground that all have their separate purpose.
  4. Weaver bird –Nest of straw can house 400 birds and weigh one ton!
  5. Wasp –Builds a fortress of paper.
  6. Cave Swiftlet –It has a slimy nest.
  7. Spider –Weaves amazing webs five times stronger than steel.
  8. Burying beetle –Makes a home out of the dead for its young.
  9. Decorator crab –Mobile home is sea floor bits.
  10. Parrotfish –Builds homes of snot and slime. Only #10 because they don’t last very long.
  1. Baby Grey nurse shark –The offspring fight, kill, and eat each other in the womb and only one shark pup survives.
  2. Baby Hyena –Babies start fighting right after they are born.
  3. Baby Cuckoo –It lays eggs in other birds’ nests and cuckoo chicks sometimes get rid of the competition.
  4. Baby Tasmanian Devil –The mother can have up to thirty pups, but only four survive.
  5. Baby Scorpion –The mother might eat them if they stay on her back for too long.
  6. Baby Octopus –Orphaned from the moment it is born, so it raises itself in the murky depths of the dark and dangerous ocean.
  7. Baby Torrent Duck –Jumps waterfalls at one day old just to keep up with its parents.
  8. Baby Weddell Seal –Biggest temperature change experienced by any animal from the womb to the ice.
  9. Baby Giraffe –The young giraffe has to survive a six–foot fall because the mother cannot bend down, and escape wild African predators.
  10. Baby Orangutan –Hangs on its mother for dear life
  1. Christmas Island red crab –120 Million Red Crabs gather on the beach on Christmas Island to mate
  2. Flamingo –Millions can Dance in Unison in 140 degree pools of poison!
  3. Wildebeest –There may be 1.5 Million Wildebeest on their migration trail.
  4. Garter Snake –There are 10,000 males fighting for one female.
  5. Male (Bull) Walrus –There are 7,000 males. Fight for the right to party at the biggest Bachelor Party on the planet.
  6. Stingray –Males grab onto females while dancing.
  7. Grizzly Bear –A party that can really get out of hand.
  8. Japanese Macaque –Literally the hottest pool party for monkeys to stay warm.
  9. Kakapo –They use their call (the loudest of all bird calls) to attract a female, though with little success.
  10. Wolf –Wolves have wild nights out hunting.
  1. Wolf –When they hear a wolf howling, people think the wolf is out to get them. That is why they believed in werewolf|werewolves, even though there has never been a healthy wild wolf killing a human in North America.
  2. Piranha –Piranha rarely attack people. They eat leaves, fruit, and sometimes rotting flesh.
  3. Bat –Despite the stories of vampires, bats rarely drink human blood. Instead, they eat fruit or insects.
  4. Gorilla –Unlike in the movie King Kong, gorillas are strictly herbivorious
  5. Pacific Giant Octopus –Unlike in the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, they are very shy, and cannot sink ships.
  6. Grizzly Bear –Grizzly bears eat honey, berries, vegetation, and fish instead of human flesh. They kill only three people per year.
  7. Great white shark –It does not like the taste of human flesh, so when it takes a bite out of a person, it spits it out, because the person is too bony.
  8. Tarantula –Although it can kill a snake, the tarantula’s bite is not as toxic as a bee sting.
  9. Anaconda –It cannot reach a length of 80 feet.
  10. Alligator –They do not live in the sewers of New York City, because sewers are too cold.
  1. House Cat –It is the only cat that hunts for fun and they hunt over 1000 species, which includes mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, birds, rats, lizards, small snakes and beetles.
  2. Leopard –Their eat impala, kudus, birds, monkeys, hares, snakes, and fish.
  3. Jaguar –They eat birds, monkeys, anteaters, boars, deer, sloths, capybaras, turtles, snakes, iguanas, fish, frogs, and crocodiles.
  4. Cougar –Cougars eat ibex, antelope, mice, jays, birds, berries small bears and elk.
  5. Lion –It’s the only cat that hunts in groups and eats impala, kudus, gerenuk, zebras, wildebeests, hippopotamuses, warthogs, Cape buffalo, and ostriches.
  6. Tiger –Strongest and largest of all cats and eats deers, wild boars, wild Asian Water buffalo, Gaurs, Bears, Crocodiles, Elephants, monkeys, birds, and mice.
