
心理学类纪录片,TLC 频道 2010 ,2011 年出品,是 TLC My Strange Addiction 系列之一。


  • 中文片名 :我的奇怪强迫症
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :My Strange Addiction
  • 英文系列名:TLC My Strange Addiction
  • 地区 :美国
  • 频道 :TLC
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :Approx. 22 mins./ EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2010/2011

My Strange Addiction节目将向观众们介绍那些具有奇怪的强迫症的美国人,以及他们与强迫症抗争的艰难过程。心理学家们将参与节目当中,帮助这些人恢复正常的生活。

Thirty-two-year old Lori has been addicted to sleeping with her blow dryer since she was eight years old. Although she finds the heat and sound comforting, Lori risks the chance of burning her skin severely or worse, starting an electrical fire. Even knowing the risks, she still refuses to sleep one night without her blow dryer on.

Kesha has admitted to eating half a roll of toilet paper everyday. Whether in the car, at the movies, or in a restaurant, Kesha seizes every opportunity to give into her addiction.

Lauren used to be addicted to drugs and alcohol, now she’s addicted to extreme bodybuilding. She works out up to six hours a day, six days a week, complimenting her physical regimen with bottles of supplements, powders and topping it off with injections of Human Growth Hormone.

24-year-old Rhonda can’t stop sucking her thumb while sniffing a scrap of her childhood blanket. The safety and comfort the thumb sucking gave her during her parents divorce, has now become an isolating social behavior she can’t let go.

Crystal has been eating household cleanser everyday since she was twelve. Her shame, embarrassment, and concern for her health have caused her to keep this a secret.

20-year-old Samantha tans up to three times a day in tanning beds, in addition to tanning outdoors slathered in vegetable oil.

When April’s fiance gave her the ultimatum it’s me or the puppets — April chose the puppets. Not only do the puppets go everywhere she goes, she practices with them 12 hours a day.

Debbie is severely allergic to cats, but has over twenty of them. Despite the health problems they cause and the isolation that comes along with being the crazy cat lady, Debbie continues to choose the cats over herself since her husband’s death.

Most college students listen to music or hang out with friends to deal with stress, but 19-year-old Tempestt eats detergent up to seven times a day, not to mention the soap she eats in the shower.

Despite being taken away from a contest in an ambulance, Jeff trains for Strongman competitions up to six hours a day. Not only are the physical ramifications like chronic back pain and torn muscles not a deterrent for Jeff, his mother worries that her son has taken his exercise regimen to the extreme.

Rebeca worries about her shoes when they are away from her. She believes all of her two hundred plus pairs have feelings and she calls them her babies. The rush she gets from shopping and the comfort her shoes have given her since she was a little girl make this habit more than just a fashion accessory.

Haley has been pulling her hair for over six years, but the big payoff for her is eating the follicle. Sometimes the hair pulling can trap her in the bathroom for 2-3 hours a day, literally isolating her from the world. A certain D Pharoh or Daisy P developed a strange addiction to drain hair upon watching this episode of My strange addiction. Scientists Dr. A McKeever and Dr. D. Murphy BSC PHD in the Yeoungdong University, South Korea are baffled as to how this has happened to a previously stable young woman.

Lauren can’t imagine going to a party or social event without wearing her fur suit. She’s completely dedicated to her fursona — designing and sewing her costume well into the night, it even takes priority to finding a job.

Adele has been eating couch cushions for twenty years. When feelings of stress and anxiety come up, she literally stuffs them back down with couch cushion.

Davecat treats his life-size doll like a human wife. He eats meals with her, shops for her, dresses her and is convinced she returns the same type of affection.

Rachael is addicted to picking her scabs. What started out in childhood has manifested into an addiction that can occupy her time up to two hours a day. Now, family members along with her fiance are worried her obsession could become a serious threat to her life.

Cyntrelle isn’t a cleaning lady, but she spends 8 hours every day aggressively scrubbing, washing and polishing her home, leaving her with no time left in the day for a job or a social life. Her compulsion to clean not only controls her life, but disrupts the entire household, causing her to explode anytime her cleaning standards are not upheld by the whole family.

It sounds harmless, but rock collecting endangers Belinda’s life. When she’s out rocking, she falls into a trancelike state, losing her sense of time and throwing caution to the wind. She’ll trek through treacherous terrain and wander through dangerous neighborhoods — all to find the perfect rock.

Josh enjoys a glass of champagne, not for the bubbly contents, but for the satisfying crunch of the glass as he bites into it. Over the past four years, he has consumed more than 100 glasses and 250 light bulbs. As if ingesting glass wasn’t dangerous enough, Josh also swallows live bullets, up to 30 in one sitting. His fiance is obviously concerned about the physical risks of his behavior, but Josh loves the attention this shocking habit brings him and has no plans to stop.

Nineteen-year-old Candice struggles with her addiction to skin bleach to lighten her skin. Discrimination at school and teasing from friends has her convinced she is ugly. She calls her obsession a beauty regimen, but her family insists it’s an addiction and worries about the health risks, including skin cancer.

According to Maureen’s family and friends, her over-the-top makeup makes her look like a clown. She is obsessed with her makeup, wearing it 24/7 even when she sleeps, and disregarding the damaging effects it is having on her skin. She can’t bear the thought of being seen without it and has considered making it permanent with facial tattoos.

Most people avoid the foreboding gloom of a cemetery, but this is where Barbara is most at peace. Since a series of tragic losses in her life, Barbara has been fascinated with the other side, preferring to spend her time in the company of those who have passed on, and looking forward to the time when she can join them. She’s planned all of the details of her own funeral, up to the tiniest detail of writing her own eulogy.

What started as a way to lose the freshman fifteen, has turned into a life threatening laxative addiction for Kimberly. In the five years since she started taking hundreds of laxatives a day, she has been hospitalized with bleeding ulcers and malnutrition. Note this is the season finale

Bianca who occasionally ate dirt as a child, now craves pottery and ashes more than food or water. When Bianca says, that cigarette looks really good, she means she wants to eat the ashes, not take a drag. Her unusual appetite not only threatens her health, but is also starting to influence her one-year-old son, who wants to eat pottery just like Mommy.



内容 应用科学类 医药 疾病和医疗 意识/精神/心理/行为/…
史地类 地理 美洲 北美洲
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:TLC Category:TLC My Strange Addiction Category:2010 Category:2011 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.1 医药 Category:4.11 疾病和医疗 Category:4.17 意识/精神/心理/行为/… Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译