
自然科学类纪录片,Animal PlanetNHNZ 频道 2002 年出品,是 AP The Most Extreme ,也是 NHNZ The Most Extreme 系列之一。

  • 暂无
  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:NHNZ 动物趣闻之最/AP 动物趣闻之最
  • 英文片名 :The Most Extreme Season 1
  • 英文系列名:NHNZ The Most Extreme/AP The Most Extreme
  • 电视台 :NHNZ/Animal Planet
  • 地区 :新西兰/美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :60 min/EP
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2002


  1. Flea –They can jump 220 times their own length and 150 times their own height. That’s the equivalent to a human jumping over the Brooklyn Bridge and twice as high as the Statue of Liberty.
  2. Tree frog –Some species can jump 150 times their own length. That’s the equivalent of a human jumping over the RMS Titanic.
  3. Jumping spider –It can jump 100 times its own length, equivalent to a human jumping over two Jumbo Jet.
  4. Klipspringer –It can jump ten times its own height. If we were like a klipspringer, we could jump over the torch of the Statue of Liberty from the shoulder.
  5. Kangaroo rat –It can jump 45 times its body length. If they were as large as we are, they could clear a football field (90 m).
  6. Kangaroo –It is a very fast jumper; moving at 35 mi/h, it can sprint 100 metres in 4 seconds and leap 9.1 metres in the long jump.
  7. Locust –It jumps 20 times its own body length. They could clear a basketball court (29 m) if they were as large as humans are.
  8. Tibetan Bharal –They have to be good jumpers to fight on the edge of steep cliffs, and their hooves are built for it.
  9. Mexican jumping bean –The moth larva inside a jumping bean can make it twitch and flip.
  10. Leporidae(Rabbit) –They can jump twice as far as the best Olympic jumpers.
  1. Caterpillar –The caterpillar can increase its weight 10,000 times in less than 20 days.
  2. Blue Whale –It has a large size as well as a large appetite.
  3. Hummingbird –It needs to eat every ten minutes and every day it consumes 2/3 of its body weight.
  4. Argentine horned frog –It literally bites off more than it can chew.
  5. Python –It can swallow something bigger than its head in a single gulp.
  6. Vampire bat –It has to drink more than its own weight in blood everyday just to survive. That would be like a human drinking a bathtub’s worth of blood.
  7. Tasmanian Devil –It can eat 40% of its body weight in half an hour.
  8. Vulture –It has the deadliest diet of any animal: anthrax, botulism and cholera and can eat 20% of its body weight.
  9. Pig –It is known to be very greedy. However, they are only #9 in the countdown, for they have been known to be very picky eaters and actually have quite small stomachs.
  10. Tiger shark –They can take a bite out of shoes, wire, coal, salmon, tin cans, armor, deer antlers, license plates, and turtle shells.
  1. Tiger beetle –It can sprint at 8 mi/h! If we were like the tiger beetle, we would be able to run at 307 mph (494 km/h).It’s the fastest animal in the world in equivalent to body size. Runs so fast it goes blind
  2. Peregrine Falcon –It can dive at 200 mph (320 km/h).
  3. Cheetah –It is the fastest land animal reaching speeds of 71 mph (115 km/h).
  4. Cone snail –It is the fastest killer in the world.
  5. Mako shark –It is the fastest shark, reaching speeds of 30 mph (48 km/h).
  6. Ostrich –It’s the fastest animal on two legs, reaching speeds of 46 mph (74 km/h).
  7. Alpheidae –They could beat the best gunslingers in the west with their strike.
  8. Hare –They are twice as fast as an Olympic sprinter.
  9. Worm –Worms are the fastest legless invertebrate. It moves at 53 ft per hour through solid ground.
  10. Basiliscus Basilisk –Its feet move so fast, that it can run on water at 3.3 mph (5.4 km/h).
  1. Tapeworm –Each section of its body can grow up to be a new tapeworm and can give produce a million offspring a day.
  2. Termite –The queen can give lay 30,000 eggs a day.
  3. Aphid –The young are pregnant before they are born. If all aphids survive, there would be one octillion aphids. That would cover the United States 14 ft (4.3 m) deep in aphids.
  4. Nine-banded Armadillo –It can give birth to identical quadruplets and postpone pregnancy for three years!
  5. Surinam toad –It can carry 100 young on its back.
  6. Whale –A young blue whale is the size of a small car.
  7. Rabbit –They can start a new family every month.
  8. Kiwi –The egg is 25% of the mother’s body weight.
  9. Seahorse –It is the male who gives birth.
  10. Tasmanian Devil –In a single litter, it can give birth to 30 pups, but only four survive.
  1. Female Cuckoo –Lays her egg in Reed Warbler’s nest, so the mother Reed Warbler takes care of a chick ten times as heavy as she is.