  7. Snow Leopard –Eats antelope, ibex, rabbits, mountain goats, yaks, and small birds.
  8. Fishing Cat –The fishing cat is the only cat suitable to hunt in the water and eats freshwater fish and eels.
  9. Serval –Jump to a height of ten feet and eats birds, mice, rats, and gazelle.
  10. Cheetah –The fastest cat ever (at 70 mph) and it eats impala, gazelle and warthogs.
  1. 鞭尾蜥 –所有雄性都会死亡。
  2. 螳螂 –交配过后雄性会被雌性吃掉。
  3. 袋狼 –弱小的雌性的阶级高过强壮的雄性。
  4. 裸鼹鼠 –一个女王领导数以百计地裸鼹鼠。
  5. 狒狒 –优势的个体从来不会落后。
  6. –雌性让雄性互相争斗。
  7. 袋獾 –雌性宁愿自己照顾后代,都要将雄性赶出洞穴。
  8. 狮子 –雄性非常的懒,所有的狩猎都是由雌性完成。
  9. 棘鳍类热带淡水鱼 –雄性差不多有雌性30倍大,如果按照比例来说,这是世界上雌雄最大的差异。
  10. 象海豹 –雄性几乎是雌性的5倍大。
  1. Termite –The termite causes house destruction, costing billions of dollars yearly in the USA, and destroys on average 50 homes a year.
  2. Beaver –All trees beware.
  3. Dog –When bored, or unattended, they can get themselves into a lot of trouble.
  4. Asian Elephant –Wrecks trees in the evening.
  5. Red Colobus Monkey –They steal coal to eat as antidote for toxic leaves.
  6. Vulture –Can wreck roofs.
  7. Bear –They destroy cars for the smallest amount of food.
  8. Kea –They cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage a year from rental cars in New Zealand alone, and then some other items as well.
  9. Male Elephant Seal –The male’s size can be lethal for property.
  10. Little Penguin –They are loud, and their nests are under houses.
  1. 银角娃 –嘴有身体的一半长。它可以一口咬下任何闯进领地内很大的东西。
  2. 琵琶鱼 –它身体30%的部分就是一张嘴。
  3. 露脊鲸 –它有着世界上最大的嘴。占身长度20%,可以装进一头大象。
  4. 河马 –它的嘴可以展开170度。
  5. 鲸鲨 –庞大的嘴占身长度16%。
  6. 咸水鳄 –它的嘴占身长15%。
  7. 褐色鹈鹕鸟 –它的嘴是自己胃的三倍长。
  8. 巨蟒 –它的嘴可以张开150度。
  9. 食蚁兽 –它的嘴不是很宽,但是却很长。
  10. 非洲象 –只占身长的1%。
  1. Greenland shark and Copepod –Greenland sharks are known to be sluggish in cold water, so a small bioluminescent copepod attaches itself to the eye and acts like a fishing lure. Shark gets a lure, copepod gets a home.
  2. Tree Ant and Caterpillar –The caterpillar is the ant’s bodyguard.
  3. Tarantula and Frog –The frog lives in the damp cave, and lives under the protection of the tarantula, but it protects the Tarantulas egg sacs from ants and other predators.
  4. Coyote and Badger –Coyotes and badgers occasionally work together to catch food, even though they don’t usually share it.
  5. Honeyguide and Ratel –The honeyguide finds the nest, while the ratel gets it, but then they split the share.
  6. Pistol Shrimp and Goby –Pistol shrimp houses goby, goby protects and guides pistol shrimp.
  7. Giraffe and Red–billed oxpecker –Red–billed Oxpeckers pick ticks off giraffes. Giraffes gets groomed, Red–billed oxpecker gets dinner.
  8. Hermit Crab and Sea Anemone –the Sea Anemone lives on the shell of the hermit crab, and then protects it from the octopus.
  9. Shellfish and Bitterling –The bitterling lays its eggs in the shellfish, because of the well oxygenated water.
  10. Snapper and Tongue biter
  1. Elephant –Flapping a female’s ears can bring ultrasonic sounds to a male as far as six miles (10 km).
  2. Crested Black Macaque –The larger the red buttocks, the hotter the female is.
  3. Lesser Florican –They can jump up to six feet to attract a female.(One of the rarest animals in the world)
  4. Male Mudskipper –Can jump up in the air to attract a female, then does push ups.
  5. Male Scorpion –First, males disarm female, flirt, then males run away!
  6. Adélie Penguin –The female fools the male for loot.
  7. Male Bowerbird –The biggest and most colorful straw shack attracts a female.
  8. Burying Beetle –The male’s home attracts the mate.
  9. Travancore Tortoise
  10. Blue –footed Booby’’’–The female does a little dance to attract a male!
  1. Chihuahua Chihuahua –The program noted that the face of Chihuahuas often reminds people of faces of babies, considered cute by most humans and that’s why the Chihuahua sometimes is referred to as cute.
