
社会科学类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2010 ,2011 年出品,是 HC Ax Men 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :伐木人 第四季
  • 中文系列名:HC 伐木人
  • 英文片名 :Ax Men Season 4
  • 英文系列名:HC Ax Men
  • 电视台 :History Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 44 分钟
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2010/2011

Across the wide continent of America, from the wilds of Alaska to the steamy bayous of Louisiana, and from the heat of Florida to the vast and untamed Pacific Northwest, eight crews compete for the title of King of the Mountain in the latest and greatest season of AX Men Each location poses its own unique threats to our fearless loggers, from the deadly snakes and alligators of the swamps down south to the black bears of the Pacific coastline, and that’s before you even consider the day-to-day dangers involved in bringing down and transporting mammoth pieces of timber. Technical malfunctions, equipment failure or a simple lapse in concentration is enough to spell the end for any one of our brave tree-felling fellas. Featuring a host of familiar faces as well as an injection of new blood, this logging season promises to be the most fiercely contested to date. So strap in tight and get ready for the most exciting run yet of History’s smash-hit series Ax Men, where the stakes – like the trees - could not be higher!

Gabe leads Rygaard into a troublesome mountain site, using a powerful new yarder that poses its own set of challenges; Pihl brings in Leah, its first female greenhorn, in hopes of fostering civility between the crew members; Papac races to build an access road on Suemez Island in Alaska so heavy equipment can move in for the start of its first job; at the height of alligator mating season, Swamp Man hires an assistant to help bring up a huge load of sunken timber from the bayou; after a rough start trying to find logs for Collins in the Suwannee, James gets a surprise visit from Jimmy.

An accident damages the Rygaard yarder, followed by a second one that leaves Craig and Gabe wondering about their yarder operator’s capabilities; Jimmy persuades James to rejoin S&S and challenges Collins to a logging contest; as Papac begins pulling logs, problems with the skyline lead to heated arguments and the hook tender’s resignation; after Swamp Man’s first attempt to retrieve the huge sunken log fails, Shelby tries to break it loose with explosives.

The disappearance of Papac’s log yard operator sparks a full-scale manhunt across Suemez; Swamp Man calls in help to rig heavy explosive charges in hopes of loosening the sunken log; with bad weather moving in, Pihl races to keep up production and Leah’s skills at setting chokers are put to the test; mechanical problems put S&S out of action as Collins’ diver risks being run over by a passing boat; Dave’s late arrival on the Rygaard site has Craig and Gabe fuming, and Gabe warns him that he has one last chance to prove that he deserves to keep his job.

The Papac crews resume their search across Suemez, this time with air support, and eventually find their missing coworker unharmed; alligators and darkness complicate Swamp Man’s efforts to pull in logs for quick cash so Shelby can take his dog to a veterinarian; at the new Rygaard site, Gabe’s attempt to string the skyline with a helicopter goes wrong and leaves him scrambling in the brush; with the Suwannee lowered by drought, Collins has no trouble finding logs, while S&S’s first strike threatens to sink their boat; Leah keeps working to gain the Pihl crew’s respect as their rigging slinger gets hurt on the last stretch of the current job.

Tension following the Suemez manhunt drives Papac’s site boss to quit, while a boat breakdown strands half the crew on the mainland for the day; at the Rygaard site, Craig takes charge in Gabe’s absence and Dave suffers an ankle injury that leaves him out of action for a week; Pihl’s rigging slinger is in the hospital due to his injury, so his brother comes over from Browning to help clear a swampy stretch of timber; holiday crowding on the Suwannee leads Collins to suspend its operations, but S&S takes the risk to find more wood; Swamp Man scrambles to keep ahead of an incoming storm and bring up logs to pay the vet bills.

Papac’s replacement yarder operator puts the equipment and crew at risk, prompting the new site boss to bring the regular man back in; while helping to set up the new Pihl site, Leah unexpectedly quits to resume her previous job as a forest firefighter; an equipment breakdown nearly kills Rygaard’s yarder operator as Gabe counsels Dave to stand up for himself; Shelby takes his dog in for a checkup, then gets a special Swamp Man order and runs into a well- armed fellow logger; flaring tempers and invading snakes drive S&S off the Suwannee, while Collins scores a load of logs just in time to avoid a storm that temporarily strands their film crew.

