
法律类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 2009 年出品,是 DC The Shift 系列其中之一。

  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:DC 重案搜索线
  • 英文片名 :The Shift Season 1
  • 英文系列名:DC The Shift
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 45 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2009

跟其他大城市一样,印第安纳波里(Indianapolis)同样会有凶案发生;然而,跟很多大城市不同的是印第安纳波里拥有一队专门调查凶杀案的精英探员,奉命在凶徒再次犯案之前,将他们绳之以法。 Discovery频道新一辑的系列节目《重案搜索线》将紧随一队印第安纳波里大都会警局(Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department,IMPD) 的谋杀案侦探;他们的日常工作​​包括追捕疑凶、应付重犯、以及在隐藏的线索中抽丝剥茧。就让我们在《重案搜索线》中,尾随卓越的印第安纳波里大都会警局成员,见证他们为了破案,不惜日以计夜地工作,务求将杀人犯缉拿归案,并维持高水平的破案率。

A man is found shot dead on the street in a Spanish neighborhood on the west side of Indianapolis, and IMPD (Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department) homicide detective Christine Mannina responds to the call. Several witnesses say they saw a man near the scene of the crime shooting off a gun. With this testimony the case should be easy to close — however, no one saw the actual murder. Detective Mannina and her partner, Detective Lesia Moore, are driven to bring justice to the deceased and get a killer off the streets. We follow them as they hunt down witnesses in search of the true story of what really happened. This case has many twists and turns, including language barriers, dramatic crime lab results, confidential informants and help from undercover agents. Detectives Mannina and Moore will pull in the full force of the Indianapolis Police Department to try to break it.


A man from Trafalgar, Ind., has been missing for two months, and his pickup truck has just been found in Kentucky — without him in it. This will be Indianapolis homicide detective Christine Mannina’s first missing person’s case, and it will be tough, as she will have to prove that an actual murder happened, let alone solve it. Detective Mannina, her partner Detective Lesia Moore, and other detectives from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department will work alongside detectives from neighboring Johnson County to try to crack this case. Detective Mannina calls in the K-9 unit of cadaver dogs and searches the victim’s truck to find out if a dead body might have been in it. The investigation continues from there and will cross three state lines in search of the body, information, suspects and the truth.

Detectives arrive at a crime scene, where two men have been shot and taken to the hospital. The men are related, and the uncle survives, while his nephew does not. IMPD homicide detective Tom Tudor takes the lead on this case, assisted by Lt. Kevin Kelly, and Detectives Christine Mannina and Chuck Benner. Several witnesses give the detectives accounts of another crime that occurred minutes before the shooting — an attempted home robbery gone wrong. Are the two crimes related? The detectives work alongside uniformed police officers, and a suspect is soon detained near the scene of the crime. Witnesses are interviewed and asked to identify the suspect. The witnesses give varying accounts of the murder, and the home break-in, which further complicates things. What happens when two people witness the same crime, yet say they saw different things? Detectives have to confront the conflicting testimonies, and must wait for the surviving victim to testify before they can proceed with the case.

A young man is found shot dead in a parking lot near a residential area in Northeast Indianapolis, and IMPD (Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department) Detective Jesse Beavers responds to the call. Detective Beavers is assisted by his partner Detective Tom Tudor, and Detectives Chuck Benner and Todd Lappin. Several witnesses give conflicting reports about a car, or multiple cars, spotted at the crime scene. With information from the victim’s family, detectives pursue cell phone records in hopes of identifying a suspect. They then receive a tip from an informant, providing further clues. In the end, an additional eyewitness steps forward, and it becomes clear that there was only one car that could have belonged to the potential murderers. The description of that car matches that of a potential suspect’s. Beavers and Tudor begin their search for the car, as it may contain the evidence they need to lock their case. This case then has a twist, that will leave Detective Beavers on the hunt for even more pieces to the puzzle.

A man is held at gunpoint, while his two brothers are shot at a suburban home in Indianapolis, and Detective Christine Minka takes the case. The injured brothers are taken to the hospital, where one survives, and the other does not make it. Detective Minka is assisted in her investigation by Lieutenant Kevin Kelly, Sergeant Jeff Breedlove, and Detectives Tom Tudor and Lesia Moore. There were several eyewitnesses on scene, and there is surveillance footage of the suspects, so there should be leads to follow. However, the case is complicated – as the suspects were wearing masks, and their features are obscured, which makes identifying them extremely difficult. In a rare move, Detective Minka holds a press conference, aided by Deputy Chief William Benjamin, reaching out to the public for further information. Can the surviving brothers help solve this crime when there are no leads?

A man is found dead in his home in suburban Indianapolis, lying in a pool of blood. IMPD (Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department) Homicide Detective Sergeant Jeff Breedlove takes the case. Assisting him in this investigation are Shift Lieutenant Kevin Kelly, and Detectives Lesia Moore and Chuck Benner. The victim is a faith-based counselor, who helped homeless and troubled individuals in his local community. At first, it appears that his home had been broken into, and that robbery was the motive. However, detectives investigate further, and begin to notice details that indicate there may be more to the crime than appears. After studying evidence at the scene, the detectives come to a new conclusion – that the murder may have been committed by someone the victim knew. The investigation proceeds from there, as detectives work to identify who the counselor was with during his final hours. Was the murderer someone he knew?



内容 社会科学类 法律 刑事案件
史地类 地理 美洲
  • 维基百科:印第安納波利斯

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC The Shift Category:2009 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.4 法律 Category:5.43 刑事案件 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译