  2. Bulldog –It has a smashed face.
  3. Retriever –It is so unselfish, that some have been reputed not to have taken any bite of their hunt for their master.
  4. Maremma Sheepdog –It lives among sheep.
  5. Border Collie –It herds sheep.
  6. Jack Russell Terrier – Digs for rodents.
  7. St. Bernard –It is one of the strongest dogs in the world, being able to pull 6000 lb!
  8. Beagle –It has the best sense of smell of any dog.
  9. Greyhound –It has become the fastest dog in the world, sprinting at 45 mi/h!
  10. Dingo –It has changed little since its transformation began.
  1. Mosquito –Despite their reputation as an annoying pest, no other animal kills more people than mosquitoes. A pregnant female mosquito can carry more than a hundred diseases and kill 2.7 million people each year. They are very small but very dangerous.
  2. Snake –They kill 40,000 people a year, mostly in countries where shoes are rare, and healthcare is poor.
  3. Killer Bee –They have taken 1,500 lives since their release in Brazil.
  4. Crocodile –Two of the 21 species, the Nile Crocodile and the Saltwater Crocodile, take more than 1,000 lives a year.
  5. Scorpion –Some species are deadly, taking 1,000+ lives a year.
  6. Elephant –Males kill 300 people a year; a bull elephant in musk is blamed for 80% of them.
  7. Tiger –Tigers killed 80 a people a year when this episode was filmed, but that number rises every year.
  8. Jellyfish –Jellyfish**–mostly box jellyfish** –take an average of 55 lives a year.
  9. Hyena –Hyenas have taken an average of 50 lives a year.
  10. Great White shark –Great white sharks rarely kill 4 people a year. That’s why it only number 10 in the countdown.
  1. Golden Dart Frog –Less than 0.1 milligram of poison can kill a human.
  2. Pufferfish –It has poison enough to kill 50 people.
  3. Blue –ringed Octopus’’’–It has poison enough to kill 10 people.
  4. Pitohui –Packs enough poison to kill a mouse.
  5. Spitting cobra –Spits poison from 11 ft away.
  6. Cane Toad –Secretes poison for protection.
  7. Bombardier Beetle –Sprays boiling poison from its bottom’’’–700 rounds of acid per second.
  8. Monarch Monarch butterfly –Milkweed makes it poisonous.
  9. Millipede –Produces enough stink to kill a Mouse.
  10. Sea Slug –Steals sea anemone’s poison.
  1. Hammerhead shark –It has excellent vision, smell, and a sixth sense detecting electrical fields, pinpointing its general location in the ocean. It can also sense 1/1,000,000,000th of a volt, which is like a human sensing that a flashlight had turned on 1000 mi away. It also has a 7th sense, by seeing the invisible grid of the ocean walls, it knows its exact location in the ocean.
