
社会科学类纪录片,BBC 频道 2009 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :冲击南极
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :On Thin Ice
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :BBC
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2009

双料奥运金牌得主James Cracknell,电视主持人Ben Fogle和Ed Coats博士三人之间开展了一场世界上最伟大的挑战——奔向南极。这次挑战距离Scott和Amundsen的有组织比赛已有近100年历史。他们面临的挑战包括:以南极为目标的500英里的滑雪竞速赛;时速100英里的强风;全球最寒冷、最高、最干、风最大的大陆;持续白昼;温度低至零下50摄氏度;不断增加的海拔,近4000米。最重要的是,他们必须想法设法存活45天。每天他们必须拖着170磅的雪橇,并吃下6000卡路里热量的食物,每天滑雪18个小时。

James Cracknell and Ben Fogle attempt to race to the South Pole. The duo start their training. They learn to cope with extreme cold and wind in a climatic chamber, expose themselves to hypothermia and, most importantly, find their third team member - actor Jonny Lee Miller. Together, the three polar novices attend the first race training session in Norway. Here, they start to learn basic cold weather survival skills needed to cope with the constant cold of Antarctica. And crucially, they begin to bond as a team. But will they be able to marry three busy careers with all the training and preparation required to face the world’s coldest, windiest and highest continent?

Presenter Ben Fogle, Olympian James Cracknell and Hollywood actor Jonny Lee Miller come together to run the London Marathon - part of their training for the race to the South Pole. But after less than expected results, the team start to fracture and then Jonny pulls out due to work commitmnents, leaving Ben and James in desperate need of a third team mate. With the race start only months away, they hold a public selection weekend and start to whittle down the hopeful applicants to the final few. After more rigourous testing, they finally select Dr Ed Coats, a 27-year-old gynaecologist from Bristol. But the team have a lot of catching up to do, and after a week of hell on a glacier in Switzerland, where they finally learn to work together as a team, all seems well - until Ben discovers he has a potentially lethal tropical illness that could stop them in their tracks.

While TV presenter and adventurer Ben Fogle undergoes an intensive course of treatment for a lethal tropical illness, Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell and new third team mate Doctor Ed Coats keep training for the race to the South Pole. Their dreams of reaching the South Pole look in tatters and James has to consider leaving his friend Ben behind. After four weeks of intensive and dangerous treatment, Ben waits for his results; will the doctors pass him well enough to face Antarctica? Thankfully, Ben is given the all- clear and the team pack, with only days to spare, and head off to their final time in the warm and sheltered climate of South Africa. On 18th December, all six race teams board their flight to take them to Antarctica. They set off on a final 10-day acclimatisation trek towards the South Pole, heading out into the polar wilderness on foot, pulling all they need to survive behind them in their sleds. Within days, they face the first of the many dangers Antarctica will throw at them. Big storms and blizzards blow in, forcing them to be tent- bound for days and threatening the start of the race.

After days of Antarctic blizzards, the weather finally clears and adventurer Ben Fogle, Olympian James Cracknell and doctor Ed Coats, along with the other five teams taking part in the Amundsen South Pole Race, can make it to the start line. The race starts on the 4th January 2009, with all six teams facing over 750km of Antarctic wilderness ahead of them. They now have to manhaul all they need for the race, skiing the entire distance, racing for up to 16 hours a day and facing one of the harshest environments on earth. The race begins well for Ben, James and Ed as they get off to a flying start and quickly take the lead. Over the next nine days, they ski on, but gradually fall apart, suffering severe blisters, extreme cold, exhaustion and eventually even pneumonia. On their last legs, they reach the halfway checkpoint, only to find that they have lost the lead they have held until the last few hours. Nearly broken, they undergo medical checks, only to find that James is so exhausted he may not be allowed to continue the race…

After an extreme start to the race, TV presenter Ben Fogle, Olympian James Cracknell and Doctor Ed Coats recover at the halfway checkpoint after arriving in second place, just behind their race rivals the Norwegians. They’re checked over by the race doctor and given the all-clear to start again after 24 hours' enforced rest. The team heads out hot on the heels of the Norwegians. They start well, racing hard in the face of temperatures that drop to -40 deg C and below. Within days the extreme conditions take a dangerous toll on the team, with both Ben and James succumbing to frostbite. On a particularly hard and cold day they break down completely. James is almost at the point of no return, and the team stops early and takes a serious review of the situation. They depart again, but only to find themselves in every polar explorer’s worst nightmare: a crevasse field. With each step they risk falling through the thin snow bridges that conceal hidden danger beneath. They have no choice but to carry on - their only escape route is to reach the South Pole as quickly as possible. After another nine days of brutal and unrelenting man-hauling they reach the finish line, exhausted and on their last legs. They’ve achieved their dream - to race to the South Pole as a team of three.



内容 自然科学类 地球科学 陆域地形 冻原和两极
社会科学类 社会 探险
史地类 历史 二十一世纪 地理


Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:2009 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.54 陆域地形 Category:3.541 冻原和两极 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.18 探险 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.118 二十一世纪 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.267 南极洲 Category:缺翻译