
法律类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 2004 年出品,是 DC The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:DC 推理探案
  • 英文片名 :The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science Season 8
  • 英文系列名:DC The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 47 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • IMDB链结 :
  • 发行时间 :2004

The New Detectives is a joint effort between The Discovery Channel and Dominion Pictures. The two decided to tell the stories of men and women using science to bring killers to justice and justice to victim’s families. The New Detectives evolved during a time in witch the science of crime solving was growing rapidly. This series brought life to the show The FBI Files.

在北卡罗来纳,一名45岁女子在一场严重车祸中丧生,但例行性调查工作却揭发了更多问题,警方很快发现事情并不如表面所见。一名育有六名子女的母 亲在佛州家中惨遭杀害,鉴识调查所获的证据都指向凶手是一名可疑份子,但他的下落与行凶动机却一直成谜。对某些凶手而言,杀人可以是一种获利生意,当受害 人成为受雇杀害的目标时,凶杀案调查人员必须超越表象揭开受雇杀人命案的真相。

马里兰州东岸,一对夫妇的浪漫周末旅游竟成死亡惨剧,丈夫遭烈火吞噬丧命,虽然证据皆指向不幸意外,例行调查却发掘出多项疑点。佛罗里达州一名十 分健康的妇女死于自宅,验尸后仍然找不出死因,警方虽怀疑妇女遭谋杀,却得等待多年才能以新的刑事鉴识技术加以证明。凶手若以致命毒药杀人于无形,刑警办 案便难上加难,须由刑事毒理学家协助,识破作案手法让毒杀案件水落石出。

加拿大警方全力调查一名失踪女子下落,尽管所有线索皆显示这是一起凶杀案,唯有一根动物毛发能让警方加以证实。俄亥俄州一名女子失踪,她的丈夫难 脱嫌疑,警方却仍无法提出确凿证据。密苏里州一名男子惨遭谋杀,为了缉捕杀手归案,警方必须从线索中拼凑凶杀过程。尽管有时嫌犯身份已十分明显,证据却仍 有待发掘。在缺乏目击证人的情况下,鉴识人员必须让细微线索成为关键物证。

爱达荷州波夕市发生住宅大火,夺走一位父亲及其两名年幼继子的性命,警方详查破瓦残墟,找寻起火原因,发现这场大火并非意外。北加州警方获报一名 男子失踪,种种迹象显示男子死于悲惨意外,但例行调查却揭发层层计谋与诈欺,甚至可能涉及谋杀。有些人一旦利欲熏心,便不惜利用他人的信任达成目的,但犯 罪计划再缜密终究不敌警方细心不懈的侦查,让遭到致命背叛的死者得以瞑目。

蒙大拿一名女性遭谋杀,弃尸在她车内行李箱。在物证不足的情况下,调查人员努力找出杀人凶手。一名看似健康的33岁女性在睡梦中死去,田纳西警方 必须判断她是自然死亡或遭谋杀。一名俄亥俄州妇女抛弃丈夫和两名小孩离家出走,但例行调查发现她或许不是有意离开,精心掩饰的杀人案件或许能瞒过最有经验 的调查人员,但刑事鉴识人员总能看破表面发掘出谋杀的元素,让凶手难逃法网。

加州中部的警方面对着接踵而来的凶杀案,这些命案乍看之下毫无关联,但刑警发现的证据皆指向同一名嫌犯。另外在维州妇女接连在家中惨遭毒手,凶手 显然是个凶残成性的连续杀人犯。但警方必须先查出凶手身份,才能阻止凶手再度犯案。倘若被害人与凶手并无明显关联,要破案便十分困难。此时便须倚重刑事鉴 识人员揪出随机滥杀的凶手。

密西根乡间的一桩失踪案件搜寻之后发现失踪者遭到谋杀,调查人员召集一组鉴识科学家以推断受害者的死亡时间,并将凶手绳之以法。加州沙利纳斯一对 夫妻发现他们房子下草草埋了一副人骨。14年前提报的失踪人口案可能隐藏了一桩谋杀。死者的骨骸可能隐埋多年,时间和自然的力量可以摧毁证据。当尸骨终于 被发现时死者有了说话的机会,他们述说的故事揭露了坟墓的秘密。

在纽约郊区,有一名年轻母亲在家中厨房惨遭谋杀,警方全力追查凶手,但命案现场只留下不完整线索。在爱达荷州,有一对年迈夫妻在家中遭人枪杀,目 击证人的说词不一,警方全面搜索线索,并诉诸鉴识科学查明嫌犯身份。当杀人者一心想报复时,什么都阻挡不了他们,但鉴识人员可从他们遗留的线索中找出隐藏 的讯息,为那些遭歹徒登堂入室杀害的人讨回公道。

在佛罗里达州坦帕,有残酷凶手猎杀妇女,而墓地成了凶手的弃尸场。在被害人持续增加的情况下,刑警要对付这名连续杀人犯,唯一武器是科学鉴识技 术。北卡罗来纳州一名年轻母亲在下班回家的路上失踪,当发现她的尸体后,警方必须根据凶手留下的潜藏线索,才能替她的家属伸张正义。警方侦办凶杀案时多依 循犯案动机查出凶手,但若凶手与死者素昧平生,凶案便可能悬宕多年。此时警方就得动用各种刑事鉴识技术,方能侦破此类夺命邂逅。

When killers are driven by jealousy and desire, their desperation is evident in both the crime and their efforts to avoid detection. But forensic science can reveal even the slightest mistake to solve crimes of passion.

When killers hide or destroy the remains of their victims, it becomes the mission of forensic scientists to reconstruct the scenes and prove murder for an absent witness.

Sometimes killers are careful to leave no fingerprints behind. But methods of the murder itself can leave a lasting impression on police, especially when the tools (or weapons) of a killer’s trade leave an innocent victim marked for death.

Anytime, anywhere, people disappear - kidnapped from their daily routines. Predators always leave clues behind, but chasing them takes time, hampering investigators’ attempts to solve these fatal abductions.

Some killers choose to hide their victims, and investigators must then rely on forensic examiners to uncover proof of murder. These are just two extraordinary crimes that have made their way into the medical examiner’s casebook.

At a crime scene, anything left behind or seemingly out of place is considered a clue. But a fire can extinguish everything in its path, challenging forensic investigators at every turn and making each arson a trialbBy fire.

Solving crimes may begin with gut intuition, but advanced science provides investigators with irrefutable proof. When criminals go to great lengths to mask their crimes, investigators must step up the challenge and remain forever …undaunted.

A family vacation turns tragic when a pleasure yacht catches fire near the islands of Southern Alaska. The fire claims the lives of a mother and daughter. But as the wreckage surfaces, evidence suggests the blaze was no accident. In Alabama, a young single mother suddenly disappears and is presumed dead. As investigators look for signs of foul play, an unlikely suspect emerges. When victims of murder know their killers, they are often caught off guard. But even the best-laid plans leave traces of the forsaken trust.

CI: Coroner Investigator will reveal the most in-depth look to date into the science of death. Go behind the yellow tape with Julie Wilson to experience first hand the techniques and methodology used by coroner investigators. Witness her discover clues and piece together the final moments of someone’s life.For the first time, an episode will allow viewers exclusive access to the actual death scenes that challenge top investigators, pitting their skills and techniques against complicated cases. Their goal: to satisfy the law, as well as the families who have lost loved ones.


内容 应用科学类 法医/鉴识
社会科学类 社会
史地类 地理
  • 维基百科:The New Detectives

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science Category:2004 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.73 法医/鉴识 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.4 法律 Category:5.43 刑事案件 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译