After Shelby and his cousin play a practical joke on the Swamp Man buyer, he fills the rush order and muscles through a shallow swamp to complete another one; Papac races to finish its current job, forcing the crew to make a series of risky moves that eventually leave them idle for the day; Collins deals with a winch breakdown, while S&S takes its boat in for repairs and Jimmy’s temper leads him and James to come to blows; Gabe must saw apart several logs that have fallen off a Rygaard truck, and the crew battles soaring temperatures at a new site.

Dave’s mistakes in skyline repair and choker work turn Craig and the entire Rygaard crew against him; Papac’s former hook tender returns, demoted to the rigging crew, and butts heads with his replacement; Dustin Dethlefs, formerly of Pihl, joins Olson Marine and faces the challenges of corralling thousands of floating logs for water transport; after the argument with James, Jimmy sets out alone to find logs for S&S, but with much less luck than Collins; Jacob, the new Pihl greenhorn, faces hazing by the crew and helps stop an exhaust leak into the yarder cab that threatens the day’s operations.

Dustin and the Olson crew hurry to pull in Papac’s logs after they start to break loose from the tugboat; hoping to drive Dave out of Rygaard, Craig secretly hires DJ, a former Browning crew member, to Gabe’s extreme annoyance; Jimmy and James reconcile and fit a sonar system onto the S&S boat so they can more easily find logs in the Suwannee and keep pace with Collins; Papac faces a tight schedule for moving its equipment off Suemez before the tide goes out; Swamp Man takes a break from logging to hunt snapping turtles for dinner; as Pihl tackles a site filled with damaged timber, the yarder’s transmission fails and the skyline carriage knocks down several trees.

Swamp Man makes a night run into an alligator-infested bayou to find sunken logs, then returns during the day to bring up a large one; the S&S sonar system allows Jimmy and James to keep pulling logs at a quick pace; once Collins sets up its own sonar, Joe leaps in to free his diver from a tangle of underwater fishing lines; as DJ and Dave try to outdo each other on the Rygaard landing, Gabe’s strategy of cutting trees near the skyline puts the crew in danger; at Papac’s new job site on Prince of Wales Island, they bring in a bigger, more powerful yarder dubbed “The Tower of Power”, but Joe’s error securing one of the guylines and the weight of the huge trees brings the skyline down on the rigging crew.

Jimmy dislocates his shoulder during a weekend shift, then gets into a shouting match with James that ends S&S’ day early; a heated confrontation between Dave and DJ leads Craig to walk off the Rygaard job and Gabe to consider firing him; a giant log Shelby first spotted as a child is so heavy and oddly positioned that it overturns Swamp Man’s winch barge; the collapse of the tail hold tree at Papac’s job sparks a fight between its hook tender and rigging slinger; on the last section of Pihl’s job, the skyline frays and breaks, throwing the crew into panic when one man goes missing.

Pihl’s missing man is found safe after the skyline break, but the carriage has taken enough damage in the fall to end their season; Swamp Man puts a long- disused swamp buggy back into service in order to start pulling logs again; Browning sets up for quick production at an Oregon job, with Jesse in charge of the crew following the death of his stepdaughter; with Jimmy sidelined due to his shoulder, James hires a temporary deckhand for S&S, then suffers a head injury during a dive; after an overweight turn of logs bends the Rygaard yarder’s support tower, the crew works late to straighten it and Dave misses his son’s birthday. (First episode of the season to feature J.M. Browning Logging; last to feature Pihl Logging.)

Shelby’s shallow-water test runs with the swamp buggy put Swamp Man back in business until he runs over his own house trailer; as Lemare sets up on Vancouver Island, damage to the yarder carriage forces the crew to resort to grapple logging, a tactic that backfires badly; Browning’s quick pace causes a pileup on the landing that sends logs sliding down the hill toward the rigging crew; after Collins’ sonar malfunctions, Joe resorts to experience and instinct to find logs in the Suwannee; squabbling among the Papac crew slows down production, forcing Mike to intervene with a tree-cutting challenge. (First episode of the season to feature Lemare Lake Logging.)

