
自然科学类纪录片,PBS 频道 2009 年出品。

The-National-Parks- America-s-Best-Idea-Cover.jpg

  • 中文片名 :国家公园: 美国最佳创意
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :The National Parks: America’s Best Idea
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :PBS
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 111-131 分钟/集
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2009

本系列纪录影片拍摄历时六年有余,囊括了美国最壮观的自然景观,从阿卡迪亚到约塞米蒂,从黄石到大峡谷,从佛罗里达沼泽到阿拉斯加北极冰盖。国家公园:美国最伟大的理念,是一部关于人的纪录片,一群来自你所能想见的各种背景的人,富人和穷人,名人和普通人,军人和科学家,原住民和新移民,空想家,艺术家还有企业家,所有的人都致力于保存这片深爱着的土地上珍贵的景致,并以此提醒身边的人们,民主国家的真正含义。Ken Burns为此拍摄了这部具有纪念意义的六集纪录片,并在PBS电视台播放,每集约两小时。本片并未把重点放在领略各个国家公园的自然风光上面,而是聚焦在国家公园的历史上,从19世纪的开端一直到1970年代。Burns将国家公园的历史融入整个美国的历史,从西部开拓到汽车时代的降临,从大萧条到二战后旅游热。约塞米蒂,黄石和大峡谷在所有国家公园中资格最老也最受欢迎,因此成了Burns讲述历史的核心。美国还有其他55座国家公园,其中一些在本片中占有重要位置,如,科罗拉多梅萨维德国家公园,佛罗里达大沼泽,Great Smoky Mountains (North Carolina and Tennessee),缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园以及阿拉斯加州麦金利山。Burns并不想为某些特定的国家公园做广告,他试图颂扬自然界的壮阔与美丽,提醒人们警惕过度商业化,伐木,采矿和大规模放牧。



In 1851, word spreads across the country of a beautiful area of California’s Yosemite Valley, attracting visitors who wish to exploit the land’s scenery for commercial gain and those who wish to keep it pristine. Among the latter is a Scottish-born wanderer named John Muir, for whom protecting the land becomes a spiritual calling. In 1864, Congress passes an act that protects Yosemite from commercial development for “public use, resort and recreation” – the first time in world history that any government has put forth this idea – and hands control of the land to California. Meanwhile, a “wonderland” in the northwest corner of the Wyoming territory attracts visitors to its bizarre landscape of geysers, mud pots and sulfur pits. In 1872, Congress passes an act to protect this land as well. Since it is located in a territory, rather than a state, it becomes America’s first national park: Yellowstone.



By the end of the 19th century, widespread industrialization has left many Americans worried about whether the country – once a vast wilderness – will have any pristine land left. At the same time, poachers in the parks are rampant, and visitors think nothing of littering or carving their names near iconic sites like Old Faithful. Congress has yet to establish clear judicial authority or appropriations for the protection of the parks. This sparks a conservation movement by organizations such as the Sierra Club, led by John Muir; the Audubon Society, led by George Bird Grinnell; and the Boone and Crockett Club, led by Theodore Roosevelt. The movement fails, however, to stop San Francisco from building the Hetch Hetchy dam at Yosemite, flooding Muir’s “mountain temple” and leaving him broken-hearted before he dies.



In the early 20th century, America has a dozen national parks, but they are a haphazard patchwork of special places under the supervision of different federal agencies. The conservation movement, after failing to stop the Hetch Hetchy dam, pushes the government to establish one unified agency to oversee all the parks, leading to the establishment of the National Park Service in 1916. Its first director, Stephen Mather, a wealthy businessman and passionate park advocate who fought vigorously to establish the NPS, launches an energetic campaign to expand the national park system and bring more visitors to the parks. Among his efforts is to protect the Grand Canyon from encroaching commercial interests and establish it as a national park, rather than a national monument.



While visiting the parks was once predominantly the domain of Americans wealthy enough to afford the high-priced train tours, the advent of the automobile allows more people than ever before to visit the parks. Mather embraces this opportunity and works to build more roads in the parks. Some park enthusiasts, such as Margaret and Edward Gehrke of Nebraska, begin “collecting” parks, making a point to visit as many as they can. In North Carolina, Horace Kephart, a reclusive writer, and George Masa, a Japanese immigrant, launch a campaign to protect the last strands of virgin forest in the Smoky Mountains by establishing it as a park. In Wyoming, John D. Rockefeller Jr. begins quietly buying up land in the Teton Mountain Range and valley in a secret plan to donate it to the government as a park.



To battle unemployment in the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt creates the Civilian Conservation Corps, which spawns a “golden age” for the parks through major renovation projects. In a groundbreaking study, a young NPS biologist named George Melendez Wright discovers widespread abuses of animal habitats and pushes the service to reform its wildlife policies. Congress narrowly passes a bill to protect the Everglades in Florida as a national park – the first time a park has been created solely to preserve an ecosystem, as opposed to scenic beauty. As America becomes entrenched in World War II, Roosevelt is pressured to open the parks to mining, grazing and lumbering. The president also is subjected to a storm of criticism for expanding the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming by accepting a gift of land secretly purchased by John D. Rockefeller Jr.



Following World War II, the parks are overwhelmed as visitation reaches 62 million people a year. A new billion-dollar campaign – Mission 66 – is created to build facilities and infrastructure that can accommodate the flood of visitors. A biologist named Adolph Murie introduces the revolutionary notion that predatory animals, which are still hunted, deserve the same protection as other wildlife. In Florida, Lancelot Jones, the grandson of a slave, refuses to sell to developers his family’s property on a string of unspoiled islands in Biscayne Bay and instead sells it to the federal government to be protected as a national monument. In the late 1970s, President Jimmy Carter creates uproar in Alaska when he sets aside 56 million acres of land for preservation – the largest expansion of protected land in history. In 1995, wolves are re- established in Yellowstone, making the world’s first national park a little more like what it once was.



Peter Coyote

内容 自然科学类 地球科学 陆域地形 水域地形 生物学 动物 植物
应用科学类 环科/环保
社会科学类 社会
史地类 历史 十九世纪 二十世纪 地理 美洲 北美洲
  • 维基百科:美国国家公园

Category:片名 Category:PBS Category:2009 Category:Ken Burns Category:Peter Coyote Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.54 陆域地形 Category:3.55 水域地形 Category:3.7 生物学 Category:3.73 动物 Category:3.74 植物 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.76 环科/环保 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.116 十九世纪 Category:6.117 二十世纪 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译