
社会科学类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2012 年出品,是 HC Ax Men 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :伐木人 第五季
  • 中文系列名:HC 伐木人
  • 英文片名 :Ax Men Season 5
  • 英文系列名:HC Ax Men
  • 电视台 :History Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 44 分钟
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2012

From the remote islands of Alaska to Louisiana’s gator-filled swamps, nine Ax Men teams once again face death-defying challenges in the series’ fifth season. Via 20 one-hour episodes, HISTORY showcases America’s loggers ranging from charismatic Montana cowboys to the reigning Papac champs, each packing their own agenda for a sweet taste of that million-dollar green gold. Embarking on the toughest season of their careers, this year’s crews attempt to conquer Mother Nature, themselves and the impossible in a race promising only explosive results.

Steep cliffs and skyline/rigging problems provoke Coatsy, Papac’s site boss, into assaulting a landing man at an unforgiving job site; the Rygaard crew plows into a blowdown site choked with years’ worth of fallen trees and loose rocks; Shelby scouts the bayou to find logs for Swamp Man, but a boating accident puts his assistant out of action; using a 30-year-old yarder that has been out of service for years, Big Gun starts into its first job only to have an anchor line break; Jimmy and James argue their way to a new stretch of the Suwannee, then bet the S&S boat against Uncle Buck’s on a season-long logging contest.

Mike Pihl puts pressure on Big Gun to get back on schedule after the yarder line break, and sends his son Danny to help out; after Jimmy leaves James on the banks of the Suwannee, Jimmy works alone to find logs for S&S and Uncle Buck picks James up; Swamp Man tears up a client’s boat dock while trying to pull a fallen log away from it, leading Shelby to fire his newly hired assistant; Mike Papac re-hires Joe, a former hook tender and rival of Coatsy, to help defuse the tension between Coatsy and the Papac crew; Gabe accidentally drops a tree on Dave’s truck while showing him how to cut trees for Rygaard.

With a newly hired assistant, Nikki, S&S makes a $500 bet against Uncle Buck for the most logs found in one day; Shelby and his wife call in backup to fill special Swamp Man orders so they can pay hospital and repair bills; as Big Gun fights a yarder breakdown and Danny starts to work, Levi visits the hospital and learns that he may have contracted tuberculosis; on his first shift as Rygaard’s rigging slinger, Dave sends a wrong signal that leads to a smashed chainsaw; under pressure from Coatsy to keep up with the yarder’s pace, a chaser on the Papac landing slips and injures his leg and back.

An injury sends Swamp Man’s latest assistant to the hospital and leaves Shelby to cut his way to a massive tree alone; Nikki voices her growing distaste for Jimmy and her doubts about S&S’ ability to find logs so she can be paid; Swilley gets lost in an underwater cavern while hunting logs for Uncle Buck; Coatsy is forced to put Joe on yarder duty after the regular operator storms off the Papac site; Big Gun’s communication system develops problems that lead to a dropped skyline carriage and a broken chainsaw; after Dave is nearly hit by a log on the Rygaard landing, he tries to leave but is called back by Gabe to help with a risky skyline move.

Shelby calls in a group of voodoo practitioners to dispel a curse he believes is on the Swamp Man boat, then targets a huge cypress stump; Levi returns to help Big Gun finish out its current job, but a snapped cable forces the crew to improvise a solution; as the Rygaard crew works a site with clifftop landing in thick fog, near-miss accidents and a wrecked truck set the crew on edge; Siderius Logging gets a fast but risky start on its biggest job to date in Montana’s Rocky Mountains; Nikki gets fed up with S&S and leaves, while Uncle Buck trawls shallow waters in search of easy logs. (First episode of the season to feature Siderius Logging.)