  2. Great White shark –Smart, and its bite has been measured at 2,000 lbf/in².
  3. Tiger shark –Smart and can eat things like metal.
  4. Mako shark –Fastest shark.
  5. Oceanic Whitetip Shark –Can smell in air and water.
  6. Greenland shark –It survives in colder temperatures than any other shark in the world.
  7. Sand tiger shark –Uses mirrors to help see in the dark, and can reflect 90% of all colors.
  8. Silky shark –Hears from 1/4 of a mile away.
  9. Angel shark –It can disguise itself by hiding under the sea bed.
  10. Whale shark –Its mouth is a suction cup.
  1. 虱子 –能吸比自己体型多600倍的血液
  2. 跳蚤 –能吸比自己体型多15倍的血液
  3. 臭虫 –能吸比自己体型多数倍的血液
  4. 猎蝽 –能吸比自己体型多6倍的血液
  5. 蚂蝗 –能吸比自己体型多5倍的血液
  6. 雌性蚊子 –能吸比自己体型多1.5倍的血液
  7. 吸血蝙蝠 –能吸與自己体重相同的血液
  8. 牙签鱼(亚马逊流域) –专吸生殖器的血
  9. 西班牙的一种吸血蝴蝶(未找到中文学名) –专吸死亡家畜血液
  10. 吸血雀 –啄在比自己体型大的鸟类身上吸血
  1. ‘‘‘北极燕鸥—两个月内从南极飞到北极
  2. 鲸鱼 –可以潜水长达两个小时
  3. 剑鱼 –在水中以109千米每小时的速度移动
  4. 山羚 –非常敏捷,可以跳跃超过自己身高十倍的高度
  5. 大猩猩 –可以举起相当于两辆家用汽车的重量
  6. 长鼻鼩 –如果人类像这种动物的话,那我们能以266千米每小时的速度奔跑
  7. 弄蝶幼虫 –它是动物王国中最好的捻丝工之一,可以从底部吐出5英尺的丝,相当于人类从底部吐出73m的丝
  8. 印度豹 –陆地上最快的动物
  9. 麝牛 –由于雄性体内的荷尔蒙,他们可以成为伟大的橄榄球明星
  10. 鲣鸟 –具为了强力潜水而生的体内气囊
  1. 眼鏡王蛇 –地球上最具攻击性的蛇类,它的一滴毒液可以干掉50个人。
  2. 大班蛇 –地球上最毒的蛇类,仅一滴毒液就可以杀死125人。
  3. 黑色曼巴蛇 –此蛇攻击性很强,是地球上速度最快的蛇,时速可达14英里。曼巴蛇攻击性很高,只要靠近它75英尺以内,它就会连续进行多次进攻,并且每次都释放出大量毒液。
  4. 海蛇 –毒性相当致命,一滴就可以杀死60个人。之所以没有排在第一,顾名思义,海蛇在水中的确是王者,但是在陆地上却是寸步难行。
  5. 虎蛇 –致命性毒蛇,一滴毒液能致50人于死地。
  6. 网蚊蟒 –地球上最长的蛇,具有疯狂的攻击性,甚至能将它所卷住的人卡死。
  7. 死蛇 –如果你不幸让它啃了一口而没有及时治疗,那么你将在6个小时内挂掉。即使治疗得当,也只有一半的存活机率。其毒液可以杀死9个人。
  8. 响尾蛇 –响尾蛇尾部有角质环用以恐吓捕食者。幸运的是,如果你不幸中招,存活率可达80%。它只排在第八位是因为响尾蛇在攻击前会对入侵者发出警告。
  9. 锯鳞蛇 –如果你真的那么幸运,被此蛇相中,你也无必担心,因为它的毒腺并不是很给力,你有90%的存活机率。
  10. 亚马逊巨蛇 –地球上最大最壮的蛇,但是对人几乎无害,注意是几乎。
  1. Cockroach –Conquering the entire world since it first appeared on Earth 450,000,000 years ago.
  2. Rat –It lives everywhere in the world. 70,000,000 rats in New York City alone.
  3. House Cat –It now lives everywhere in the world.
  4. Cane Toad –It has invaded 39 countries.
  5. Mosquito –It has invaded 36 countries in the world.
  6. Rabbit –It invaded 29 countries worldwide.
  7. Killer Bee –It has invaded 25 countries.
  8. Argentine ant –This animal invaded 21 countries in the world.
  9. Monk Parakeet –It has invaded 17 countries worldwide.
  10. Brown Tree Snake –It has invaded 10 countries in the world.
  1. Scallop –By clamping its two shells together, it can propel itself through the water.
  2. Flying Snake –Uses only its body to glide through the air.
  3. Sailfish –Moves through the water at 68 mi/h.
  4. Peregrine Falcon –Fastest animal in the world. Can dive at 200 mi/h.
  5. Kangaroo –The farther they hop, the less energy they burn.
  6. Emperor Penguin –They waddle and slide for good purposes and can swim extremely fast.
  7. Cheetah –Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.
  8. Gibbon –Moves through the trees very gracefully at 35 mi/h.
  9. Gecko –Can cling to all surfaces, even windows, upside down too.
  10. Fishing Spider –Can walk on water.


内容 自然科学类 生物学 演化 动物
  • The Most Extreme —From Wikipedia

Category:片名 Category:Animal Planet Category:AP The Most Extreme Category:NHNZ Category:NHNZ The Most Extreme Category:2004 Category:2005 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.7 生物学 Category:3.71 演化 Category:3.73 动物 Category:缺翻译