
史地类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 2006 年出品,。

  • 註1: 本系列套裝8 集於2006 年Discovery Channel出版
  • 註2: 本系列套裝前6 集於1999年出版, 英文名為 Rome - Power & Glory
  • 註3: Rome - Power & Glory系列中的前 4集由 Discovery Channel 代理商引進, 出版雙語/雙字 版本的 VCD/DVD



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Ancient Rome
  • 英文系列名:
  • 地区 :美国
  • 频道 :Discovery Channel
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 52 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2006

Ancient Rome was televised by the Discovery Channel and is now available on this 8 DVD box set:



Discovery Channel將與您一起去了解羅馬帝國影響後人至深的規章制度。神話傳說羅馬由羅穆勒斯與雷摩斯兄弟於西元前753年創建,羅穆勒斯隨後殺害手足,成為羅馬第一任國王,直至西元前5世紀,羅馬在伊特魯里亞人的統治下,始進入文獻記載的現實社會。瑟維厄圖里額斯的人口普查,劃分了羅馬公民的等級,賦予人民權利,播下代議政府的種籽,創設了之後共和政體的公民投票的基石;而出身貴族的辛西納忒斯,平日胼手胝足地耕種,在羅馬遭受攻擊時即慷慨就任獨裁官,戰後立即解甲歸田的行為,亦成為後世的行為榜樣。羅馬帝國時期塑造出的文明行為準則,這些至今仍具有個人及社會意義的羅馬歷史,請您一起來一窺究竟。


Discovery Channel將帶領您一起去了解羅馬帝國久年征戰的輝煌成就。羅馬軍團是征服世界,攻無不克的精良軍隊,他們是史上最成功的戰士,在紀元前後,羅馬帝國僅以防禦性的征戰,就使帝國的版圖橫跨歐亞非三洲,成為世上最強盛的國家,帝國生活的富裕,也使得位於邊陲的蠻族逐漸羅馬化,並湧入羅馬,招來滅國之禍。



Discovery Channel將帶領您去了解:在羅馬帝國政權的爭奪下,所引發的暴力與血腥屠殺。西元前82年索拉為奪取政權,不擇手段,為將領脅迫元老院創下致命的先例;西元49年凱撒跟隨索拉的腳步,大舉進攻羅馬,要求人民選舉其為終生獨裁者,公然藐視元老院;西元前31年屋大維擊敗安東尼,受封為"奧古斯都"成為羅馬帝國的第一任皇帝,直到羅馬第一帝國結束為止,贊助制度,成為控制羅馬帝國的手段。各代的執政官由於抗拒不了權力的誘惑,導致羅馬帝國悲劇性的淪亡,值得後人引以為戒。


Discovery Channel將帶領您一起來了解:羅馬以其強大的帝國實力,將超過25萬平方哩的統轄領土,包括希臘人、高盧人、埃及人等超過5千萬的人口,轉化為羅馬人,創造出世人至今仍景仰推崇的羅馬文明。羅馬以君臨天下的征服者姿態環視各地,為統合征戰後紛雜的民族所採取的各項措施,成就了令人懷想的羅馬輝煌史蹟及榮耀。

Rome fashioned a cultural template that resonates today in Western art, architecture, medicine and urban planning. As the Roman Empire grew, this pagan model blended with a host of beliefs reflecting the multi-cultural world it encompassed. From this mix emerged Christianity, by its very nature at odds with the deeply rooted values of Roman Culture. Romans thought they had united the world. But after centuries of conquest and glory, resentment festered within. Repression and chaos replaced tolerance and order; and the gap between the wealthy and the poor had become unimaginably wide. Indeed ninety-five percent of the population struggled beneath the povety line. Cults of dessent emerged that threatened to devide the empire forever. “Cult of Order” aims to track the corruption of the values that made Rome ‘great’; as exellence gave way to excess.

Rome’s glory had shone for a thousand years. The Roman Empire had united all lands from Spain to Syrhia, created more prosperity, more stability and more peace than the Western world had ever seen - nothing lasts forever. In the 3rd Century AD, civil war engulfed the empire. Chaos and corruption undermined it from within and from every direction Rome’s enemies gathered for the kill. By the end of the 4th century, the Roman Empire was nothing more than a fragile military machine that was no match for the invading barbarians. The inevitable occurred in 410 AD when Rome, the historic heart of the Empire, was sacked. As the Vandals stormed the city they were shocked at what they found. Gone were the crowds of the Golden Age. An eerie silence greeted the warriors as they wandered the same streets that their ancestors had walked down in chains 150 years earlier. The inhabitants of Rome, with their empire crumbling, had been chased away, the glory that had been Rome’s was of another day.

In the Scottish Highlands of 84 AD, the impressive, armour-clad armies of Imperial Rome lay waste to thousands of Caledonian warriors of Northern Britain. Back at the Roman camp, drunken soldiers celebrate victory. Others write home to relatives with ink on wooden shavings, which are transported via an elaborate delivery system on horseback, much like the pioneer-era ‘Pony Express’ in the United States. These “letters” document greetings, loneliness, and even requests for mundane goods that soldiers needed sent to them from home such as socks and underwear. This is the amazing story of one of the most remarkable archeological finds of the Roman Empire. While excavating the site of an Ancient Roman battleground a team of archeologists astonishingly discover letters from the past. Preserved Roman letters that offer an incredible insight into the strongest empire the world had ever known.

If you thought you knew the ancient world, think again. Terry Jones brings the everyday details of the ancient Romans, bizarre, hilarious, or shocking, to life in this entertaining and informative programme. Rome was famed for the decadence of its ruling class, however, what about the ordinary citizens of these ancient cultures? How did they lead their day to day lives in an age when the average life expectancy was little more than forty? Did they believe in the Pagan Gods? What were their sex lives like? What did they do for entertainment? Indeed most Roman citizens didn’t live in marble villas with mosaic floors and central heating, it’s just that the buildings of the rich are all that remain. How ordinary Romans lived is, for the most part, unrecorded. Theirs is the hidden history of Rome. This programme is packed full of surprising and entertaining little-known facts that throw new light on our understanding of the Romans.

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内容 史地类 历史 历史 古代和上古史 古文明 欧洲古文明 罗马古文明 地理 欧洲 南欧 意大利
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:2006 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.111 古代和上古史 Category:6.12 古文明 Category:6.122 欧洲古文明 Category:6.1222 罗马古文明 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2353 意大利 Category:缺翻译