
应用科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 2005 年出品,是 DC MythBusters 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:DC 流言终结者
  • 英文片名 :MythBusters Outtakes
  • 英文系列名:DC MythBusters
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 44 分钟
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2005
Myth statement Status Notes
Free Energy - It is possible to get free (stolen) energy by using a coil of baling wire positioned under a power line. Partly Plausible For this myth the MythBusters created a large coil of wire, and wrapped it around a PVC pipe box. They then hoisted it underneath powerlines in order to “catch” some electricity. They were able to obtain about eight millivolts of electricity. They determined that siphoning a practically useful amount of electricity in such a manner would require thousands of pounds of wire, and would be extremely impractical and dangerous, as well as being illegal.
Cola Myths - Cola can be used as a toilet cleaner. Busted For this myth, Adam dirtied M5’s bathroom with engine oil in preparation for the cleanup. Jamie was greatly upset at this, but Adam assured him he’d be able to clean it. The cola did nothing to the grease; in fact, even if it did, Adam noted he would have to clean up the cola, afterwards, making the job more tedious than it was. Normal bathroom cleaner managed to clean the grease up.
Exploding Tattoos - A radio transmitter can cause tattoos to explode. Busted The MythBusters built a small, low power transmitter, as a real one was too dangerous. They used two containers, one with water (control) and one with tattoo ink. They activated the transmitter, which managed to interfere with a radio in the workshop, and left it running. At the end of the test, the temperature of both liquids were almost the same. The tattoo ink was only half a degree warmer.
Peeing on the Third Rail - A train can be derailed if coins are placed on the rails. Busted The train simply heated and flattened the pennies. Quoting narrator Robert Lee, “The myth wasn’t Busted—it was Flattened.” Even the train conductor assessed that the myth wasn’t possible, unless the penny “was lodged in the engineer’s eye”.



内容 应用科学类 其它应用科学
  • 维基百科:流言终结者

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Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC MythBusters Category:2005 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.9 其它应用科学 Category:缺图片 Category:缺翻译