Swamp Man faces tough challenges in cutting and moving the giant tree Shelby spotted two weeks earlier; Coatsy accidentally uproots a tail hold while filling in on loader duty at Papac; Uncle Buck fixes the improper mounting of S&S’s new boat engine, then wagers a dinner on the day’s log count; after a falling tree barely misses Dave, he loses his temper and assaults Fernando, Rygaard’s rigging slinger; Siderius’ push to bring in logs causes a cable to snap, idling the crew as new hire Jesse starts work.

After Gabe separates Dave and Fernando, an uprooted tree nearly crushes Fernando, prompting Dave to rethink his animosity; Shelby and his cousin venture into an alligator-infested swamp to fill a special order for Swamp Man and catch frogs for dinner; Travis, another recent hire at Siderius, learns about tree-cutting on the fly as he faces a dangerous leaner; Joe gets promoted to full-time yarder duty at Papac, but a new man on the landing and a string of tricky logs stand between him and a raise; Jimmy throws James off the S&S boat, then struggles to bring up a tangle of logs by himself until Uncle Buck brings James back.

When a back injury puts Danny out of action on Big Gun’s new job, Levi starts trying out two greenhorns, Josh and Ryan; turns of massive logs bring a widow maker down on the Papac camera crew and threaten to rip out the new tail hold; Shelby and another cousin fight bumblebees and underwater wildlife in search of valuable timber for Swamp Man’s latest order; after Rygaard’s heavy-duty carriage breaks loose and hurtles all the way down the skyline, Gabe gets in an argument with Craig and storms off the site; Jimmy kicks James off the S&S boat again and works alone while dodging speedboating locals; as Uncle Buck chases down the pieces of a 300-year-old sunken raft, Swilley gets pinned at the bottom of the Suwannee.

Jimmy and James meet with an anger management counselor, but end up pushing him off the S&S boat as old arguments flare up; Shelby and his cousin Belinda hurry to beat the weather and pull cypress logs from Lake Pontchartrain for Swamp Man; Craig and Gabe run separate yarders at the Rygaard site, increasing production until both crews try to pull in the same log and a choker breaks; Ryan’s mistake on the landing nearly causes an accident for the Big Gun crew, but redeems himself by figuring a way to lift logs over the rough terrain; while starting on a 40-log special order, H.H. Horse relies on a pulling team to bring down a dangerous leaner. (First episode of the season to feature H.H. Horse Logging.)

At Rygaard, Dave’s attempt to pull in a huge log brings down a tangle of blowdown trees and earns a tongue-lashing from Gabe; a broken winch leaves Shelby arguing with Belinda and improvising to find a way to fill Swamp Man’s latest order; Jesse has trouble setting up Siderius’ new skyline, then causes a dangerous upender while working in the rigging; Jimmy hires local diver Brad to work for S&S and teach James, who instead becomes frustrated and quits; H.H. Horse brings in the strongest horse in its stable to help move an enormous log.

A rival logger in Swamp Man’s territory shoots at the boat with a bow and arrow; Brad quickly finds logs for S&S, then takes a risky dive in search of a huge one deep in the mud; after one Papac crew member damages Mike’s truck, another suffers a broken hand when a log slides off the landing; Jagger is hoisted into a 100-foot tree to help H.H. Horse bring it down without damaging a nearby trailer; as Siderius wrestles with heavy logs on a low skyline, Jesse faces the challenge of climbing a tree to set a new anchor point.

Levi fires Josh from Big Gun after his performance slips and he brings personal arguments onto the site; Craig has to move fast with the loader to keep logs from sliding off the Rygaard landing, but one breaks loose and nearly hits Fernando; Shelby’s rival confronts Swamp Man again, leading to a tense standoff until the other man reveals himself as Shelby’s cousin; Brad keeps finding logs for S&S as Uncle Buck’s engine catches fire, crippling the boat and singeing Swilley; after Joe pushes through nerves to help Papac finish its job, he and Coatsy make peace and Coatsy hires a new man for the rigging crew.

