
古生物类纪录片,ITV 频道 2006 年出品。


  • 中文片名 :史前公园
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Prehistoric Park
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :ITV
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :普通话/英语
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2006

《史前公园》( Prehistoric Park )是【与恐龙共舞】原班金奖制作群最新力作,由国际知名生物探险家马文生动主持。数位3D电脑创作的年代发达以来,若是真要说3D绘图对于这世界的帮助,那大概就是让我们幼时许多天真浪漫的梦想成真了!然而自从3D电影、动画与游戏的泛滥,在过度的视觉刺激当中,呈现出有点虚假又近乎真实的影像,似乎让大多数人都遗忘了些什幺东西,而《史前公园》(中文DVD译名:史前公园)正是一部唤醒大众智识且非常特殊的3D虚拟纪录片。本片很单纯地藉由近似一般常见于Discovery Channel 频道上的生物纪录片手法,描述生物探险家Nigel Marven重返恐龙尚未灭绝的年代去补抓即将绝种的恐龙群回到现代饲养于「史前公园」当中。

《史前公园》假设时光机器已经发明完成的年代,因为想要建造一个「史前公园」饲养灭绝生物的计画,因此由生物探险家奈吉(Nigel Marven)使用此装备返回过去捕获恐龙,由于采用纪录片模式,因此也有很多险象环生的意外情形发生,片中并有史前公园管理长鲍伯以及兽医苏珊细心照顾被带回史前公园照料的恐龙们,因为是从未接触过的生物,所以也有许多小差错与研究的经过呈现其中。


Nigel travels back 65 million years to track down the devastating predator and undoubted king of the dinosaurs: the Tyrannosaurus rex. His search begins in Montana, North America, where many fossilized remains of this formidable creature have been found. Montana would look a strange place to us now; grass would not evolve for another 30 million years and volcanoes dominated the landscape, but you would recognise the trees the Monkey Puzzle, we still have them today and that pretty much makes them living fossils!

Nigel travels back 10,000 years to the end of the Great Ice Age when Britain was still attached to Europe. As the Earth warmed up it forced the last remaining mammoths back to colder, more remote places like Siberia. Weighing in anywhere between four to six tonnes these herbivores needed plenty of grass and shrubs to sustain their huge bulk and with the Earth warming, forests were overwhelming the grasslands, denying them vital food and threatening their survival. But as Nigel finds out, it wasnt just the climate that threatened these once highly successful creatures.

Nigel now decides to pay a visit to the China of 125 million years ago: the early Cretaceous period. It was here that experts made a recent and extraordinary discovery: a tiny fossilized dinosaur with feathers. They have called the creature Microraptor, giving the scientific community its strongest evidence to-date that birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs.

Today we have five species of big cat, in the past there have been 30 and Nigel decides to rescue the most famous extinct prehistoric feline of all: the Sabre Tooth. Often referred to as the Sabre Tooth Tiger, this is incorrect as the creature was not a tiger but a big cat. Three million years ago the Smilodon, or Sabre Tooth, was top predator in North America and, when the landmasses of North and South came together, it entered the territory of South Americas top carnivore, the Phorusrhacid or Terror Bird: a three-metre tall flightless flesh eater!

Insects and other invertebrates have always fascinated Nigel and the remote Scottish Island of Arran offers him some clues about one of the Parks next guests. The rocks of the island date back some 300 million years and reveal fossilized tracks of an Arthropleura: a giant arthropod, much like our millipede and centipedes today, only this one grew to the size of a man. Not only giant centipedes but also oversized scorpions and dragonflies populated a hot and boggy Scotland, which, at that time, sat on the Equator.

In his most dangerous mission to date, Nigel has decided to travel back to prehistoric Texas, 75 million years ago, to find and bring back a colossal 50-foot long Cretaceous crocodile: Deinosuchus. There were more species of dinosaur alive at this point in prehistoric North America than at any other time, so Nigel’s quarry won’t be the only predator stalking the shoreline…

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内容 自然科学类 古生物 古生代 石炭纪 中生代 侏罗纪 白垩纪 新生代 更新世

  • 维基百科:恐龙

Category:片名 Category:ITV Category:2006 Category:Nigel Marven Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.6 古生物 Category:3.61 古生代 Category:3.615 石炭纪 Category:3.62 中生代 Category:3.621 三叠纪 Category:3.622 侏罗纪 Category:3.623 白垩纪 Category:3.63 新生代 Category:3.636 更新世 Category:8.0019 长毛象 Category:缺翻译