神话, 传说类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2012 年出品, 是 HC Ancient Aliens 系列之一。
- 中文片名 :
- 中文系列名:远古外星人
- 英文片名 :Ancient Aliens Season 4
- 英文系列名:HC Ancient Aliens
- 频道 :History Channel
- 地区 :美国
- 语言 :英语
- 时长 :约 44 分钟/EP
- 版本 :DVD
- IMDB链接 :
- 发行时间 :2012
Daniken制作,History Channel电视台发行的《远古外星人》开始了第4季全新的探险,继续带着各位剧迷寻找并评估外星人曾经降临地球的证据。从亚洲到非洲,从欧洲再到南美洲,让我们一起见证历史吧。本季开始探索6500万年前恐龙的灭绝给与我们的启示!
【玛雅人的阴谋】The Mayan Conspiracy
This episode suggests that the ancient Maya were given their knowledge of mathematics and astronomy by extraterrestrials. It alleges advanced city engineering despite the use of metal tools and the wheel; knowledge of celestial events (such as pole shifts) thousands of years before the culture began; and a complex writing system only understood by the rulers and clerics among them. Featured artifacts include the sarcophagus lid of Palenque’s King Pakal, who is said to be piloting a rocket ship; the La Venta Olmec heads suggested to represent African people in flight helmets; and the feathered serpent god Kukulkan possibly depicted elsewhere in the world as the Naga and Chinese dragon.
【末日预言】The Doomsday Prophecies
This episode looks at the Maya civilization and their advanced knowledge of mathematics and timekeeping. It presents theories as to why the Maya backdated the 5125-year long-count calendar to 3114 BC (over 3,000 years before their civilization began) and what could happen after it ends December 21, 2012. Discussed are two artifacts, Tortuguero monument six and a Comalcalco mud brick, that may suggest the return of a star god Bolon Yokte; the Popol Vuh creation myths; the Chilam Balam manuscripts; and the monuments of Tikal (which is suggested to have been built to mimic the Pleiades cluster); and Chichen Itza, dedicated to the return of the Maya god Kukulkan.
【小灰人】The Greys
This episode focuses upon the so-called Greys, alleged alien beings characterized as having pale skin and big round heads with large black eyes, and connected within the last century to supposed alien abductions and UFO- related cases such as the Roswell incident. It also proposes that the Greys may have contacted human cultures in the distant past, such as the Hopi Indians and the Sumerians, and these events have been preserved in various ancient writings, sculptures and cave paintings.
【外星人与大灾变】Aliens and Mega-Disasters
This episode looks at various accounts of ancient civilizations that were destroyed by natural disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods and proposes that otherworldly beings may have had a hand in these catastrophic events.
【与美国太空总署的联系】The NASA Connection
This episode delves into various reports by former NASA scientists and astronauts, as well as classified government files that purportedly suggest the space agency had alien contact in both the recent and ancient past.
【普马彭古的秘密】The Mystery of Puma Punku
This episode investigates Bolivia’s 14,000 year-old Puma Punku ruins, where an ancient civilization constructed sophisticated and intricately carved blocks that interlock and suggests the site was not built and inhabited by humans, but by advanced extraterrestrials.
【外星人与大脚怪】Aliens and Bigfoot
This episode examines the legends of Bigfoot, a creature described as half- man/half-ape that allegedly stalks remote woodlands around the world, and suggests the creature may have connections to an alien species that may have visited Earth. Also suggested are that the legends of supernatural giants such as the Bible’s Goliath, the hybrid Nephilim, the Sumerian Enkidu, are tales of human interaction with such creatures.
【达芬奇阴谋】The Da Vinci Conspiracy
This episode examines some of the paintings, sketches and journals of legendary artist and engineer Leonardo Da Vinci, and alleges that some of his work may have been inspired by alien technology he may have encountered. Discussed are the possibility of hidden messages within his work such as parts of his paintings that disappear under x-ray scans; his use of mirror writing to make his notes illegible to prying eyes; his sketches of inhuman and monstrous creatures, and what DaVinci might have been doing when he seemingly disappeared for two years after finding a mysterious cave.
【时间旅行者】The Time Travelers
This episode suggests that some alleged alien encounters may be of beings from Earth’s future traveling in time machines and that these beings visited Earth’s distant past. Examined are the rumors of the Nazi “Die Glocke” time travel machine; the advanced cosmic knowledge of the Anasazi and their similarities to the ancient Sumerians; stories of time travel in the Bible and other ancient texts; and actual space/time experiments that could one day open the door for possible time travel technology.
【外星人与恐龙】Aliens and Dinosaurs
This episode suggests that man and dinosaurs may have coexisted in ancient times and past cultures had knowledge of prehistoric animals long before the study of paleontology. Examined is a carving found in Angkor Wat that is suggested to be a depiction of a stegosaurus; the thousands of Ica Stones of Peru that depict alleged human/dinosaur interaction; and fossils from Dinosaur Valley State Park suggested to contain both dinosaur and human footprints. Also suggested is the idea that dinosaurs may have been wiped out, not by an asteroid impact, but by alien extermination so that humans could become the dominant species on Earth.
Image:The Mayan Conspiracy screen1.jpg Image:The Doomsday Prophecies_screen1.jpg Image:Aliens and Mega-Disasters_screen1.jpg Image:The NASA Connection_screen1.jpg Image:The Mystery of Puma Punku_screen1.jpg Image:Aliens and Bigfoot_screen1.jpg Image:The Da Vinci Conspiracy_screen1.jpg Image:Aliens and Dinosaurs_screen1.jpg
内容 神话, 传说
- 维基百科:Ancient Aliens (TV Series)
Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Ancient Aliens Category:2012 Category:8.0005 神话, 传说 Category:缺翻译