
法律类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 2005 年出品,是 DC The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science 系列其中之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:DC 推理探案
  • 英文片名 :The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science Season 9
  • 英文系列名:DC The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 47 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • IMDB链结 :
  • 发行时间 :2005

The New Detectives is a joint effort between The Discovery Channel and Dominion Pictures. The two decided to tell the stories of men and women using science to bring killers to justice and justice to victim’s families. The New Detectives evolved during a time in witch the science of crime solving was growing rapidly. This series brought life to the show The FBI Files.

In Hamilton, Ohio, two bike riders discover a human torso on the East bank of the Great Miami River. The Butler County Sheriff’s office and the Butler County Coroner respond to the scene and begin an investigation.

In 1998, a New Mexico college student is reported missing by her roommate. When investigators recover blood samples, the two boys last seen with the missing woman are questioned, and blame each other for her disappearance. The 18-year-old’s body is found in the desert with multiple stab wounds, and evidence points to the two boys.

A frantic husband calls 911, claiming his wife is dead, bleeding profusely from the head upon his return to their home. The husband of the recently deceased, claims his wife tripped and fell down the stairs. The autopsy report says the victim suffered 7 blows to the head. Forensics experts are employed to link the woman’s husband to her violent murder.

A former Fort Worth Police Officer calls 911 late one evening. Emergency personnel respond to find his wife on their bed, dead from a gunshot wound to the chest, which her husband claims was self inflicted. Ballistic tests, fingerprint analysis and polygraph tests are inconclusive, finally blood splatter experts must be used before accusing the ex-cop with the death of his wife.

The Berkeley, California Fire Department responds to a house fire in the early morning hours of June 25, 1994. Firefighters discover the body of a 59-year- old woman near the fireplace. Her body had been badly burned and investigators speculated her death was accidental, though an autopsy suggested otherwise. Also discovered, was the fact that the deceased’s best friend and personal manager had recently cleaned out her bank account, suggesting investigators now had a homicide on their hands.

The night desk clerk of a Vermont motel is found dead, lying on the lobby floor. Police arrive to find the body partially burned, as well as a bloody palm print and most of a fingerprint. Investigators collect surveillance tapes from surrounding businesses, as well as fingerprint over a hundred people for elimination purposes. Police are finally led to an ex-motel employee, whose prints match those found at the crime scene.

A young man goes missing, and his live in girlfriend reveals she had last seen him after the two had an argument concerning money. Soon after, a human torso is found; the arms, legs and head had been removed. Toxicology testing showed evidence of a potentially fatal amount of morphine present in the body. Investigators question the girlfriend, and find she had just taken out a $150,000 life insurance policy on her boyfriend.

Blood was found on the ground in front of an abandoned vehicle that police learn was driven by a college woman. The victim’s body was found in a neighborhood away from the vehicle. Tire impressions are taken, as well as other evidence. Investigators receive a tip about a man with a history of impersonating police officers. Investigators take tire samples of the man’s car, and find blood matching that of the dead woman. DNA samples from the man also match those found in the victim.

Two men are found dead, beaten to death in the bar where they work. They had both sustained multiple blows to the head. A safe from the bar was missing, as well as the money from a cigarette machine that had been pried open. A local television station received an anonymous letter about the murders, though no fingerprints are obtained from it. Witnesses tell police of a man who frequents the bar, and investigators arrest him on unrelated charges. A search of his home and vehicle turn up several objects, including a tire iron, which lab tests conclude was the same object used to pry open the cigarette machine. Handwriting analysis also links the man to the letter. He is sentenced to consecutive life terms for the murders.

A woman is rushed to the hospital due to a massive seizure that caused her heart to stop beating. Once stabilized, doctors are mystified, as the seizure has left the woman paralyzed and unable to speak. The woman’s husband, who regularly visited his wife, attracted the suspicions of the woman’s nurse. Those suspicions were realized after a doctor ordered several tests of the woman, one finding six times the lethal amount of arsenic in the woman’s system. Upon questioning, the woman’s husband, who had recently increased the amount of life insurance he had on his wife, admitted to poisoning her.

A family moving into a new home opens a large drum on the property and find the mummified remains of a woman dead for nearly 25 years. Forensics experts take samples of both the drum, and the remains of the woman inside, who was pregnant at the time of her death. Samples extracted lead investigators to the owner of an old plastics factory, the deceased’s former employer, who chooses to commit suicide in order to avoid police.

A security guard finds a man dead in the driver’s seat of his car, shot once in the back of the head. Authorities believe it may have been an accident, as illegal hunters frequented the area the man’s car was found. Police later receive a tip, linking the man’s wife and a friend to the murder; the motive was a large life insurance policy.

A man calls 911 and reports that his 9-year-old daughter has disappeared from their front yard. Police search the neighborhood and surrounding area, but find no trace of the little girl. Searching the house for clues, police grow suspicious when they discover small amounts of the girl’s blood on her bed sheets. Investigators also come to find that the girl’s mother also disappeared without a trace several years earlier. Additional clues are found, all pointing to the young girl’s father as her killer, until finally, the child’s body is found, wrapped in a bag with her father’s prints all over it.

A Russian woman is found nude and dead in the bathtub in her Toronto apartment. Homicide detectives process the apartment, and transport the woman to the Medical Examiner’s office. An autopsy is performed, and a forensic odontologist is brought in, as teeth marks were discovered on the woman’s body. The teeth marks were analyzed, and samples were taken. The woman appeared to have several boyfriends, all of whom were questioned, and had teeth molds made to attempt to match to the bite marks on the woman’s body. A perfect match was found, the only evidence linking the man to the murder.

A man calls 911 claiming his wife fell down the stairs and died. Rescue workers respond, and do indeed find the woman dead at the base of the stairs. There is a large amount of blood on and around the body. The Medical Examiner concludes the woman died as a result of a blunt force trauma, and begins the search for a murder weapon. Blood spatter also proves the woman was beaten before she fell, or was placed at the base of the stairs. The man’s prints are found on a champagne bottle, but not the glasses, leading investigators to believe he beat his wife with the bottle. Blood spatter is found on most of the man’s clothing, proving he beat his wife to death.

A man discovers skeletal remains lying just outside the African Lion Safari section of an Ontario zoo. An anthropologist assisted forensics professionals in the autopsy to help determine cause of death. The team searching for the victim’s identity employed a bizarre technique of re-hydration to attempt to lift a fingerprint. Once the victim had a name, authorities would have to piece together the cause of death.

A real estate agent is found beaten and strangled in the basement of a home that was for sale. Police and crime techs find boot and finger prints on the woman’s body. The agent’s car is searched; a pad with her name on it reveals a fingerprint. Some of the agent’s jewelry had been pawned, and investigators link fingerprints from the jewelry to those found on the victim, and a massive search is undertaken for the murderers.

An 18-year-old girl is found raped and strangled in a Harlem stairwell. DNA is collected from the victim’s body and is compared to that of other rape suspects being held in jail; it doesn’t match. Another girl with a similar description is found dead, and police feel they have a serial killer on their hands. A man’s name is found from the phone records of one of the victims, and authorities would have to attempt to obtain DNA sample from the man to prove his guilt.



内容 应用科学类 法医/鉴识
社会科学类 社会
史地类 地理
  • 维基百科:The New Detectives

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science Category:2005 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.73 法医/鉴识 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.4 法律 Category:5.43 刑事案件 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译 Category:缺图片