
军事类纪录片,BBCDiscovery Channel 频道 2009 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :二次大战全彩实录
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :World War II In Colour
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :BBC / Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :英国 / 美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 44 分钟/集
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2009


本片由英国广播公司的“Colour of War”系列改编而来。该系列从国家资料库以及民间发掘到的大量电影及家庭摄影机的彩色胶卷整理剪辑而成,虽然毕竟是以战胜者的角度制作,但与标榜正义大旗的官方宣传影片不同的是,“Colour of War”系列并不去对大是大非作评断,而是以人民的信件与日记客观而忠实的呈现当时社会大众在这场战争中所经历的血与泪,其真实的色彩更能让我们仿佛亲身跨越时空一般,不再只是萤幕前的观众,而是回到过去实际感受那段令人鼻酸的历史。












Mussolini’s ambition had always been to recreate the old Roman empire. The trouble was, militarily, he was a disaster. After failed attacks in North Africa and Greece, his armies were on the run. Hitler now faced a difficult choice. Did he divert troops needed at other fronts to support his ally, or did he let Mussolini fall? Hitler chose to support him - a decision that would spell disaster for both of them. Hilter would, lose hundreds of thousands of troops. Mussolini would lose his life. This film tells the extraordinary story of the war in North Africa and features the heroics of the tiny island called Malta as it withstood wave after wave of Nazi assault. It ends with the Allies fighting their way up Italy and Germany in retreat.


Both the Allies and the Nazis were always looking for a single knock-out blow to end the war. Britain’s Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harris thought the answer might lie in “strategic bombing.” The idea was to blow the hell out of Germany’s infrastructure and cities. This, he argued, would cripple the Nazis’ ability to wage a war and the ordinary people would soon lose the will to fight. But it led directly to the tragedy of Dresden, when Allied planes firebombed tens of thousands of ordinary Germans. The Germans believed that the knock-out blow would come from their submarines. If they could only cut American supply lines to Britain across the Atlantic, then the Allied effort would collapse. So began a long game of cat-and-mouse between U-Boats and British and American convoys.


By July 1943, the full extent of Hitler’s failed gamble in the East had become clear. After failing to deliver knock-out blows at Stalingrad and Moscow, his army was now at the mercy of the vast Soviet war machine. With its huge resources and seemingly limitless numbers of men, the Red Army slowly pushed the Germans back out of Russia through Ukraine, Poland, the Balkans and Hungary. This was war on a monster scale, pitching armies of millions against each other. But it was also a war fought by small bands of partisans, men like Tito in Yugoslavia, leading guerrilla bands against Nazi forces.


Today it is easy to see D-Day as an inevitable - a straightforward victory against a German army that was already all but defeated. This film explodes that myth. It charts the careful planning of the campaign, the development of specialised equipment needed for the amphibious landing. It reveals the deception plan that wrong-footed Hitler. It shows how the Americans were very nearly driven off Omaha beach. If that had happened, the whole operation might have failed. The film ends with the liberation of Paris, as the Free French forces led by Charles de Gaulle marched down the streets of the capital.


In 1944 American and Britain in the West and Russia in the East began to close their pincer around Germany. But even now, the outcome was in the balance. The film explores the Allied disaster at Arnhem and the tragedy of the Warsaw uprising, when Polish freedom fighters were abandoned to their fate by Stalin. It tells the shocking story of the liberation of the death camps, when the full extent of the Holocaust became clear for the first time. The film ends with Hitler’s last great gamble, as he threw all his last reserves against the oncoming Allied forces in the Ardennes.


Since December 1941, a vicious war against Japan was being waged in the Pacific. The Japanese were driven back across the ocean, island by island, in savage hand-to-hand fighting. American dominance at sea was finally established in “The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot”, when radar gave the US Navy Advance warning of a huge Japanese attack and the last vestiges of Japanese naval air power were destroyed. But this film also looks at the war in the jungles, in places like Burma, where new specialist fighting units– like Ord Wingates Chindits – slowly pushed back the Japanese despite horrific conditions.


The months of the war in Europe were shocking and desperate. This film follows the British and the Americans as they cross the Rhine and the Russians as they push through Poland into Germany itself. It covers the horrors of the liberation of Belsen and Buchenwald, and the final terrible street fighting in Berlin. The story culminates in the suicide of Hitler, the carving up of Germany between the Allies and the Nuremberg trials.


The end of the War in the Pacific is one of the great and most terrible tales of modern history. The Japanese simply would not surrender and continued to fight island by island, foxhole by foxhole. US Air Force commander tried bombing Japan into submission, firebombing Tokyo. Over 200,000 people died, yet still Japan clung on. In the end, President Truman had to go nuclear and the fates of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sealed. The film ends with Japan subdued and the reve.


内容 社会科学类 军事 现代战争 第二次世界大战
史地类 历史 二十世纪 地理
  • 维基百科:第二次世界大战

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Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:BBC Category:2009 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.6 军事 Category:5.614 现代战争 Category:5.6142 第二次世界大战 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.117 二十世纪 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:缺翻译