
自然科学类纪录片,Animal PlanetNHNZ 频道 2003 年出品,是 AP The Most Extreme ,也是 NHNZ The Most Extreme 系列之一。

  • 暂无
  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:NHNZ 动物趣闻之最/AP 动物趣闻之最
  • 英文片名 :The Most Extreme Season 2
  • 英文系列名:NHNZ The Most Extreme/AP The Most Extreme
  • 电视台 :NHNZ/Animal Planet
  • 地区 :新西兰/美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :60 min/EP
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2003


  1. Female Sea louse –While she gives birth, her offspring split her apart, and she dies.
  2. Female Octopus –She stays with 50,000 eggs for six weeks (incubation period), but when the eggs hatch, she is already dead from starvation or is too weak to fight off predators, so they kill her.
  3. Female Elephant Seal –She puts on an extra 600 pounds while being pregnant, and starves until the pups are born.
  4. Female Hornbill –She must stay in a little cave with rambunctious young for three months.
  5. Female Orangutan –She builds a bed every night for her and her youngster.
  6. Female Cheetah –She teaches her rambunctious young how to hunt. Deals with bad kids for two years.
  7. Female Polar Bear –She loses 30% of her bodyweight in hibernation.
  8. Female Alligator –She keeps her young in her mouth while going over rivers to protect them from potential predators.
  9. Female Koala –Feed its dung to young to keep them healthy.
  10. Female Elephant –She gives birth to a 300 lb baby after a 22-month pregnancy.
  1. Male Seahorse –The dad gives birth to the young.
  2. Male Emperor Penguin –The males spend 65 days in the cold Antarctic landscape with an egg balanced on his toes while waiting for the females to return with food.
  3. Male Darwin’s Frog –Puts his young in its mouth to protect them from predators.
  4. Male Jacana –Has to keep taking care of eggs, because the female squashes them.
  5. Male Stickleback –Builds a house with kidney glue, and fans eggs with fins.
  6. Male Rhea –He spends 40 days and nights looking after his eggs, and after that, spends two years taking care of them.
  7. Male Giant Water Bug –Carries 700 young on its back.
  8. Male Golden Jackal –Only animal known to babysit regularly.
  9. Male Antechinus –The male dies right after mating.
  10. Male Lion –The male takes care of 20 cubs.Only #10 due to his laziness.
  1. Box jellyfish –The box jellyfish can kill you in less than ten minutes, and a drop of venom can kill 50 men.
  2. Sea Snake –One drop of venom can kill 200 men.
  3. Cone Snail –Paralyzes prey with venom. Fastest Killer in the world.
  4. Blue-ringed Octopus –One octopus can kill ten men.
  5. Stonefish –Has 12 to 14 poisonous dorsal spines, which can sometimes cause a coma. The most venomous fish in the world!
  6. Scorpion –Scorpions kill over 1,000 people a year from venom.
  7. Honey bee –300 bee stings can kill a human.
  8. Gila Monster –Its teeth contain venom; the more it pierces, the more venom it puts into you.
  9. Male Platypus –The male has a venomous spine.
  10. Stingray –Dangerous when the stinger pierces your skin.
  1. Mimic Octopus –It can change the color, shape, and texture of its skin in less than a second! It can also mimic a flounder, a sea snake, and a lionfish!
  2. Stick Insect –It can transform into what appears to be three different animals.Ant then scorpion then a stick.
  3. Leafy Sea Dragon –Camouflages itself into the background of algae.
  4. Caterpillar –Some can disguise themselves as bird droppings.
  5. Hognose Snake –Tricks predators by playing dead and secreting a rancid smell that will even fool the hungriest flies.
  6. Spider crab –Its mobile home provides great camouflage. *Note that the crab actually shown is the decorator crab.
  7. Sea Snake –Creates an illusion to fool predators.
  8. Arctic Fox –It has great natural camouflage for both the summer and winter to escape predators such as polar bears.
  9. Superb Lyrebird –They use their calls to imitate over 20 bird calls.
  10. Snow Leopard –Their spots make them almost invisible in the Himalayan Mountains.
  1. Argentine ant –Their empire stretches from Italy to Spain, containing millions of nests filled with billions of ants and they’re all related.
