
应用科学类纪录片,BBC 频道 2010 年出品,是BBC Jimmy’s Food Factory 系列其中之一。



  • 中文片名 :吉米的食品工厂 第二季
  • 中文系列名:BBC 吉米的食品工厂
  • 英文片名 :Jimmy’s Food Factory Season 2
  • 英文系列名:BBC Jimmy’s Food Factory
  • 电视台 :BBC
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 59 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2010

看过《吉米的食品工厂》第一季的朋友一定对吉米天马行空的想象力所折服。现在,吉米携他的仓库工厂强势回归,为我们揭秘超市食品的劲暴“黑幕”: 诶?!嘎嘣脆的薯条是网球拍搞出来的?!汉堡肉是轮胎磨出来的?!花生酱是花盆压出来的?!你没想到吧!嘎哈哈哈…还有更多乃们想不到的捏!见过爆米花专用加农炮不?知道一堆化学物质合成起来变成啥不? 速度来!让新一季的《吉米的食品工厂》带你一起领略超市食品背后不为人知的秘密!相信我,这八集节目绝对会让你大开眼界!各种揭密,各种天马行空的想象力,各种吐槽不能…不要犹豫了!快点儿跟随吉米开始我们的超市 。


In the first programme Jimmy makes some pub grub classics. Using a high- powered spud gun, Jimmy gets explosive results when he tries to make oven chips. Creating chicken kievs proves messy when he makes a home-made meat processing machine from an old car tyre. To complete his pub menu Jimmy discovers how a farm boss, who produces 480,000 sirloin steaks every year, makes sure every steak is tender and juicy. And Jimmy turns detective to find out how they stop imposters ending up in our packets of peanuts.


In this episode, Jimmy tries out some of the technological tricks the food factories use to make food that’s quick and easy to prepare. Turning a fire extinguisher into a squirty cream canister, Jimmy squeezes out the secrets of the cream you don’t need to whip. A mangle and an office shredder come in handy when he tries to work out what makes instant noodles ‘instant’, and in a microwave-rice factory, Jimmy discovers how they can guarantee their pre- cooked rice is safe to eat. He also joins a lettuce grower to see how technology protects his fragile crop from the extremes of the British weather.


In this episode, Jimmy makes breakfast with a bang when he uses a specially built cannon to create puffed rice cereal. And he finds out that pedal power is essential when you’re trying to make peanut butter on an industrial scale. At a yogurt factory, there’s an invisible, unpaid workforce of billions to help Jimmy make his own strawberry yogurt. And tea is Jimmy’s favourite drink

  • he has fifteen cups a day! So he’s in heaven when he visits a tea factory to find out how the chief tea taster makes sure every cuppa tastes as good as the last.


Jimmy creates the foods that provoke extreme reactions, and nothing divides the nation more than yeast extract. To find out the factory’s secrets, Jimmy must force all his yeast cells to self-destruct, but they aren’t playing ball. People either love it or hate it, but is chewing gum a food? Jimmy has one of the most bizarre lists of ingredients ever as he tries to make his own. Part of the lure of chocolate is its glossy appearance, and so Jimmy heads off to discover how factories make it so shiny people can’t resist. And people might love the taste, but nobody likes the way onions make you cry. So Jimmy meets a farmer who’s harvesting a no-cry onion - will it end in tears?


Jimmy lifts the lids on the secrets in your lunch box. To find out the difference between freshly squeezed apple juice and juice made from concentrate, he adapts a lawn mower and a mangle with some inspiration and perspiration. What do they do to extra light mayo to cut the calories? Jimmy fakes the fat with the help of some rotting cabbages and slime. And he visits a monster greenhouse to find out why cucumbers in the supermarket are perfectly straight. Ever wondered how your biscuit get the perfect crunch? Jimmy visits the biggest custard cream factory in the country to investigate.


Jimmy makes Sunday lunch from scratch. He tries to create the potato flakes that make instant mash. Like the factory, he uses a drum dryer to dehydrate his potatoes - but is his flame-thrower too powerful for the job? And how do the food factories get the caffeine out of coffee? To find out, Jimmy makes his own decaf coffee using a fish tank.


Jimmy looks at how food factories use extreme temperatures to create our everyday foods. By turning down the temperature, Jimmy makes soft-serve ice- cream and uncovers something unexpected about the ice-cream van favourite. Using heat and a high-pressure crusher, he makes one of the weirdest snacks around - prawn crackers. And he finds that it takes a lot of effort to make what the food takeaways give away for free. Jimmy likes his curry spicy hot, and he discovers just how hot it has to be to last for two years in our cupboards. And he meets a broccoli farmer to see why he’s in such a hurry to cool off.


Farmer Jimmy Doherty reveals the secrets of supermarket food. Jimmy creates his own kids’ party menu. When it comes to making fish fingers, a power saw is Jimmy’s choice as he works out how the food factories try to make frozen fish taste as good as fresh. Jimmy also makes pink, fluffy marshmallows. But there’s nothing very pink or fluffy about the ingredients which include pig skin and trotters. He also visits a factory where they produce fifteen thousand mini rolls an hour to discover how they roll them all without cracks. Jimmy meets a raspberry grower who wants to reduce the amount of pesticide he uses to protect his delicate crop from bugs. So what’s a huge hair dryer got to do with it?




内容 应用科学类 农业 食品
史地类 历史 二十一世纪
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:BBC Jimmy’s Food Factory Category:2010 Category:Jimmy Doherty Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.51 农业 Category:4.62 食品 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.118 二十一世纪 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:缺翻译