  2. Orangutan –It has found a way to escape the rain: put a leaf on top of its head.
  3. Opossum –It can play dead for six hours.
  4. Monkey –In India, monkeys are a complete nuisance and steal food, water, and other stuff.
  5. Female Firefly –To get food, female fireflies attract males with their bioluminescence. When the male arrives, the female ambushes and eats him.
  6. Alligator Snapping Turtle –Their tongue looks like a worm, so it attracts fish.
  7. Caterpillar –It can disguise itself as many things, even dung to fool predators.
  8. Chameleon –They can’t be seen with their amazing camouflage. They are only No. 8 because they can’t change color on everything.
  9. Rat –Cheats its way into human lives.
  10. Fox –It steals various types of bird eggs and then uses rocks to break the shell.
  1. Water bear –It can survive temperatures as low as -328°F, temperatures as high as 303°F, 1000 times more radiation than any animal, can lose 99% of the water in its body, 120 years without water, and can even also survive in a vacuum like that found in space.
  2. Weta –It can stay frozen for months without frostbite, even when all heart and brain activity ceases and it loses 99% of the water in its body.
  3. Male Emperor Penguin –Males have to survive in -70°C temperatures for 65 days with an egg balanced on their toes with winds of 100 mi/h!
  4. Polar bear –They can survive the winter without answering to the call of nature.
  5. Giant tube worm –They can survive thousands of feet below water in toxic waste, with its bottom in near freezing water, and its head in boiling water.
  6. Cockroach –It can survive heavy doses of radiation, poison and nine days without its head.
  7. Guanaco –It thrives at 20,000 feet above sea level without getting sick.
  8. Gannet –It is the only kind of animal that can crash into water at a speed of 90 mph (120 km/h) and survive.
  9. Rat –They have flexible bones that make it capable of surviving of falling down from the second floor of a building. They are Immunity immune to large amounts of poison too.
  10. Dromedary Camel –It can lose 40% of its body weight in water, and survive without drinking water for eight days.
  1. Ant –Ants are devastating warriors. Nothing stands in their way. If a soldier sees an opposing colony, the ants send out workers, and they try to calculate their advantage and can only lose when they make a mistake in calculating, because they will never fight a war they think they cannot lose. A group of Asian Ants make the ultimate sacrifice by rupturing glands on its abdomen to explode themselves releasing toxic substances at the enemy. They are the greatest militaryforce the world has ever known!
  2. Siamese fighting Betta –If you put two males in the same tank, they’ll use their sharp teeth to rip each other to shreds.
  3. Tasmanian Devil –They are very aggressive, contributing to fighting.
  4. Ring-tailed Lemur –They can shoot stink bombs at enemies!
  5. Muskox –Musk oxen can repeat head bangs up to 20 times at 20 mi/h.
  6. Polar Bear –It can take down something three times its own weight.
  7. Praying Mantis –A kung fu technique was named after this animal. They can also stand up to something much bigger than they are.
  8. Male Elephant Seal –The males fight a bloody battle for over 50 females!
  9. Bombardier beetle –Rockets missile-type weapons at over 700 times a second at threats.
  10. Lion –For thousands of years, lions were a worthy opponent for even the strongest men.
  1. Termite –A human sized termite can make a building bigger than the Empire State Building relative to its size, with only dirt, dung and saliva.
  2. Beaver –It builds its own huge dams.
  3. Bee –They carefully build witty hives.
  4. Nautilus –They build their own underwater mobile home that can withstand being under 1,500 ft (460 m) of water pressure.
  5. Caddisfly –Their larvae can build jewelry!
  6. Prairie Dog –They can build underground canals that can stretch over a mile!
  7. Spider –They build silk that is five times stronger than steel!
  8. Kookabura –The male builds the most decorative house to attract a mate.
  9. Orangutan –They build beds every night.
  10. Frog –When they mate, the female creates a bubbly home that hangs on a cliff. After that, the eggs fall on the bubbly home, and then after hatching, they fall into a small body of water. It’s only #10 because it doesn’t last very long.