Shelby’s dog goes missing in alligator territory as Swamp Man explores an old logging canal; at Rygaard, a broken chainsaw and squabbles among Gabe’s crew lead him to shut down for the day; as Papac sets up for downhill logging on a new site, a recently hired chaser argues and fights with Joe; after Swilley ruptures an eardrum during a dive, Uncle Buck enlists James as a temporary replacement; a bout of pre-diving horseplay between Uncle Buck and S&S leaves Brad with a possible broken foot; in a race to finish its current job, Big Gun resorts to jammer logging on a steep portion of the site.

Mistakes by both Rygaard crews complicate a race to set up a new skyline, with $500 at stake for the winner; an assistant’s injured finger and an impatient buyer leave Shelby with little time to fill Swamp Man’s order; Big Gun sets up for downhill logging on a new site, calling in Pihl yarder operator Leland to help out; James’ first dive for Uncle Buck pays off, while Brad’s injury turns out to be a severe sprain that sidelines him from S&S for the time being; after a productive day, the Papac crew relaxes with a fishing trip and Mike offers $500 for the biggest fish.

At the Big Gun site, Leland’s speedy pace on the yarder knocks a boulder loose that smashes into a pickup truck; Shelby fixes the Swamp Man winch barge and targets the log that flipped it in Season 4; Jimmy takes Brad’s place diving for S&S, but his fear of alligators forces him out of the water; Gabe’s yarder has a season-ending breakdown, leaving Rygaard without a spare machine; faulty brakes send the Siderius skyline carriage into the repair shop, so the crew goes downhill to cut trees and give Jesse a lesson in using a chainsaw.

Swamp Man brings in extra manpower and equipment to wrestle the huge log onto dry land; old arguments flare up among the Rygaard crew, forcing Gabe to step in as they try to finish the current site; a local landowner splits a job between Wheeler and Willett as a competition for future work, with Willett being the first to get a load out; James and Brad both struggle with their equipment, testing the patience of S&S and Uncle Buck; when Joe’s fast yarding causes the Papac tail hold tree to collapse, he climbs a new one himself to hook up the cables. (First episode of the season to feature Wheeler Logging and Willett Logging.)

Swamp Man finds an alligator gar guarding a potential sunken raft of huge logs that could tip the forklift; with Jimmy unable to work after his injury, James takes charge of S&S and butts heads with Brad, who finds a log that threatens to sink the boat; after a morning of arguments, Craig makes peace with the Rygaard crew and has them pull a prank on Dave, who angrily walks off the site; as Wheeler’s new hire Sam quits due to Barry’s nonstop haranguing, equipment breakdowns and arguments slow Willett down.

When the S&S/Uncle Buck logging contest ends in a tie, the crews extend it for one more day and start playing dirty; Swamp Man finds more logs from the sunken raft, then has to muscle them back to shore for a meeting with the buyer; Ryan’s use of the wrong fuel temporarily disables Big Gun’s powerful carriage and stalls their drive to finish the current job; Siderius celebrates the end of their job and season after Jesse helps with a cable repair to bring in one last, giant log; Sam returns to help Wheeler finish out the competition as Willett dynamites a fallen tree blocking the oxen’s path; although Willett wins, the two crews decide to work together on future jobs.

As a fill-in loader operator struggles to move logs on the Rygaard landing, the crew gets fed up with Dave’s slow pace; Coatsy splits the Papac rigging crew to speed up production, but a tumbling log rattles Joe so badly that he walks off; the Swamp Man buyer, eager to have the rest of the missing log raft, calls in a helicopter pilot to help Shelby search for it; Uncle Buck relies on two divers and a damaged winch during sudden death, while Jimmy resumes arguing with James and fires him from S&S; the day again ends in a tie, so the crews decide to settle their wager with a log buyer’s appraisal.



内容 自然科学类 地球科学 陆域地形 森林和雨林
应用科学类 农业 林业
社会科学类 社会 行业
史地类 地理 美洲 北美洲
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Ax Men Category:2012 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.54 陆域地形 Category:3.547 森林和雨林 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.51 农业 Category:4.512 林业 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.17 行业 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译