
古生物类纪录片,BBC 频道 2005 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :与巨兽同行
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Walking with Monsters
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :BBC
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2005

继《与龙同行》和《与野兽同行》之后,英国广播公司制作了这套史诗式作品,揭示几亿年前的进化历程 - 牠们都是最古怪,最凶猛和最成功的动物。以最先进的科技和科学研究,让我们亲眼目睹这些既真实,又古怪精奇的恐怖生物。从早期的奇虾,海纳皮冬翼犬 - 第一只水陆两栖动物 - 这全因牠要避开五米长的食肉鱼追捕。陆地上的进化,更造就了更多古怪动物,如帆背巨型猎食者异齿龙;半爬虫,半哺乳动物的掠食怪兽和及其后代会成为恐龙的小型爬虫-帕克鳄。四米长的海蝎子,十呎长并长有狗状头骨的哺乳动物,还有如人类头部般大的巨型蜘蛛…以上提到的并非是在恶梦才会见到的生物,而是在恐龙出现之前,曾经占领地球中的几种动物。


The first episode begins with an illustration of the giant impact hypothesis: approximately 4.4 billion years ago when the Earth was formed, it is conjectured that a planet-like object referred to as Theia collided into the early Earth, dynamically reshaping the Earth and forming the moon. The episode then jumps ahead to the Cambrian Explosion, showing the first diversification of life in the sea. Strange predators called Anomalocaris feed on Trilobites, fight with each other, whereupon the wounded loser is attacked by a school of Haikouichthys, described as the first vertebrate.

The segment moves on to the Silurian period, where Haikouichthys has evolved into the jawless-fish Cephalaspis. The marine scorpion Brontoscorpio pursues a Cephalaspis but falls victim to the giant eurypterid Pterygotus. Later a shoal of Cephalspis migrate into the shallows to spawn, navigating via memory thanks to their advanced (for the time) vertebrate brains. As they cross a shallow embankment, they are ambushed by several Brontoscorpio which are depicted as the first animals capable of walking on land. Several fish are killed but the majority slip past the scorpions and arrive at spawning site.

A short sequence depicts Cephalaspis evolving into Hynerpeton (erroneously bypassing the lobe-finned fish stage), amphibian-like tetrapods. Though capable of terrestrial movement, Hynerpeton have to remain near water to keep moist and reproduce. A lone male Hynerpeton hunting underwater is threatened by predatory fish, at first by a Stethacanthus which is itself eaten by a two- ton Hyneria that chases the amphibian out of the water. After seeing off a rival during the night, the male finds a receptive female at dawn and the two mate at the waters edge. They are ambushed by the Hyneria, which drags herself ashore to grab the fleeing male. Despite his untimely death, the ‘Hynerpeton’ eggs were successfully fertilized and sink into the water to develop. A sequence depicts them acquiring hard shells as the first reptiles evolve.

The episode then moves on to the early Permian, where the swamp-loving trees of the Carboniferous have been replaced with more advanced conifers that are better adapted to survive in a changing climate. Petrolacosaurus has evolved into Edaphosaurus, a pelycosaur (this is impossible, as Petrolacosaurus was a diapsid reptile, related to modern lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and birds, whereas Edaphosaurus was a synapsid reptile, related to modern mammals). They live in herds and have outgrown their arthropod contemporaries in size. A gravid female Dimetrodon, another pelycosaur, hunts down a baby Edaphosaurus, but is forced to abandon her kill when the scent of blood attracts others of her kind, all of which were males. She builds a nest on a hill and is watched by an egg-stealing Seymouria. Some time after laying her eggs, another gravid Dimetrodon tries to take over her nest. After a long duel, the original female drives off the intruder, but is badly injured and fatigued in the process. A male Dimetrodon approaches the now unguarded nest, but luckily kills the thieving Seymouria and leaves the eggs unharmed. The eggs hatch and the mother’s bond with her offspring is severed. The episode ends with the wounded mother joining other adult Dimetrodon in attacking her own young which race to the trees and hide in dung to escape. At the end the narrator says that the reptiles evolve to tighten their grip on land, evolving into “new reptiles.”

The third episode is set in the Late Permian, on the supercontinent Pangaea, which was covered by a vast and inhospitable desert. In this arid climate, early therapsids, which are described as more “mammal-like” than reptile, are shown fighting to survive alongside other animals. The programme starts with an old Scutosaurus, an ancestor of turtles, being killed by a female gorgonopsid which later joins others of her kind at a small waterhole. Other inhabitants of the area include Diictodon, a small burrowing dicynodont. In the pool itself is a starving labyrinthodont that ambushes the female gorgonopsid in desperation and quickly retreats. A herd of Scutosaurus arrive and eventually drink the waterhole dry. The female gorgonopsid tries to dig out a pair of Diictodons but is unsuccessful. Upon returning to the waterhole, she unearths the labyrinthodont wrapped in a “cocoon” which it utilized to survive drought. In a torpid state, it is helpless and quickly killed. The gorgonopsid is eventually killed by a sandstorm which is a foreshadowing of the oncoming Permian-Triassic extinction event.


BBC 远古生命同行系列

内容 自然科学类 古生物 古生代 寒武纪 奥陶纪 志留纪 泥盆纪 石炭纪 二叠纪


Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:2005 Category:Kenneth Branagh Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.6 古生物 Category:3.61 古生代 Category:3.611 寒武纪 Category:3.612 奥陶纪 Category:3.613 志留纪 Category:3.614 泥盆纪 Category:3.615 石炭纪 Category:3.616 二叠纪 Category:缺翻译