  2. Krill –One swarm can cover 173 square miles.
  3. Locust –There can be up to 40 billion in a swarm.
  4. Monarch butterfly –20,000 butterflies can be on a leaf, 220 million can be in a swarm and they can migrate 150,000,000,000 body lengths.
  5. Jellyfish –Millions of Palau jellyfish can swarm across Jellyfish Lake.
  6. Red crab –There can be up to 120 million individuals in a swarm to party.
  7. Mexican Free-tailed Bat –20 million bats can hang on the ceiling.
  8. Caribou –There can be three million reindeer in a herd.
  9. Grunion –Thousands of them gather on beaches where their mating season occurs.
  10. Mouse –Fast breeders; there can be 16 mice in a litter, which makes a swarm.
  1. Giraffe –Giraffes have long necks, long legs, and long tongues.
  2. Elephant –Elephants have long trunks, long tusks, and huge ears.
  3. Giant Squid –Its eyes are 20 inches in diameter, and help it to see in dark waters. In fact, the giant squid has the biggest eyes in the natural world.
  4. Anteater –Its tongue is 14 inches long, and is used for catching tasty insects, especially ants.
  5. Male Fiddler Crab –He has one big claw for fighting with, and one small claw for eating with.
  6. Jacana –They have huge feet, stopping them from sinking in the water.
  7. Aye-aye –The middle finger is bone-like, in getting their food from inside a tree limb.
  8. Warthog –The male can have foot long canine teeth that can pierce into its skull.
  9. Platypus –It has the beak of a duck, the flippers of an otter, and the tail of a beaver.
  10. Fennec Fox –It has huge ears to help it keep cool.
  1. Shrew –Since they have such a huge metabolism, (their heart beats 600 times a minute), it’s the busiest predator in the world and some species need to eat three times their own body weight in one day to survive.
  2. Orca –It can do something beyond the limits of other marine animals: it can land on a beach to catch a seal.
  3. Wolf –They use teamwork strategy to slay prey eight times bigger than they are.
  4. Great white shark –The most infamous predator in the sea.
  5. Electric eel –Without teeth, it uses electricity to paralyze their prey and swallow.
  6. Snake –It can sense prey using infrared.
  7. Spider –Its spider web|web says it all.
  8. Polar Bear –Its sensitive snout can catch the smell of a Pinniped|seal hiding under three feet of thick sea ice.Only #8 cause they mainly omnivores when it gets warmer.
  9. Archerfish –They spit water at their insect prey which can be eight feet high.
  10. Crocodile –The perfect predator. However, they are only #10 because they can wait a year to attack.
  1. Skunk –Smell can temporarily blind you for days even if it is 1.5 mi. away.
  2. Giant Petrel –Vomit smells horrible
  3. Millipede –One species smells so bad that it can kill a mouse.
  4. Male Elephant –The male’s musk smells like 1,000 goats in a pen.
  5. Muskox –Its urine produces a smell so revolting it can water your eyes.
  6. Spotted Hyena –They turn their anal patches into hyena butter.
  7. Hooker’s Sea Lion –Its breath smells horrible.
  8. Male Hippopotamus –Males fling dung.
  9. Turkey Vulture –They urinate on their feet to keep cool on summer days and to kill bacteria.
  10. Dog –They mark their territory by rolling in the mud.
  1. Shark –Sharks have a “sixth sense” like snakes: detecting electric fields.
  2. Mantis Shrimp –Their eyes can see stuff you can’t even imagine.
  3. Snake –They have infrared imaging.
  4. Dolphin –They use sonar like a bat to find their prey.
  5. Elephant –They can send sound waves through their feet.
  6. Male Moth –The male can smell a female over 6 mi away.
  7. Dog –They have an awesome sense of smell.
  8. Pig –They have 20,000 taste buds.
  9. Star Nosed Mole –It has an incredible sense of touch.
  10. Tarsier –It is able to see amazingly in the dark.
  1. Vulture –It eats dead and decayed carcasses which contain anthrax, botulism, and cholera.
  2. Meerkat –They eat scorpions.
  3. Poison Dart Frog –They eat poisonous ants.
  4. Dung beetle –They eat dung.
  5. Cleaner Fish –They eat parasites from other fishes’ mouths.
  6. Dust Mite –They eat dead skin cells of humans.
  7. Parrotfish –They eat Rock.
  8. Macaw –They eat clay.
  9. Termite –They eat wood.
  10. Sloth –The leaves they eat contain a kind of poison. The are only #10 because it’s not very toxic.
  1. Baby Barnacle Goose –The young jump off a cliff 300 ft at three days old; have only a 50% chance of surviving.
  2. Male Bharal –Males try to push each other off mountains above 14,000 ft., where they could fall at any time. Only half of the Bharal born each year survive to their first birthday.