  1. Roundworm –They can live inside your body for up to 30 years.
  2. Snake –Snakes frighten more people than any other animal in the world.
  3. Killer Bee –People are afraid of swarms.
  4. Spider –It causes arachnophobia in lots of people.
  5. Bat –Many cultures say that bats are associated with vampires.
  6. Shark –Sharks are the most feared predators of the sea.
  7. Bear –Bears are a camper’s worst nightmare. They are only #7 because teddy bears are popular stuffed animals.
  8. Piranha –People are afraid of going swimming in the Amazon River for many reasons, but this fish are probably the main ones.
  9. Mouse –The program stated that one in three American women have a fear for mice.
  10. Wolf –The wolf’s howl scares people during the night. It is only #10 because it is more scared of us than we are of them.
  1. Kea –Can mimic human speech and some can even understand what they are mimicking, can solve the best puzzle, and even have the intelligence of the average six-year-old!
  2. Chimpanzee –They can use many tools to get food. They also have the intelligence of the average four-year-old and have escaped a jail cell in the past.
  3. Dolphin –They have psychic powers, according to the show, and near human intelligence.
  4. Octopus –Octopuses are the most intelligent invertebrates. Baby octopuses have to teach themselves how to survive in the wild within a little over a year.
  5. Crow –They are very clever. For example, a crow uses the crosswalk as their own nutcracker.
  6. Japanese Macaque –They are very quick learners. For example, one macaque (or snow monkey) was said to have seen a group of people bathing in hot spring|hot pools in Japan, and after thirty years, the whole troop has learned to do so! One Macaque washed its food in seawater, and so other troop members followed.
  7. Horse –It has been known to communicate through various arrays of sign language.
  8. Pig –It can paint a picture and recognize different tastes!
  9. Bee –It communicates by dancing.
  10. Dog –It can understand a few hundred words and phrases.
  1. Rhinoceros Beetle –It can lift 850 times its own weight. That would be like a human lifting a tank!
  2. Elephant –Its trunk can hold up to 600 pounds and carry 20,000 pounds.
  3. Leafcutter ant –It can lift 50 times its own weight. That would be like a human lifting a truck!
  4. Tiger –It can carry a full grown cow up a ten foot fence.
  5. Gaur –It can carry 2,000 pounds across rugged terrain.
  6. Eagle –They can carry four times their weight during flight.
  7. Anaconda –It can squeeze something its own weight to death.
  8. Gorilla –It can lift 4,600 pounds, the equivalent of two family cars.
  9. Mussel
  10. Grizzly Bear –Grizzly bears are the heavyweight champion of the mountains, lifting 1200 lb.
  1. ‘‘‘Redback spider - The female needs a meal to nourish her young, so after mating, she kills and eats the male.
  2. Kakapo –This lonely bird calls for a mate using his low call.
  3. Garter snake –The snake cheats his way into love’s nest by pretending to be female in severely harsh weather. Even being frozen can’t cool the hearts of them.
  4. Rhinoceros –Males search for female urine and the female has been reputed to test its potential for days.
  5. Demoiselle Crane –When they find a mate, they start dancing.
  6. Mussel –They have a symbiotic relationship with a fish.
  7. Male Peacock –His tail attracts a perfect mate.
  8. Male Crested Black Macaque –His huge red buttocks attracts mates.
  9. Whiptail Lizard –The species is 100% female.
  10. Tasmanian Devil –Mating is more like fighting for a male and female.
  1. Cookiecutter shark –Cookiecutter sharks have the biggest teeth in the world. They have been known to bite whales and nuclear submarines.
  2. Hippopotamus –It can open its jaw up to 170° and snap a crocodile in half.
  3. Komodo Dragon –Its saliva has four kinds of deadly bacteria, and can paralyze its prey with one bite.
  4. Dog –Dogs bite 4,700,000 Americans per year.
  5. Vampire Bat –Vampire bats draw blood out of the toughest skin.
  6. Crocodile –The Crocodile’s bite has been measured at 3,000 lbf/in², the strongest of any animal.
  7. Funnel-web spider –Their enormous fangs inject paralyzing venom deep into their prey.
  8. Snake –Venomous snakes have long fangs and venom.
  9. Naked Mole Rat –Its incisor bite can go through a cement wall little by little.
  10. Mosquito –Females have the most deadly bite in the world, killing over 2.7 million people a year with over 100 diseases; the most common is malaria.


内容 自然科学类 生物学 演化 动物
  • The Most Extreme —From Wikipedia

Category:片名 Category:Animal Planet Category:AP The Most Extreme Category:NHNZ Category:NHNZ The Most Extreme Category:2002 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.7 生物学 Category:3.71 演化 Category:3.73 动物 Category:缺翻译