
自然科学类纪录片,National Geographic 频道 2009 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :爬行动物
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Reptiles
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :National Geographic
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :150 min
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2009

“有的让我们娱乐,有的让我们害怕。他们蜿蜒的滑行,游泳,行走和爬行,跳跃和突进,有些终其一生把自己包裹在壳里。其中不乏地球上最有经验的猎食者, 他们的早已成过去的恐龙祖先是人类不尽的想象之源——无论是在文学作品中还是在科学幻想中。他们就是《爬行动物》——一部四集的自然系列。


Deep in the heart of the Amazon, an uncharted lake emerges every dry season when the floodwaters recede. It’s rumoured that this secret lair lures reptiles that have little changed since the time of the dinosaurs. Not just a few either; hundreds gather to this far off, inaccessible place. Outsiders come here at their peril; fishermen claim to have lost limbs to fearsome monsters. Are these exaggerated local legends? Or is the veil of mystery about to be lifted on one of the Earth’s largest yet least studied carnivores the black caiman?


Vipers have been evolving their way towards the top of the reptile heap for millions of years. Armed with an amazing arsenal of deadly tools, vipers have proven to be remarkably successful predators. However, in an ever-changing world where skills new and old are constantly put to test, how will these magnificent reptiles find different evolutionary paths in which to continue to advance?


Throwbacks to the dinosaur age, monitor lizards (often referred to as thunder dragons) play a crucial role in the food chain of Sri Lanka’s lagoons and forests - if they make it through the first year. A mother’s role ends with the laying of eggs and hatchlings are left to fend for themselves, find food and keep to the relative safety of the trees. While modern law protects the monitor lizard from being human prey, home is full of threats - sea eagles, acid-spraying ants, snakes and cannibalistic adult monitor lizards.


内容 自然科学类 生物学 动物 爬虫类 蜥蜴


Category:片名 Category:National Geographic Category:2009 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.7 生物学 Category:3.73 动物 Category:3.733 爬虫类 Category:3.7331 鳄 Category:3.7332 蛇 Category:3.7333 蜥蜴 Category:缺翻译