  3. Weddell Seal –Thrive in the coldest waters on Earth.
  4. Click Beetle –Sends itself very high in the air by clicking. They experience over 100 times as much intensity than a cannonballer; that’s 400g-forces!
  5. Pelican –Dives in the water at 90 mi/h in places like Galveston, Texas.
  6. Male Bald Eagle –Performs a deadly dance to attract females.
  7. Flying Snake –It jumps from tree to tree without any natural equipment. One mistake could be fatal.
  8. Orangutan –Swings over 200 ft high in the trees on a limb.
  9. Sloth –Takes huge risks spending its life upside down.
  10. Gecko –They cling to any surface, even upside-down ones.
  1. Africanized bee –The ultimate way to defend the hive to them is to use its stinger, because when they use it; it will detach and they will bleed to death.
  2. Termite –Termites are expected to defend the colony from ants.
  3. Dog –Will defend their masters to the death.
  4. Tarantula –It shoots hairs on its back at predators.
  5. Porcupine –Will have even the fiercest predators (such as lions and hyenas) running for their life from the porcupine’s quills.
  6. Horned Lizard –Squirts blood from its eyes.
  7. Tomato Frog –Secretes glue to protect itself.
  8. Turtle –The shell can protect it from something 200 times its own weight.
  9. Moth –The larvae have a shell-like defense system, great for going through fierce ant colonies.
  10. Armadillo –It has armor-like plating to protect it from predators.
  1. Male Anglerfish –The male anglerfish lives attached to the female anglerfish, sometimes his entire life. Many thought the female and the male were separate species. The males are nothing more than a sac of reproduce organs that fuses to the female and parasitizes off of her.
  2. Platypus –They have the bill of a duck, the flippers of an otter and the tail of a beaver. It also can detect the electrical impulses given off by its prey. The male also has a venomous spur on its flippers.
  3. Aye-aye –They look like a collection of leftover body parts. The collection of body parts perfectly helps it adapt to its environment.
  4. Male Hairy Frog –The only amphibian that grows hairlike projections on its body. The hairlike projections are used to absorb more oxygen from the water. Also it only has the hair during the breeding season to stay underwater to protect the eggs.
  5. Horseshoe Crab –Has a strange Animal shell. It also has 12 legs, blue blood, and 10 eyes that it can see Ultraviolet Light.
  6. Emu –It is too big to fly and it has hair-like feathers. It also has a bony casque that is used as a helmet to protect it against the forest. It’s relative the Emu does a strange performance to attract a female.
  7. Flying fish –When frightened, it glides out of the water to get out of danger by using elongated Pectoral fins. The Flying Fish does not fly, but glides over the surface of the water.
  8. Sloth –Lives completely upside down and moves really slowly. It comes to the forest floor only to Defecate. It is a surprisingly good swimmer despite that it is slow on land. It has several moths and other insects that leave fecal prints on the sloth from the sloth’s own Feces. It also has Green Algae growing on its back.
  9. Stalk-eyed fly –The male has strange eyes that stick out like sore thumbs. The longer the male’s eyes the more likely it has to mate with a female though.
  10. Male Proboscis Monkey –The male has a weird, long nose. It’s only #10 because it needs it to attract a female. The females have a shorter nose.


内容 自然科学类 生物学 演化 动物
  • The Most Extreme —From Wikipedia

Category:片名 Category:Animal Planet Category:AP The Most Extreme Category:NHNZ Category:NHNZ The Most Extreme Category:2003 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.7 生物学 Category:3.71 演化 Category:3.73 动物 Category:缺翻译