Lemare’s mechanic jury-rigs the skyline carriage, but the repair job fails and sends the crew back to grapple logging; Swamp Man targets a massive log that puts both the buggy and Shelby’s safety at risk; Dave’s late arrival at the Rygaard site and faulty cable-splicing escalate into a confrontation with Craig that sends him home; Jimmy returns to work at S&S, but James gets caught in some underwater deadwood during a dive; taking his first dive in over a year, Joe soon finds a fresh payload for Collins that needs some creative loosening; a drooping skyline threatens to bring down either Browning’s production target or its rigging crew.

An inexperienced spotter quits Lemare after causing a near-miss accident and arguing with the landing crew; S&S’ deckhand quits when a communication problem with Jimmy and James puts his safety at risk; Shelby battles a stubborn log while taking a Swamp Man buyer’s talkative girlfriend on a tour of the swamp; Papac pulls logs across an access road, nearly smashing a passing truck in the process; Collins targets a log that cost Joe’s friend a finger two years earlier; the ongoing conflict between Craig and Dave drives Gabe to call an emergency Rygaard meeting.

Shelby takes his wife along to help bring in a special order for Swamp Man; Rygaard starts a big job that requires every available man, including Dave, but a dropped skyline carriage causes a near-miss accident; Lemare’s road crew blasts bedrock to make enough gravel to re-pave the storm-damaged roads for its log trucks; S&S struggles to find timber in shallow water as a stuck log sinks Collins’ boat; Jay steps in to help the Browning rigging crew bring down a tree that sits too close to the skyline.

While filling in on yarder duty, Papac’s rigging slinger pulls out the skyline’s tail hold on a heavy turn; Shelby fights equipment malfunctions to retrieve a pile of sunken logs for Swamp Man; Garry, the new hire at Lemare, crushes his chainsaw while cutting trees and has to work in the rigging; Dave’s inexperience with the chainsaw ruins a valuable log for Rygaard before the loader knocks Craig down; Collins resumes logging with an old boat that starts to sink almost as soon as it enters the Suwannee; Jimmy re-injures his shoulder but keeps working to help bring up a fresh load for S&S.

With both of its boats sunk, Collins is out of action on the Suwannee; Joe accuses S&S of stealing two logs from him, prompting Jimmy to challenge him to a fight; Shelby is bitten by a poisonous water moccasin, but fights the pain to bring in timber for Swamp Man; Garry is called in to saw an enormous log apart as Lemare rushes to finish its job before winter storms move in; Browning’s riggers sort out a challenging tangle of logs as Jay starts into the final stretch of the job; Dave is sent down to the Rygaard rigging crew, where a log nearly crushes him.

Papac mounts a brute-force push to haul in massive logs; DJ has an accident on the Rygaard yarder, then walks off the site after an angry face-off with Craig; after making a big sale, Shelby heads out to salvage the overturned Swamp Man barge; Jay learns that he will soon need hip replacement surgery that may end his career in the field with Browning; Joe takes back the two disputed logs as Jimmy and James mark the ones they have pulled in for S&S.

Mike fires Papac’s fill-in yarder operator after a brawl on the last day of the season, then steps in to replace him; Jay and Jesse work side by side to help Browning produce at top speed and finish its season; DJ’s departure and a collapsed tail hold tree put pressure on Dave to help Rygaard bring in its final loads; Shelby brings up the Swamp Man barge, but finds that it will need extensive repair in the off-seasion; Jimmy storms off, leaving James to deal with a buyer ready to assess the value of S&S’ and Collins’ hauls; Lemare wraps up its job and loads the timber onto barges for transport to the mills.



内容 自然科学类 地球科学 陆域地形 森林和雨林
应用科学类 农业 林业
社会科学类 社会 行业
史地类 地理 美洲 北美洲
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Ax Men Category:2010 Category:2011 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.54 陆域地形 Category:3.547 森林和雨林 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.51 农业 Category:4.512 林业 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.17 行业 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译